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  1. Sounds like a tough school ....... it must have been approved !
  2. G sounds very biblical , I seem to remember there was the business about letting them eat cake , or was it coke ! Now how did that all work out for them ?
  3. For 300,000 I would have to have a serious conversation with my wife ...............
  4. Folk I bet you are or were a hard task master to work under ! Breaking rocks , chains..... Christ !
  5. I always thought the Pattaya Natural History Museum was a bit neglected but nothing to complain about really . ...
  6. Well RobU if your walking in front of a flag it may not be too bad ?
  7. Is it too early to start the " Bring Jamie Back Home " - campaign ?
  8. Jim1000


    Not in 2006 on Jomtien beach road , apart from the Tulip bar bear Rich Man Poor Man . Have you just arrived ???
  9. Jim1000


    So which bars were throwing water ?
  10. What money? Every small business I know has shut up shop and fled ??
  11. Jim1000


    My first day in Jomtien in 2005 was Sonkran .I walked the length of the beach to Soi Chayaprek not seeing a pistol. Did I dream this ??
  12. Strangly not the first time ,T Cullen Davies the Dallas 1970'S millionaire dressed in women's clothes and shot his wife+ lover.Aquited after many trials .Can't quite get my head around the US justice system !
  13. I wonder what kind of employment awaits him back in Swiss ? Elephant herder doesn't sound right somehow ?

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