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Posts posted by arick

  1. On 11/4/2022 at 6:31 AM, gerrytraveller said:

    Please tell me where I can buy 5 rai for 300k that is Chanote or Nor sor sam. If you do not have that then your "lease contract" is totally null and voidable..

    Old lady in Chumpae she runs the ice factory on the south side of the highway  age did want us to take another 10. Rai for another 600,000 

  2. 5 hours ago, LivingNThailand said:

    You haven't missed much.  I used to be in media and the Conde Nast sales team were arrogant and self centered.  They said their reader were peerless.  I always remember them when I read one of their "Reader Choice Awards".  I wonder how much $ these resorts paid in advertising in their magazine.  As they say, Follow the money.

    Free stays in A thai resort 

  3. Just now, jacko45k said:

    Well I control and test the pool to keep it optimum twice a week, but seem to only smell it odd mornings. 

    No swimming anyways its been raining every day then proably will get cold 


  4. On 10/4/2022 at 3:12 PM, French mate said:

    French are covered for free only in France and to some extended conditions in the UE.
    Its true we can apply to a gouvernement international heal assurance that have is advantages and some fall back too. But its not free and for many like me the private sector offert better deal.

    Well in the UK they have no international coverage to buy acceeot through private insurance 

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