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Posts posted by willyumiii

  1. " As of 2012, the Thailand automotive industry was the largest in Southeast Asia and the 9th largest in the World. The Thailand industry has an annual output of near 1.5 million vehicles (mostly commercial vehicles), more than countries such as Belgium, the United Kingdom, Italy, Czech Republic, and Turkey"

    There is no Thai automotive industry.

    There are no Thai cars.. ( except maybe tuk tuks?)

    Automotive industries from developed countries are taking advantage of Thailand's cheap uneducated labor to assemble their products for a fraction of the cost of assempl in their home countries.

    Most motorcycles are produced here for the same reason..

    .exploiting the cheap uneducated labor available here in Thailand.

    I read recently that many Thais believe that FORD is a Thai car company! ( they are assembled here, right?)

  2. American education system is a good example of what not to do in education...

    Throwing more money at the school systems have not resulted in improved performance...

    What has happened over the years...is the less educated have become mature adults...placed in leadership rolls...and will be the eventual downfall of this once great nation...

    A lack of leadership starts at the top...and is prevalent throughout governments, industry, and military...

    Sad to see what is happening...

    Let's get serious here.

    Thailand's top leaders of the future do not need much of an education.

    How many well educated soldiers do you know of in Thailand?whistling.gif

  3. It can not be to difficult.

    7/11s in Thailand seem to have about eight employees on duty at all times.

    In America, where 7/11 originated, there are usually only two people working any shift..one stocking, one at the register.

    What is there to keep eight people busy?

    Especially when there is no TV for employees to watch while "working" !

    Can't remember ever seeing a 7-11 in Thailand with 8 staff on duty.

    Most I can recall is 4 max, usually 2-3 at a time.


    I disagree.

    Maybe the rest are avoiding the farang who wants to speak English when they see you coming?

    Maybe they are in the walkin cooler sleeping or on their smart phones?

    I would like to know how many "workers" other TV members usually see in a 7/11.

  4. Berkshire, hopefully within forum rules.

    What the hell do you know about education, schools in Thailand?

    Twenty years I have been working, training Thai teachers.

    You think I know nothing?

    I have worked in slum schools in the poorest areas of Bangkok.

    Perhaps I made a difference; I hope so.

    My 7 year old daughter, who moved to Thailand when she was 3 years old, speaks far better English than any Thai English teacher she has had at the two schools she has attended here!

    In fact, the quality of her English has deteriorated due to her exposure to the Thai "English teachers"!

    I am constantly reteaching her proper grammar. to use.

    Please, tell me again how well Thai teachers are educated?!!!!

  5. Ask as many Thais as you can what 6x7 is and report back your findings ( no calculators allowed)

    As most of them cannot speak much English, they would not understand your question.

    If you wanted to take a survey on this, the would have to do it in Thai.

    See sip song....wow, did i pass?

    Your score is 42!!

    That is very good for a Thai student.

    You have the high score in your class

    Wery good, wery good! thumbsup.gif

  6. I believe the education system in Thailand is exactly what those in power ( those with the money ) want it to be.

    Your average Thai is poorly educated and is well suited and satisfied to worki in the mud and hot sun on the farms, in the factories, or even in a 7/11..

    The wealthy, poorly educated Thai's family can buy them a university degree and continue the family tradition of " doing well".

    How else do you explain people with university degrees to teach English who can not speak the English language???

    Most Thai teachers are not qualified to teach.

    So, most Thai students are not qualified to learn.

    But, it works for Thailand!wai2.gif

  7. It can not be to difficult.

    7/11s in Thailand seem to have about eight employees on duty at all times.

    In America, where 7/11 originated, there are usually only two people working any shift..one stocking, one at the register.

    What is there to keep eight people busy?

    Especially when there is no TV for employees to watch while "working" !

  8. Evidently my education is lacking, I thought there was more to sex than kissing and hugging smile.png

    Yes an unwanted pregnancy. It has to start somewhere ask me I was young once. Young lads here keep their bags packed for this bad news. As a man its to bad girls cannot reverse the charges and give the males a dose of their own medicine. Women really tolerate more than we males do including monthlies plus they have that maternal instinct that just does not let go. This is a tremendous bond. Sometimes I think I lack it.

    " they have that maternal instinct that just does not let go."

    Not so true here in Thailand.

    ​It is extremely common and accepted for a woman to give birth and then leave her child with it's grandparent, aunt or even friend, sometimes to never see the child again.

    I have heard Thais rationalize this by saying." She needed to work and had no time to be a mother"

    but it does seem that many find time to become pregnant again, and again...

    Truthfully, not so maternal here in Thailand!

    Many find it very easy to "let go".

  9. "reports that students were seen kissing and hugging in several parks"

    This is the only mention of any physical contact in the post.

    Does the BMA consider kissing and hugging " having sex"??

    If so, many parents need to be jailed for having sex with their children....INCEST!!!

    Thai - style!

  10. Is this the first time you ha e applied for an extension?

    This is the standard practice.

    You apply and wait one month to pick it up, if it is approved.

    You could have applied at an earlier date in order to complete the 30 day wait earlier.

    Last year, I had a conflicting doctor's appoint on the day I was scheduled to retrn to the immigration office.

    When I contacted them and asked if I could pick it up early, I was tld to call them one week early and that if it had been approved by then, I could pick it up one week early.

    It was approved and I did get it a week early.

    They have always been very cooperative at the Immigration office I go to. ( Korat )

    You may want to give this a try.

    I hope this is helpful.

    Choke dee!

  11. I can no longer blow my nose?

    Am I being forced to suck it up my nose, into my mouth and then swallow it like the Thais do??

    What's next?

    5,000 baht fine if you fart?

    10.000 baht if it is an audible fart as well?

    What they need is a law against popping pimples and blackheads in your motor scooter mirror.

    And maybe one against picking lice off of your friends head in public!

    And picking your nose in a restaurant.

    My "up the wall list" is getting longer!

  12. I can no longer blow my nose?

    Am I being forced to suck it up my nose, into my mouth and then swallow it like the Thais do??

    What's next?

    5,000 baht fine if you fart?

    10.000 baht if it is an audible fart as well?

    What they need is a law against popping pimples and blackheads in your motor scooter mirror.

    And maybe one against picking lice off of your friends head in public!

    And picking your nose in a restaurant.

    My "up the wall list" is getting longer!

  13. What our special forces do around the world is top secret but what ever they do is for our benefit to keep us safer than we would otherwise be. I thank them and support them 100%

    Like any good military unit, these people do not stop and question what they are assigned to do and determine if it is the right or wrong thing to be done, they just do it, as they should.

    Therefore, I am pretty confident that all they are sent out to do is not necessarily in the interest of keeping Americans safe or free.

    Some of what they do is probably done to protect corporate profits, not citizens or fredom.

    Again, they do what they are ordered to do, they do it well and without question.

    I respect them for what they are and how they do their job.

  14. Returning happiness to the Thai bosses.....................

    Try being a boss and having to pay 9000 for someone to sit around, most of the time sleep and when awake play on phone and see how happy you would be.thumbsup.gif

    Keeping in mind the bad bosses usually have 3-5 of those for the job of one.

    If Thai employers had the cajunas to terminate those who did not work, this would not be a problem and all that did work would benefit.

    Show up late for work, spend an hour eating your breakfast, take a nap, break for lunch, play on facebook, go home early...your day is done!

    Some stupid "face thing"......you would not want to embarrass some deadbeat who is driving cost up and production down.

    It is much more comfortable to ignore the problem.

  15. I am certain that you need a special permit. To be honest in all of my years here, I have heard some silly requests but this tops the cake.

    Why is this request silly?

    If one has the resources and the inclination, why not rear an Elephant?

    Some have dogs, cats, mice as pets...


    Elephants live for a very long time and are emotionally tied to their human.

    How old are you?

    How much longer will the op be around??

    The op has not stated what his motives are for owning an elephant and what his plans are for the creature.

    Unlike dogs, cats and mice they are a huge responsibility.

    They require a lot of room, food and maintainance.

    They are also very social animals that need to be with their own kind....can you provide other elephants for it to be with or will you condem it to a life of lonelyness?

    An elephant is not a pet!

    It is very debatable if they should even be kept in captivity.

    This may just be a troll post.

    For the sake of the elephants, I hope it is not a serious enquiry.

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