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Posts posted by willyumiii

  1. With the NSA and the Patriot Act..no form communication is safe or private.

    Anyone with the will and the budget can get any information they wish to have.

    What is the point of all this crap?

    Is this Hillary's " oral sex scandle "?

    Leave it to the GOP to find something to make an issue out of .

    " He's done good at the job of being President....so, let's attack his personal life!!! Yeah, that's it! "

  2. There are troll posts, and then there are unintelligible troll posts. Congratulations for ringing the bell for both...

    I agree.

    But NeverSure did not mention uninformed or incorrect troll post as well.

    I am currently reading " Jerusalem The Biography"**, a well researched history of Jews, Muslims and Christians in Jerusalem.

    ( I am none of the above, but find the history very interesting )

    All three worship the same god.. and

    ​Muslims are circumcised too!

    It is a long, but interesting read if you enjoy reading about history.post-147745-0-72787500-1435703001_thumb.

  3. Nixen told the rest of the world that the dollar was to be the reserve currency in 1951 when the US decided that being tied to the Gold reserves did not allow the Government to spend what it wanted to sustain the Viet Nam war, The result has been that the true value of the dollar is practically nil, in fact all the Fiat (paper) currencies are in the same boat. None of them have anything like enough gold or silver reserves in their central banks to support the amount of paper in circulation, so if the Greek situation spreads to other countries and there is a run on the Euro,Pound or Dollar ,the world Financial system will collapse, and it will be far worse that the bank crisis in 2008.

    His name was Nixon....

    "Tricky Dick"

    He was a crook.

    How accurate can your information and opinions be if you don't even know the name of this very famous failed American President??

    This is 2015

    1951 was 64 years ago!

  4. So, once again the US trains people to fight that in the future will drop their weapons on the battle field and run away.

    Does no one in the US government ever learn anything?

    Drop your weapons and run away.....

    Live to buy more weapons another day!.

    It is good business for US arms dealers and contractors.

    Yes, I think the US is aware of this.

    War = Profit

    Ask Cheney and Haliburton.

  5. I hope even further that EP students will revolt against the transient, backpacker, gap year students that are employed by language schools, to work illegally full time in K-12 schools.


    Usually students want this type of teacher rather than the usual middle aged sexpat who is a failure in his own country but now has a false sense of self importance with his bargirl bar girl wife and work permit. marriage visa

    If you need any more help, I'll gladly oblige.

    Oh, I forgot - low self-esteem resulting in the need to point out on other people's errors, that might just raise their sense of well-being. Very sad really.

    The ironic thing is that these grammar policemen are usually the ones without any tertiary education.


    You are not only pointing out people's faults and errors, you are imagining and fabricating faults generalizing!

    "Failure in his own country"?

    "False self importance?"

    "Bargirl wife?"

    Is this your gut feeling, or...

    have you researched this?

    Many foreign teachers in Thailand do a very good job, for very little pay.

    They are important and I do not care who or what they have married...or even if they are single!

    They teach because they care about the young students.

    Do you read better than you write in the English language? failed you

    I do understand why you do not like teachers......your's have failed you.

    Please tell us you do not teach!

  6. What a joke, just left Nana Plaza and there so desperate for custumers i could shag one a barstool if i wanted,Thailand should thank these ladys or tourism would be next to zip!! Who comes here for the fake thai smile and to look at filthy temples run by crooked monks? I know i sound bitter and yes i am,but after years here,and the nonsense ive seen can you blame me? Not untill they kill every golden goose here will they realise how stupid and hypocritical and zenaphobic they are. and then it will be to late. I think it already is,Adios Thailand,Hola South America.

    Hasta la Bye Bye Amigo!

  7. What a joke, just left Nana Plaza and there so desperate for custumers i could shag one a barstool if i wanted,Thailand should thank these ladys or tourism would be next to zip!! Who comes here for the fake thai smile and to look at filthy temples run by crooked monks? I know i sound bitter and yes i am,but after years here,and the nonsense ive seen can you blame me? Not untill they kill every golden goose here will they realise how stupid and hypocritical and zenaphobic they are. and then it will be to late. I think it already is,Adios Thailand,Hola South America.

    Hasta la Bye Bye Amigo..

  8. Eight months to get around to something that is so important and so easy?


    Seriously, the rules are not very difficult to follow!

    Beside that not everyone has an age, family of funds enough to make it easy as you say, now that you vented anger, ill wish, judgement and self-righteousness, to someone that you don't know, much least his motivations, I hope that you feel better.

    Just a thought Paz..

    Maybe those who are not qualified to be here should not be here?

    Again, It reflects poorly on all expats when they are here.

    Silly me.


    Following rules and laws and silly things like that!

    Grow up!

  9. Eight months to get around to something that is so important and so easy?

    You must have been very busy with something much more important than staying out of a thai prison.

    Good luck!

    You may make it to the border without getting arrested.....you may not.

    I agree that this kind of behaviour makes things more difficult for all expats.

    They have cracked down on the ED visa abusers ( liars ) .

    The back to back to back tourist visa game is now under close scrutiny.

    Who do you think may be next group of abusers to be "cleaned up"?

    Seriously, the rules are not very difficult to follow!

  10. Yes, even Disneyland gets old after you have been on all of the rides a few times!

    You can get out of "Disney Thai Land" and try experiencing the real country....

    If that bores you, move on to a new amusement park...

    The Philippines?.

    It all depends on what you need to be happy

  11. Change.

    After 57 years in California, there wasn't much new in my life anymore.

    Difference in cultures, people religions, climate, religions and customs , all very interesting for me.

    I have been here a whlie now, and still find new experiences almost every day.

    Not all good experiences, but still interesting ones.

    As of late, I have been wondering if it is time to find a new interesting place to learn about.

    Maybe Laos?

  12. But this is coming from a country which also tramples on the rights of its own citizens, invades other countries on the flimsiest of excuses, detains citizens of other countries without trial and those persons only defenders are appointed by the the US military. Some of those people have been arrested in countries other than the USA and many of them have been awaiting trial for years.

    It regularly sends drones to kill people in other countries and worries little if anything about "collateral damage" to that countries citizens.

    Civilians in the USA are regularly killed by the police forces within the USA.

    It supports freedom of speech but when it comes to Wikileaks it wants to prosecute to the nth degree those people that expose the truth.

    It supports dictatorial regimes in some parts of the world.

    When you live in a glass house it is not always a good idea to throw stones.

    Like it or not, The American people have the government they elected.

    If it is a bad government, it is the responsibility of the American people.

    They chose it..

    It is also their choice to change the government if they feel the need to do so.

    As much as I disagree with it, it is still the best government on the planet.

    Get over it.

  13. "creating an international commotion route"

    I am not a railroad person, but is this a misprint or a typo?

    I know what it is to cause a commotion, but with a train??? not sure!


    1. a state of confused and noisy disturbance.
      "she was distracted by a commotion across the street"
      • civil insurrection.
        "damage caused by civil commotion"
  14. in all honesty...

    Laos will never be a major destination for western ex pats for retiring unless they desire a laid back, quiet, low key life style

    lets be honest without judgement here, many falangs don't want to retire in Laos because the nightlife/woman lifestyle just isn't as prevalent there....

    you know what I say...

    Thank the lord.

    I have been bitten by a virus, its called LPDR.

    No matter what the topic, there are always TV members wanting to convert it to one about sex.

    Availability, cost and skin tone of the girls willing to pretend an old fart is not repulsive.

    What a life!

    I doubt that this was such a big concern in the years BV. ( before viagra) ?

    There are some of us retirees out here who have stable relationships with good women and really do not care about "Nightlife/Lifestyle".

    I wouod never decide where to retire based on what it cost to have someone pretend they like me..no matter what their skin tone.

    P.S. What the hell does your invisible friend " the lord" have to do with any of this and with Laos?

    Laos, like Thailand' is a good Buddhist country and your lord is not employed there.

    It seems some TV members try to work him into every thread they can as well!

    • Like 2
  15. Planning ahead in Thailand..a difficult concept to sell here.

    Constructing reservoirs to retain the flood waters that run down to Bangkok and out to the gulf every year on non productive land would provide the water needed for agricultural irrigation every year.

    They would also solve flooding problems if done correctly.

    Reservoirs have added economical value as well, like recreation.

    Why not?

  16. Planting peas (a legume) could have soil quality benefits (??)

    Legumes are nitrogen fixing plants ( they add nitrogen to the soil). They can rejuvenate depleted soils and decrease the need for chemical fertilizers.

    They require far less irrigation than rice.

    This is a practical plan.

    Someone is thinking.

  17. Here we go again folks....

    Every time there is a presidential campaign in the US, both parties come up with trivial issues to distract the voters from the important issues that they do not want address.

    The gullible American public gets sucked in every time.

    The people should insist the candidates stay on topic with the topics that matter.

    Wars? Global warming,? the economy? Jobs? Education?

    No..let's get all worked up about flags!

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