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Posts posted by arick

  1. 46 minutes ago, paahlman said:

    correct.. Even with saltwater chlorination it is useful and if not mandatory to now and then "shock chlorinate" it a little bit now and then .. Depending on rain etc.. The weather in other words... Salt should be main source though for the chlorinator to do its work.


    I even put a couple of tablespoons of chlorine in the water tanks for the house. 

  2. 56 minutes ago, paahlman said:

    Increase either or both the salt amount in the pool OR increase the flow of the pump thus resulting in more salt passing the chlorinator. Make sure chlorinator is correct spec according to the size of the pool(often meassuerd in m3 on chlorinators) a "normal" home pool for example of 8x5=40m3. Chlorinators have this in the specs.

    My pool is roughly the same size for years we just throw a few scopes of chlorine in every week after cleaning and dump a bag of salt once a month not rocket science but it works 

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  3. On 9/23/2022 at 5:00 PM, Kenny202 said:

    I went to local Amphur in Chaiyaphum to do a yellow book. Idiot there insisted on bringing 3 witnesses, including a teacher or doctor and the poh yai baan and gunman. Said would be a lengthy process and all would be required for a full day. Stupid tw@t making out like he was granting me permanent residency or something. All in the hope I would go away and leave him alone. They were the worst office I ever dealt with. Walk in and they were all playing with their phones or reading newspapers. Sneer at you like you had dog shet on your shoes...Thai and farang alike. Saw them send an elderly Thai man back home one day after travelling an hour to get there to change his shorts to long pants as he wasnt showing them the proper respect. Disgusting human beings. I didnt bother in the end. Been told over and over only advantage of a yellow book no residency cert needed for DMV

    I had the run around for years in a chiayohum District Then we called Buriam and they explained all you need is a visa and passport and had my yellow book that day and the house book of were you live 

  4. 34 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    i pay 100 baht with no card


    3 hours ago, puchooay said:

    Either done long ago or in error at an office that didn't know the rules.


    Not so long ago my local office denied any knowledge of the yellow book. 


    I would very much doubt anyone would get into the blue book now. 





    I have/own three blue books and my name isn't in one of them. 

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