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Posts posted by arick

  1. You have ILR and so are a settled person in the UK. I believe that chogiekim is a British citizen.

    Neither of which has anything to do with his question; which was about his wife's visa endorsement.

    I think it is you who is confused, not I.

    I will concede, though, that when I said "You do not have to have indefinite leave" I was responding to your remark without really thinking. What I should have said is "She does not have to have indefinite leave."

    BTW, as a non citizen, you do not have the same rights as any British citizen.

    For example:

    You cannot vote or stand for election.

    You can be removed from the UK at any time if the Home Secretary (in reality the UKBA) deems it to be in the public interest. Being convicted of any criminal offence which results in imprisonment, for example.

    If you leave the UK for a continuous period of two or more years your ILR will lapse and you will have to apply for the appropriate visa should you wish to enter the UK again.

    But yes, while you remain a UK resident you do have the right to sponsor a UK settlement visa for your partner.

    You are not all knowledgeable! Yes I can vote! Being from Canada i can Vote Just did last week. god that was difficult. The British can not vote in canada on a resident permit. Check it out!

    Why would a Canadian rush to become English! You should of so the mess when I came here there was recession. there was horrible things happening. If it wasn't for us I think the country might not be here today as it is. ( check 1939 history) I will be thinking of you on Monday when I'm at the concert!

  2. As previously discussed, you did not provide evidence of your finances. The ECOs are not mind readers, the onus is on the applicant to provide the evidence they need to make their decision; you didn't do that. (Based on what you have said; for a more accurate comment I would need to see the refusal notice.)

    What the salary of an ECO has to do with it, I have no idea; other than yet another feeble attempt by you to try and impress the gullible with your income and status.

    You have said elsewhere that you are a Canadian living in the UK who can't be bothered to take out British citizenship. Maybe you should return to Canada; except it would be a lot more difficult and long winded process for you to get Canadian residency for your Thai partner than it is to get UK residency.

    so why is is more difficult to have you Thai partner to get Canadian settlement/
  3. Hi Guys

    Thought I would add my application to this thread.

    Main difference for me is that my fiancee isn't Thai, she's Ukrainian. (Sorry not relevant to this thread, but hopefully of some interest to you all)

    Our settlement app went in on 12 April. I asked in advance, and was replied to in person by UKBA BKK that they would accept and process our application in BKK.

    It was prepared by a UK immigration lawyer at a cost of £750, and I was very impressed with the application. It was as perfect as possible, with a stack of supporting paperwork, all specified by the lawyer.

    I don't want to discuss our chances - the app is in and that's that. We have been together 2 years and have already been to the UK together on a visit visa. However I am happy to answer any questions if my situation is of interest.

    The main difference for us is that we are both here on tourist visas, and we expire on June 2nd. We got the app in as soon as we could after our last visa run. Does anybody know if UKBA has a policy for applicants who run out of Thai visa time? I emailed them 2 weeks ago and I got a polite reply quoting 95% and 60 days but they would do their best.

    From next Saturday we will be clocking up overstay at 1000 baht a day, although I will probably try and get an extension on my passport, so it will be 500 a day for her.

    This is the text of the email I received from them - I enclose it only for the benefit of others.


    Thank you for your e-mail dated 08/05/12 concerning your fiancé visa processing time.

    Our website clearly state that The UK Border Agency aims to process 95% of settlement applications in not more than 12 weeks, and is currently working within these time targets. A detailed guide to visa processing times can be found here. Each application is assessed individually, and the actual processing time may depend on a number of factors. We are unable to guarantee that your visa application will be assessed by the date that you have requested. This is because of the unique circumstances of each cases. There may be some delay in processing your application as the UK Border Agency may need to refer your documents to your country of origin. However we will do our best to speed up the processing time, hopefully before your Thai visa expired.


    Looking at processing times quoted here, it should be sometime soon. A 4 day working week this week doesn't help.

    Re SMS service. I was also told no service on 12CALL, but at 4pm on the day of application at VFS my 12CALL number (08088...) received an SMS saying the app had gone to the embassy. I have received nothing since. I check the website daily.

    I am wondering if I should email them politely again?

    Thanks and good luck to all you other guys and girls.


    Get an Air Asia ticket some where quickly! go to KL for the day. Then your visa will be fine!
  4. its a spouse/civil partner visa. but i heard somewhere it has to say indefinite leave to enter! is that right?

    Yes you have to have indefinite leave.

    Totally, completely and utterly wrong. You do not have to have indefinite leave. The vast majority of spouse/partner settlement applicants don't have indefinite leave because they don't qualify. The vast majority of spouse/partner applicants receive the standard 27 months spouse/partner visa and apply for indefinite leave after 24 months in the UK.

    To check what the visa endorsement means, see here; settlement is on page 2.

    Not much time now, I'll answer the other questions asap. But for an overview and other information on ILE, see UK Settlement; Spouse Visa Or ILE?.

    You are confused! I have indefinite leave to remain. Not the applicant. I'm Arick the applicants partner in in London! I was saying earlier I am a permanent resident not a citizen. Somebody said earlier about rights. Yes as a non citizen I have the same rights as any UK citizen .
  5. 7by7 last few questions if that's ok? What is the best to take the UK life test or ESOL course? And how long is the duration of the course? How much is the ILR cost? If she gets ILR how long is this for and when can she apply for citizenship? Sorry for so many questions.

    I did my life in the UK test for my citizenship application which is still sitting on the shelf. I felt I almost would of failed my UK life test and I'm a Science teacher. So that test could be hard for somebody without English as their first language. You can practice on line they have several practice test on their website. she will need the test certificate number to put on the application form. ESol course is good for over all helping with English. Several council like here in Southwark offer free English courses for residents. Local colleges also do entry level test to see what level they can start a ESOL.
  6. Visit visas cannot be switched to settlement.

    If your partner had entered the UK with a proposed civil partner/fiance visa then after registering your partnership or the marriage he could have, indeed should have, applied for 2 years further leave to remain.

    It's not the UKBA's fault that your partner applied for the wrong visa.

    Peoples circumstances change, therefore each application is treated on it's own merits; particularly when they are for different classes of visa.

    The requirements for a visit visa and a settlement visa are not the same. Even finance; having sufficient finances for a visit does not mean you have sufficient finances to settle and support yourself indefinitely.

    You are so wrong there!

    sufficient finances! what do they want! It is somebody on £26k per years making my decision.(let me see their bank statement a day before they get paid!)

    no comment

  7. Yes, My Indian lodger told me. Across the last entrance on your bank statement has to show available funds. So I started all over again with another £840. This time I have three bank accounts showing funds and a letter from the Bank saying my one overdraft is actually a secured loan with the mortgage. It will go through this time.

    I thought you had more reasons like now 3rd party support

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