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Posts posted by arick

  1. Can a property devopler company take out a loan on the developments chanote which that  the company owns before the existing condo units are tranfered. The condo units have already been prepaid in full.

    I am aware the officer at the Land Office will want to see the loaner in person before issuing the tranfer for the condo unit. To have their permission. 

    My lawyer says yes they can mortgage the land others are saying no. 

    If you havd factual knowledge or documents articles gratfully appreciated. 

  2. On 1/14/2021 at 5:56 AM, zzaa09 said:

    Of course you can...if you know how to get through the loopholes - which is not a real challenge.

    Most are not knowledgeable enough to look into what is and what isn't, repeating and believing the same old myths.

    I also did a usufruct. It showed me the true character of my  partner allowing me to so it. Its mine until I die I am free to lease it out so want I want with it. Lawyers trying to get you do a lease dont like to know you went and did it. There are some lawyers saying  problems may occur for married couples though. Another post claim they have ro have a court remove the usufruct I would imgine that would be just as easy for your Thai partner to do  as a farang to walk in and get a usufruct. Courts decide with the cunsumer being your Thai wife 

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 1/13/2021 at 3:05 PM, mangyH2obuffalo said:

    I moved out the end of August.  The place was arranged by an agency, so I guess they will file some lawsuit or something on my behalf.  Is there anything I can do to have more teeth?  I had remembered someone saying before I could tell her I am going to file a complaint with such and such agency because most property owners don't pay their taxes and notifying such and such agency would put a squeeze on her to give me my money back.


    I want to name and shame but the defamation law here could bite me.  Maybe when I leave the country I will before I relocate.


     A rich girl who mommy and daddy gave a property to rent out.  She is horrible with money and wrote us a threatening letter after we paid the first months rent.  We paid it on time according to the date written in the contract and had to show her.......a real idiot.  In our last month there she constantly sent potential new buyers to our place without any notice.  These things are a bit off topic, but add to the anger of her overall behavior.......


    Anyways, if you have been in this situation or know what to do please share.......please 130,000 baht is a lot of money. ????   It was a nice apartment arranged by my wife's employer.

    Can just file a civil case. Easy to do with a Thai lawyer for 20,000 you can come to an arrangement. There is nothing to do with defamation. Until it goes to an appeal court then past  to a criminal case. Which would never happen for a deposit. I hope it was a nice penthouse for that deposit. With corvid many court are closed and cases are postponed. 

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  4. 7 hours ago, Liverpoolfan said:

    I want to know exactly why they changed their recipe, lowered the alcohol content and decided to discontinue an excellent beer.

    The old Chang was great, at 6.4% ABV I believe and a lovely smooth taste.

    This new stuff just doesn't cut it for me.

    Too gassy, no real taste and too weak.

    If the sole reason to change their product was to avoid tax (which I suspect it was) then surely they can re-release the old drink as kind of like a niche product?

    There are other high percent beers available at 7/11 but they just don't taste the same.

    The old Chang was my drink of choice when it was in the brown bottle.

    Now I never buy it and it's a real shame ???? 


    Bring back the old Chang now! 


    Burp! Now you just need out of date sauasges! 

  5. 9 hours ago, makescents said:

    I may have the opportunity to move back to Thailand sometime this/next year but my job will require a solid internet connection with fast international speeds to North America.


    Since I've been away from Thailand for a while and it looks like the country has significantly improved it's internet speeds I was just wondering what are the best residential hookups you can get these days in Bangkok?

    It's faster then in America 

  6. 21 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    5 days is what my Daughter who is a Surgical ICU Nurse Practitioner has said is the minimum incubation period they have been seeing in the US as far as being asymptomatic with then those that start to show symptoms do so around day 7.  She said it also depends upon the immune system of the individual.

    Also depends on how many TC they do on the PCR sample to be test positive 

  7. The Governor of Bangkok has just signed the order to close 25 high risk activities and establishments. But please note, this is NOT a lockdown as some people are saying as there is no curfew and we still have freedom of movement. It’s also not a full shutdown. That might come later. 

    The Bangkok Governor is closing places like pubs, bars and entertainment venues from Saturday. You can eat in restaurants but you cannot drink alcohol. No ban on sale of alcohol yet in supermarkets etc. All schools are closed until 17 January. Though that’s not clear if he means just BMA schools. 

    These places in #Bangkok can open but with strict hygiene rules: restaurants, department stores, markets, hairdressers (but no queues), golf courses, swimming pools, parks, sports fields, museums, libraries, cinemas, zoos, convention center, and beauty salons. 

    UPDATE: The guys at @ThaiEnquirer have just posted a translation of the list of what is closed and open in #Bangkok tomorrow. You can see here: https://www.thaienquirer.com/22198/bangkok-introduces-new-measures-to-combat-covid

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, phetphet said:

    In my younger days in East London, Friday night  at the pub was always followed by  a Chinese or Indian meal.


    Top of the list of indian curries (if you could handle it), was Phall.


    This legendary hottie, might not warm you up, but it will certainly make you sweat:



    The English always went to the pub on cold nights because the saved money heating their own homes. 555

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