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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. Its not just thailand this happen!! Its just as bad in the uk!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Just in case you missed it, this story is about THAILAND.. why bring up the UK or any other country... dim wit. Why is it so many people, on this forum go way off on a tangent...

  2. Bags go through an x-ray machine before you check in right? I guess the machine wouldn't pick up the fertilizer, but isn't there a guy looking at a screen? Wouldn't a bag full of fertilizer look strange and warrant having a look? Its not the shape of usual stuff you take on a trip. Maybe the security is in place but it just wasn't effectively executed.

    It should have shown up as "organic" material and then raised, by a "competent" operator, for investigation.

  3. Thing is, we choose to move to Thailand instead of staying in our own heavenly countries where all is so perfect, I wonder why that is ?

    Maybe all is not so well in farangland.

    in other words...if you dont like it go home....easy again....but a predictable post.

    Yeah, I agree, another deadbeat, predictable, non informative, waste of time comment. Why can't these fools either not post or add any intelligent comments.

    • Like 2
  4. If you're not aware, smartphones charge twice as fast in airplane mode.


    I did not know that.

    Also, if you use a higher amperage wall wart charger, 2.5 instead of 1 amp, it will charge much faster.

    Bullshit, the phones charging circuit only charges at its rate not at the power packs rating. The only reason they would charge faster in airplane mode is that you have turned OFF some features, so there is less power being used while putting power in, so, turning the phone OFF it will then charge even quicker, but in reality who wants to remember to turn things off... then remember to turn things on... eg, if you turn airplane mode on... then you MUST remember to turn it off...stupid idea.

  5. Don't use it so bloody much, my Samsung S4 still has close to 68% charge when I plug it into power, usually around 10pm, what are you expecting form a "computer" that can make calls. In most cases it's the screen that uses most of the power. Having software that tells you what apps are running, simply means you have another app running, after a short time you do not look at it in order to turn some apps off. Get a life, get off the phone. "Smart" phones, dumb people.

    • Like 1
  6. Enforce the need for a teaching degree in Thailand and give the kids a fair go-the vast majority of teachers without teacher training and experience are making it difficult for those who do/have. This nonsense that good teachers don't have to have appropriate training needs to be debunked. How many of the advocates in here are qualified to make a good judgement that these unqualified people are indeed capable teachers? Would you see a doctor because they claim to be human and get sick and are therefore qualified to practice medicine? Would you fly with a pilot who claims they can fly because they launched a kite... take on a lawyer who only had the experience of being in court for a youthful transgression? For goodness sake, if you aren't trained as a teacher it stands to reason you are unlikely to be a capable teacher. If you are serious, do the hard yards, get the training and make a decent job of it or get the hell out.

    I have a problem, a degree does NOT make you a teacher, it simply means you can pass exams. By definition a teacher is "one that teaches; especially : one whose occupation is to instruct. All you people who condemn non "qualified" teachers... stick it. I have seen so many "qualified" teachers that are simply failures, but then I have seen many "unqualified" teachers who surpass those with their degrees.

    • Like 1
  7. There are a lot of you that are prejudice towards "unqualified" teachers, most who teach English, let me say this, and I hope your THINK skulls understand what I am saying. These people teach because there are NOT enough English teaching teachers, these people, in most cases teach a better level of English than the majority of Thai teachers teaching English, if you have any decency then you should show some support, NOT condemnation, many of you behave more poorly than the kids you teach, like many teachers you have never grown up, and show the same lack of maturity as those kids in school, at least most will leave the school system and mature, unlike many of you. PS, I am NOT a teacher, or teaching English.

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  8. I'm not a techy.

    We're on CAT and live in Pattaya. After two and a half years very reliable service (usually 10mbs + when we pay for 7mbs) we have been constantly plagued with down time and poor speed since the power lines were taken down by Suthep and his supporters last month. We had the technician around yesterday who explained that the repercussions of the taking down and then reconnecting the power in Bangkok were severe with servers and other hardware breaking and not coming back on line. Allegedly the server network now requires some major maintenance and most of it is work in progress.

    Certainly this explanation seems to cover why the issues are not confined to one area/locality.

    My background is a telecommunications tech, with Telstra, Australia's largest ISP. It's interesting to compare companies, in Australia the ISP's equipment runs on UPS's, with diesel generators on standby, the UPS's provide power until the generators start and are providing stable mains power. Looks like Thailand doesn't follow best practices, but I guess we all know that. Another failure, in Thailand, is that the ISP's do not have back up (diversity) bearers (links).

  9. Suradit69, on 28 Dec 2013 - 16:36, said:
    SneekyPete, on 28 Dec 2013 - 12:07, said:

    “We don’t have any plans to put up speed limit signs because we assume people already know what the limits are,” said Lt Col Rungrit Rattanapagdee of the Phuket City Traffic Police Police.

    That is, at least, a naive statement. In countries where driver education is much more rigourous and licences are issued more strictly, speed limit signs abound. Why? People simply need to know. Sheesh! This is a representative of the city's traffic police? It all starts and ends with education.

    "speed limit signs abound. Why?"

    Because some people in those countries are dim witted?

    Maybe we need to erect signs that say: Don't jump off balconies. Don't overstay your permission-to-stay. Don't apply for an ED visa if you don't want to study. Ignorance of the law is no defense.

    Or even: Don't get drunk and start fights. Don't kill people. Don't take things that don't belong to you.

    "Why? People simply need to know. Sheesh! "

    Dim witted, a bit like your comment. Can anyone, with any brains, really say it is safe to drive at 80kph through Phuket city, also, where are the city limits. As for 90kph along the bypass road, really, in what other country would you be doing that in a built up area, sheer stupidity.

    • Like 1
  10. khunpa, on 25 Dec 2013 - 18:16, said:
    txp158, on 25 Dec 2013 - 18:01, said:

    Then you are living in a la la land. You probably think parents hate their own children when you see the kids get punished.

    When I see parents hitting their children here in Thailand (which I sometimes see), then I think that the parents are stupid, under-educated and should never had had children... They for sure do not get my respect.

    Since Homo erectus evolved, approx. 2 million years ago, we have disciplined our kids with "corporal" punishment, just as all animals discipline their off spring, it is only in the last 40 or 50 years that this form of punishment has been seen, by some cultures, as being wrong, WELL! now we see an increase of kids showing little to no respect for their parents , teachers, police, in fact towards many people. There is a saying, you should know the meaning of "spare the rod and spoil the child." Don't get me wrong, I do NOT advocate "bashing, but a light smack can work wonders. Kids need to learn that there are consequences for their actions.

  11. Nibbles48, on 24 Dec 2013 - 18:09, said:

    You think its bad now?

    Wait till Asean 2015. Then you will see how many Thais will have their jobs taken by foreigners.

    For a sneak preview, go look at the UK right now.

    The problem with many Thais is that they believe they should have a job, even though they are not capable of doing it. A very strange attitude.

    • Like 1
  12. Bluespunk, on 25 Dec 2013 - 07:56, said:

    More utter nonsense coming from yingluck. I'm assuming this was an unscripted, spur of the moment policy statement. Repair centres disappearing? Send in students to do a job they may not be capable of rather than ensure there are centres. Teachers not sure about using tablets? Send in students who are not trained to teach or guide the student's educational use of tablets, rather than have inset for teachers that will enable them to incorporate tablets into their teaching.

    Apart from a few connectors, there's very little a "technology" student can do. The manufactures do not sell diagnostic equipment, applications or for that matter circuit diagrams on how the tablets work, they are for all intents and purposes a throw away item. This is/was just another bungled scheme.

  13. MAJIC, on 25 Dec 2013 - 03:45, said:

    Depriving Children of Christmas,is taking away part of their childhood. And just because you are a miserable old skinflint.

    And did you ever read Charles Dicken's "A Christmas Carol" ?

    Then you encourage other cultures taking religious holidays/celebrations form others. If these kids have never experienced Christmas why introduce them to it, if they are growing up in Thailand, celebrate Thai culture, or do you think they should also be introduced to Ramadan, Passover or any other cultural celebrations.

  14. I don't believe the dribble I see on this forum, we have one person saying Australia is a "fascist" nation, load of rot, you need to learn what fascism is and another saying it's becoming a communist state...grow up people. This story is about a judgement from the High Court, this courts responsibility is to interpret the law, not make, or change, it. Anyone here with a problem with the law needs to approach the Australian Government, I might add a democratically elected government, and partition the law makers to change the law not bitch on here about the High Courts ruling.

    • Like 2
  15. Jingthing, on 06 Dec 2013 - 19:57, said:Jingthing, on 06 Dec 2013 - 19:57, said:

    Sorry to say the Thais would generally assume you're the bad f-rang unless you know them personally ...

    So what, good farang or bad, makes no difference, the guy was robbed, so are you condoning theft, it seems you and others on here are. Piss poor attitude. This is why the "thieving" Thais will never change.

  16. petertucker48, on 05 Dec 2013 - 10:56, said:
    hansgruber, on 05 Dec 2013 - 06:17, said:

    Who needs maths when you have an iPhone with a calculator.

    Go to shop buy something for ฿48 give young girl ฿100.

    Girl gets calculator out to workout change !!!!!!!! <deleted>

    Many of my Thai family and friends are still stunned by me being able to do maths mentally, they simply are not taught mental arithmetic, hence they reach for the calculator.

  17. Good post great question.

    To me, as long as we are guests in their country, there is a strong love it or leave it logic. But We (some of us) do bring some good here. So it would be nice to get along.

    My biggest hit was expectations and education My dose was when we were robbed in Pattaya our 1st or 2nd month there. It was a lack of education and experience. Still Hand Choppingly miffed 3 years later. Personally I tried to get over that by remembering that people get robbed in NYC also. I do however dream of catching them with my axe

    Next I try not to take it for granted when we do meet genuinely nice hard working people. While I NEVER trust Thais to do electrical work without a dose of concern, I have met plenty of honest folks. When we have gotten screwed, the lack of access to courts (sue them and youll have a problem) does leave me with the feeling that I will always be outside the circle -- No matter how long we stay.

    And lets not confuse miserable with amazed. Hanging power lines two feet off the ground, scaffolding from a Dr Seuss fable. holes in the sidewalk plenty big enough to swallow Farangs and Elephants. On and on

    Finally Its the heat. Spend enough time in the heat and even the guy giving out free baht might just get the grumpy look. If it wasn't for my wife's Jai Di, i'd be in a major heap of trouble ...

    Hate to ruin your day, BUT, you are NOT a "guest," to be a "guest" you need to be invited, check the definition. You, I assume like the rest of us, had to obtain a visa, this gives you permission to enter the kingdom, which means you are a visitor. Would you treat a "guest" the same way farang are treated?

    Smashing! Two of our perennial favourites in one thread. And what about the driving, eh? Let's see if we can get them all in...

    Where can I buy peanut butter in South-East Samutprakarn?


    You just did.

  18. I'm a little disappointed that no-one has actually answered the OP's post. It's lovely that there are so many people leaping out of the woorwork to boast about how happy they are, and I know a lot of people are doing their best with their condescending explanations of why they think other people are unhappy, but we haven't had any responses from miserable old bar-flies explaining why they don't go home, and perhaps why they are miserable in Thailand.

    I know Transam did his best, and at least he's old, but unfortunately he's a bit too cheery and contented to really give a credible opinion.

    Unfortunately, I don't know any miserable old men. Perhaps, like rugby union bigots, they exist only in the perception of others; to the best of my knowledge all the people I know will quite happily watch either code, and despite an occasional somber or weary countenance, are actually quite content.


    Mmm..the OP didn't actually say "miserable old men," he said "miserable farangs." Be buggered how "miserable old men" becomes an issue, misery does not distinguish between ages.

    It's because of the elevators (lifts). Everyone knows the elevators don't work but the young guys don't mind the 10 story walk to jump off of the buildings. The old guys look at the, "Elevator No Work" sign and just go back and have another beer.


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