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Posts posted by arick

  1. 2 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    My 5 year old has not been in public kindergarten / school since april and current projection from the school is MAY. Absolutely ridiculous government doing this to the kids. I'm lucky my wife is ex kindergarten teacher, but the average Thai with work is really struggling i would suggest.

    I agree the little kids haven't been to school more like a year. It's shocking The teachers all live in the village across the street from all the little kids and the school but aren't allowed to open the school makes no since at all. At least they had some education by a qualified teacher myself driving past  them everyday. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    "9 pm annoying the residents with loud noise from music." other witnesses .

    You have to be careful ,even sounding your horn at another driver ,when

    he's cut in front of you , can lead to injury or death, does not take much to

    set them off , and many carry all kinds of weapons in their vehicles .but it

    seems to have gotten worse in last few years.

    regards worgeordie

    Sounding your horn when they try to side swipe you and then pull in front of you and slam on their brakes in the middle of a three lane motorway.  Yes they are so Buddhist and loveky in Bangkok! With more army stickers on their cheap truck then you csn count 

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