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  1. Shut up I have a Ford ranger listen it can be an old little Chevrolet it can be a rusty old smokey old little two-door Toyota. I thought people in the South don't even bother with Fords
  2. How about having your funds in a Bkk income funds account. You can get the bank to print off the statement and stamp it . Will immigration accept that? Each immigration office different.
  3. So stupid you make make this <deleted> up. I have had numerous people staying for 60 days 90 days paying good money
  4. Why would you need anybody to file your taxes when the office will do everything for you for free
  5. As people mention on here there's only one place to live and there's only one walking street. In the whole country
  6. How many has this been now over the last few years
  7. Like I said it can be from any establishment a hotel or anything you just need to show one in the last 90 days it does not need to be currently where you're staying.
  8. There's no way she can get over £ 2,000 a month on benefits> Good luck living on Thailand even on any benefits from the UK including your pension.
  9. You don't pay tax in Thailand is a digital nomad.
  10. It doesn't matter what you have it's the land and. Chanote nothing to do with the building on the site or not. And your TM30 only has to be done once in the last 3 months it doesn't need to be exactly the current place That's if your ass for one and you're only asked for one when you're in the tourist immigration areas
  11. First place I was taken when I arrived in London back in 1992. What's more offending is nudity on the beaches of Brighton and Sitges with no bushes or shrubs for them to be hidden behind.
  12. You don't have to show them any bank statements you don't have to show them any proof of earnings from your condos you don't have to show them any deductions to claim your 30% rebate back. You just tell them the amounts sign your return form pay whatever you want to pay job done.
  13. As a foreigner you shouldn't have your name inside of any Blue book! However having your name in a blue book doesn't mean anything The only thing that is protecting you is having your name written on the back of the Chonote or on the Chonote as the owner of the condo. Blue books can be replaced by your district office chanotes are only dealt with at the land office. Look at the chanote forget a out the blue book. Also you can quest the condo buildings chanote as a co- owner or with permission or smile.
  14. Go get a sign made with the house number and address on it. The following was given yesterday. This it is obvious out of date cuz it's still mentioning wife not your spouse or partner.
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