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Posts posted by willyumiii

  1. Here is a " realistic option" for israel..

    Stand on your own two feet and fall on your face!

    Without the support of Jewish money and influence on the US government, Israel would have been toast years ago.

    Even the people of the US are finally getting fed up with Israel''s arrogance and war crimes.

    WWII and the Germanys war crimes happened 70 years ago sympathy about the abuse of long dead ancestors has faded into reality.

    You can't play the sympathy card forever.

    It's time for Israel to grow up, be responsible for itself and act civilized.

    Time to follow the rules, or parish.

  2. "

    "Do most Thai Ladies get plastic surgery?"

    I do not know much about your bargirls in Pattaya.

    But if you are asking about real Thai ladies in the real Thailand, the answer is no.

    There are verym any very beautiful Thai women who are 100% natural.

    If bargirls are all you know...you should get out and discover the real Thailand.

  3. I guess I am still an Issan country bumpkin, with a lot to learn about being a mango snob.

    In my wife's little Issan village where I lived for my first two years in Thailand there were many different mangos, but all were treated the same.

    Whatever tree they came from, we ate them green until they turned yellow or red, then we ate yellow and red ones.

    Seriously, with enough pepper and salt or sugar, the green ones all tasted pretty much the same to us!

  4. If not working for an out of the country company, it will be very difficult.

    Without specialized, needed skills you may find employment in Thailand that will pay you a modest living wage at Thailand's low cost of living.

    Remember, Thailand prohibits foreigners form working in many occupations that can be filled by Thai people.

    You will probably never find employment here that will allow you to invest or save for your future.

    What will you do when you are too old to be employed?

    In many cases Thailand considers 35 years old too old to hire!

    A person in his 20s, 30s or 40's should probably not put all of his eggs in the basket called Thailand.

    Plan well, or this could be you...


  5. On my recent vacation, touring bangkok and southern Thailand last March, I thought the number of tourist is up.

    Every tourist destination was uncomfortably crowded.

    But I could see how maybe tourist spending is down.

    Thousands of Chinese tourist on packaged tours spending nothing other than the tour fee and what seems to be a rise in grubby, penny pinching, young backpacker tourists.

    The upper class money spending tourists seemed to be pretty much missing.

    I was so disappointed in the crowds and quality of people, I cut my vacation short and came home.

    Thailand needs to work on improving the quality of tourist and not increasing the numbers.

  6. I don't want to be a killjoy, but....

    If I were in the middle of building a house in Thailand, I would not take a holiday until it is finished.

    When I have had a house built here I found that when I was on site to watch, things went well.

    If I was absent, even for one day, there were problems.

    Problems like running out of tile for the floor and finishing the job with tiles that did not match..

    I think you are asking for problems if you leave before the project is complete.

    When the cat is away, the mice will do whatever is easiest for them.....

  7. If it is not covered by the "Chinese Buss Tour Price" it is too expensive for today's chinese tourist in tur Thailand.

    They need to eat the tour planned meals with the group.

    Tourism in Thailand is up..( Chinese tourists)

    Tourist spending in Thailand is way down ( again, Chinese Tourists on packaged tours )


  8. I would absolutely love star trek's transporter or the next generation's hologram rooms.

    I think the opposite of a microwave would be cool. Having the ability to instantly freeze foods.

    Instant can of cold beer:

    Hold a can of beer in a well insulated glove.

    Hit it with a blast of propane gas.

    Ice cold beer...no sparks please!

    I'm sure it would chill about anything.

  9. I have noticed no change.

    Maybe it is your perspective that has changed?

    My perspective has changed a few times since I come to live in Thailand.

    We all "grow" and change.

    No matter how old we are or how long we remain in the same place..we change.

  10. 3 -5 light joints per day?

    by the way <deleted> is a "light joint"?

    Are you too stoned to understand that marijuana is a serious offence in Thailand?

    Maybe nobody told you????

    I was a chronic pot smoke for 40 years before moving to Thailand.

    I even had a prescription to smoke and grow it, from the government, in California.

    But I knew if I was to live in Thailand, I would need to stop.

    I have seen it , but not touched it since I moved here.

    I was not too stoned or stupid to think.

    Too bad about you.

    I have no sympathy for anyone dumb enough to use drugs in Thailand.

  11. When I am called farang by Thai people, I try some humor.

    I tell them that I am not farang ( a guava) but I am a saparot ( a pineapple) , I tell them this in Thai and it usually gets a good laugh and they then either call me by name or call me Mr. Saparot!

    If this does not work and you really feel you are being insulted, try telling him,

    "Khun Thai dam!"

    "you are a black or dark Thai person"

    He will be as insulted as you feel and probably stop the nonsense.

  12. ASEAN kicks into gear in November of this year.

    Not much time to clean up your act!

    And where does Thailand rate on ability to speak and understand English with other ASEAN countries?

    On the bottom...

    Thailand has had since August of 1967 to prepare for ASEAN.

    It's time to get started!

    Choke dee Thailand!

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