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Everything posted by arick

  1. Take pictures of the cameras and the video of you in the lounge. And disable them. Let's him sue you and dont pay your last month's rent look for a new villa I am sure there are hundreds sitting empty.
  2. Yesterday your PM 2.5 were already moderate
  3. It beautiful but not chiang mai city. I drove to Nan Province then on the road of car sick to Chaing Rai went to the large tea plantation. There is no people so you have it all to yourself. Outside of Chiang mai plenty of nice places
  4. The museum was open also. She took pictures of us to show her boss. We were her first visitors in 18 months.
  5. I would imagine he kept a low profile. Especially after it making the news
  6. Was it intened for the millions of Thais that can't read and write and the other million that don't have phones
  7. Thanks for this post I checked my vaccine certificate he has my names but someone's else's ID number
  8. Just keep a photo of it on your phone! 555 and email yourself a photo of it. Forget the stupid app. You have a certificate and proof of vaccine so who and where do you need a ministry of health certificate to travel
  9. Because they havent finished paying for the car loan
  10. Many people are thinking of getting out of CM and going to places like KK where there is less virus. Many people in CM are not vaccinated. A lawyer took the virus to the courts so they are all online again. The land offices are empty. Central Festival was busy. I saw and heard about three planes a day planes a day. Buy you hsve to remember we just had a long weekend
  11. What is the purpose of the app when you have vaccine certificate and your already on the national data base.
  12. Exactly just a hand fall of x pays with their partners and a gig returning
  13. I can prefer pork roast to beef. PORK is actually better thrn beef. There was one famous football coach that made his players only eat pork and not beefPork is actually richer in thiamine, a B vitamin required for a range of bodily functions, than other red meats like beef and lamb
  14. Maybe i will be a good Buddha and stick to pork
  15. I live in Chiayaphum I will be back in a few days from Chiang mai. So I will be able to catch and cook my own chicken slaughter my own cows and pigs harvest my own rice and sugar. Sell fish from my pond. Pick fruit from my trees go mushroom hunting on the mountain. 555 I haven't heard a rooster here in Chiang Mai since have been here. PM the link for the place Sakon Nakhon.
  16. It's not an Americian School.. Think SW London/Public Schools around the capital.
  17. Your totally missing the point. My remark was regarding the person comment of Private and Public schools causing an unfair Society a two tier system.
  18. I don't know if it is Chiang Mai. But in Makro Australia sirloin used to be 5??/kilo now it is 759/kilo up over 200 baht per kilo since last year. A few other things have double in price also. I was here last month and big C had pork on sale special offer 199/ kilo this week it at a normal price of 139/kilo
  19. I am tutoring a girl Phyics IGCSE she had no clue of even what exam board she was taking at her school! This school is charging 900,000 a year tuition.
  20. The time you leave Heathrow with all the mess there you will have an extra evening to think about it. Dont worry.
  21. I guess everybody will just go to Singapore. Where there is no visa and no quarantine
  22. I had 37 baht taken out on the 9th five times at 02:00. I called the bank they asked if I play games. Canceled my cards and have to pay for new one. I made a bank insurance laim last year under the banks card insurance and the insurance/ bank send me an email and attached was two spread sheets of customer names with their debit card number and expire dates. So go figure. It's not just Thailand 5 years ago I had £60k taken out of my Natwest UK account in small amounts over three months and that was refunded within 24hrs
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