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    Where there is plenty of girls.

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    Phichit province

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  1. In the UK when I went in to a cafe for breakfast, the tea (I don't like coffee) always came immediately which meant that by the time the breakfast came the tea was only slightly warm. I then always asked the waitress to take the cup away and give me a fresh cup. I really believe it was a ploy to get you to buy two cups, which never worked with me.
  2. I went into an Advice store and asked to see one, so the assistant took me and showed me one on a screen. I asked to see a real one, he just looked at me as if I was daft, I just walked away. This was a big store in Nakhon Sawan. Why could he not just show me one? Don't they have them in stock? No wonder the poster has to think about getting one delivered by Lazada or an online computer shop.
  3. I was advised by a kind poster to install Glary Utilities for keeping my computer clean. I am very pleased with it, but can anyone tell me why every day or two, a notice comes up on the bottom right of my screen telling me to upgrade it, so I find myself always downloading it again. Can anyone tell me why this happens?
  4. Motorbikes riders on the wrong side of the road. People riding motorbikes with overloud exhausts. Underage kids riding motorbikes. Motorbikes riding on sidewalks. Shirtless guys in public, and not just farangs.
  5. True, probably has about the same IQ as the Somchai in the street.
  6. "Uncle Tu's intense love for the nation". No wonder! He led an illegal coup, then stayed as PM for nine years and got stinking rich into the bargain. It's only a matter of time before some soldier does the exact same thing again.
  7. If this GFM page is the way the mother wrote it, and assuming she is a Native English Speaker. It does not say much for her education writing a long story like this with no comma's or paragraphs.
  8. and have IO's all over the country having the same rules so everyone knows where they stand.
  9. You cannot be sure of anything in this country.
  10. I was only in the country during the last year of Thaksins premiership so do not know a lot about him. What over 2000 people did he kill? If they were child abusers, murderers, rapists or drug dealers etc, then they did not deserve a place it this world. I am not in agreement with the death penalty for only one reason, there are always people charged who were innocent. If it can be proven 100% beyond all doubt that anyone is guilty, then yes, give them the death penalty.
  11. What about the soldier who led an illegal coup in 2014 and stayed for nine years? He was a worse tyrant then any Shinawatra.
  12. Maybe I'm wrong but was the last democratically elected PM not also a Shinawatra? Yingluk, or something like that?
  13. No! Only the shirtless ones.
  14. and are you proud of that? I just wish you could be caught, jailed and put off the road before you cause some innocent person serious injury or even death.
  15. I nearly always agree with your posts Mike, but I cannot accept the we are guests in Thailand. I realise that you are probably using the word "guests" as just a figure of speech. Us retiree's are treated appalling by the Thai government and their very questionable immigration issues, and going by your posts I think you agree with that.
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