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Posts posted by willyumiii

  1. Wow!

    A Nigerian victim? ( a first for me )

    Girls sitting, drinking with and getting him drunk at a restaurant??

    Leaving with the girls and going where to do what?

    Sure had a lot of cash on him...and two phones?

    Selling fish is more lucrative than I ever imagined!

    In the photo...the "blonde" looks very pleased with herself!

    I'm still waiting for the punch line.....

    What are the odds this scam is just part of a larger scam??

  2. was there ventienne 4 years ago, not much to do but its ok, few bars with relaxed atmosphere along mekong riverbank. 1 disco but i didnt stay there that long inside ( freelancers)

    i would go back , though only for visa run and nothing else. cheap beer /hotels etc. i think visa to cross was 20 dollars or 1200 baht.

    watch bringing anything back into thailand like cigs,drink , you will be stopped and caught if over limit.

    Visa for US passport is 35 USD.

    Laos Visa On Arrival Fees as at February 2014

    Mar 04, 2014, 2:26 AM

    I have struggled to find the following information anywhere online so trust it will be helpful. The Visa On Arrival Fees as at February 2014, taken directly off the board at Luang Prabang International Airport, are as follows for each nationality:


    170. Thailand $30

    Strange to see Thailand in this list ...

    Thai people have a free VOA for 30 days and can also go to Lao without a passport;

    only their ID card for three days ;

    fill a paper at the custom and pay something like 200 baht ;

    @William Osborne ;

    yes, u can use thai baht everywhere and for everything in Lao but it's better to pay with local money the lao Kip

    100 baht = 24,000 kip ...

    1 US dollar = 7,800 kip

    Be careful not to exchange any more Baht for Kip than you will spend.

    You can not exchange Kip for baht when you leave.

    Any Kip you hold onto will be worthless unless you return to Laos to spend them some day.

    My last trip, I gave my few remaining Kip to what looked like a poor child before I left.

    Probably better to just use Baht while in Laos.

  3. Lostoday

    Yes perhaps however Thailand should protect more its foreign citizens now it comes across as if they do not care each time we get scammed.

    It take little effort for governments to make Thailand a safer place for foreigners to invest in...

    Thailand will be much better off with positive foreign citizens..

    How positive can you be if you lost your house of 3,2 M BHT and lost 800,000 in legal fees with zero results?

    Thailand does not want you. You stayed here and don't know that? It took me about two weeks to figure that out.

    You mean I just imagined all of those advertisements from the Thai government on television and radio in my home country that said

    " Please move to Thailand, we love you and want you here" ??cheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

  4. Yep. Pattaya is very much "Us and Them"

    Thai Culture and Western Cultures are so far apart. And will drift further apart with time.

    Who makes areas like Pattaya " us and them"?

    Who refuses to respect or live like Thai people in Thailand, or even respect the way they live and think?

    When you treat any people like crap..they react.

    If you want to live in Disneyland...you must pay for the ticket!

    Here in Northern Thailand,they offer special promotions to encourage farangs to buy new homes...

  5. Tesco (and other supermarkets) in the UK sell reusable bags and give you extra points on your loyalty card if you use an old bag or a reusable one (usually cotton mix). Tesco in Thailand started selling multi-use bags (strong plastic ones, not quite the same) but my local store no longer has them on display. As I've never seen a local Thai using these bags I guess they weren't selling.

    To say that the extensive use of plastic bags is part of Thai culture is really not true. Plastic only appeared post WW2 and plastic bags only really appeared when supermarkets mushroomed in every city, town and village, say from the early 60s onwards( Thailand would have been much later ). So before plastic bags flooded the market, what did Thai shoppers actually use ? As the PM wants to return to Thai traditional values, why not use this as a starter !!!!!!!

    How far back do you want to go?

    At one time, things were wrapped in banana leaves.

    It is o.k. to throw those on the ground!

  6. Isn't it interesting that people complain about plastic bags as being environmentally BAD but don't

    complain about plastic bottles that are actually killing people ?

    The softeners in the plastic actually go into whatever food/water is stored in them !

    Proven fact that Nestle's baby food in plastic packing for microwaves had to be taken off the market

    after it was found to make the babies seriously sick [pretty much uncovered from the brainwashing media]

    We basically eat and drink plastic that builds up in our bodies [can be proven with urine test: results show nearly

    100% of the tested persons have plastic in their urin] that will finally make us sick.

    But all this is not important ... better complain about plastic bags that are just [harmful] garbage.

    How stupid is this whole discussion as it completely misses the point.

    NO plastic packing at all for food and education about the dangers of plastic for the people would be a good starting point.

    Now you can call me an idiot or what ever you like ... it's the usual defense system of the brainwashed know-nothing folks !

    What horrifies me is the plastic bags used for hot oily food from the roadside stalls. Hot oil and grease will absorb many of the chemicals from the plastic and eating such food will transfer these chemicals straight into your blood stream.

    In California, where I come from, people pay big money to have plastic put in their bodies.

    Come to think of it, Thailand is rather famous for plastic surgery as well!

    How can you complain about getting it for free?

  7. A good start could be made at every 7/11 where EVERYTHING comes in at least 1 plastic bag and they are cheap and nasty plastic bags too.

    I get blank stares every time I say I can carry the 300ml bottle of water without a bag and no thanks I don't want a straw!

    Education and awareness is vital, but if they want to see real effects, then look at what has been done in other Countries. I saw the streets of my home cleaned of plastic within 6 months when the government brought in a 15c levy on plastic bags.

    Introduce a direct hit on everyone's pocket, in no time they suddenly become more environmentally conscious.

    I get laughs when I pull out my own plastic bags. But I think some may even think about it -1st step maybe.

    You should see the looks I get when only buying a couple of items and insisting that I need no bags at all!whistling.gif

  8. Unfortunately, most small villages and communities have no garbage service available at all.

    The people either pile the trs to be blown in the wind and rummaged by animals , or burn it, toxic materials an all.

    Yes, garbage in Bangkok is an important issue.

    Garbage in all of Thailand is an important issue as well.

    We all breath the same air and live in the same environment.

    Small community garbage and pollution does not stay in the small communities!


  9. I think it may vary from Imm office to office a little.

    At my Immigration office ( Korat ) I basicly submit the same forms and information I submitted when I first applied for my Non O visa.

    Of course, I have current dates on the forms, have a recent ( within 6 months ) income affidavit and new photos every year.

    The photos can be printed on your home printer on regular paper.

    I was printing full page photos and last year they requested that I submit 4"X6" so they can be pasted to the forms by them.

    They want at least three photos.

    1) One with wife and children, if any, at your house.

    2) One of same inside the house.

    3) One of same with address sign of house in the photo.

    You do not need to bring a witness.

    They may visit you at your home to confirm that you live there and that you are married.

    I was given the option to provide a photo of the Head man of my village with a short letter from him stating that he knows us, we are married and that we do live where we claim to live,and not have a visit from an officer.

    They seem to prefer this to making the time and fuel consuming visit to your home.

    I have read nightmare stories from others using other offices, like home visits where tea money is collected, but the Korat Office has always been very helpful and very easy to deal with.

    I am not 100% sure about this,but I have read that you should apply for your extension at the same office where you first applied for your visa.


    My M.O. has always been to be friendly, respectful, cooperative and make their job as hassle free as possible...be sure to bring the wife or someone who speaks fluent Thai.

    It has always worked for me.

    Choke dee!....and relax!

    • Like 1
  10. " must the current US-dominated order change drastically to accommodate China’s continued economic rise?"

    Doesn't China have the power to force this change if they were to call in the U.S. debt?

    Makes me wonder, what are they waiting for?

  11. You need to be more specific.

    Some Non O visas are based on retirement.

    Some are based on marriage.***

    I believe, but could be wrong that for a retirement Non O you must be 50 or 55, not sure.

    But a Non O bases on marriage could have no restriction on age if you are old enough to be married!

    ***I always thought a Non O based on marriage had to be "married to Thai", like mine is,

    But recently met a man who has a Non O marriage visa who is married to a foreign ( non Thai) teacher who has a Non B visa.

  12. To me, this is a rather bizarre question.

    It makes me wonder what part of Thailand the OP lives in and why he is in Thailand.

    I have more friends in Thailand, that I do not have sex with, than I can count!

    I love where I live and am very active in the community, well known, and have many good friends here.

    I guess, it sex is all you want, sex is all you get ( if you can afford it!).

    If you make a little effort, I think Thai people are some of the friendliest people in the world.

    It must suck to be you!

  13. The real reason could be that they think it uses the battery,same as with turn signals,

    regards worgeordie

    Funnily enough, I attribute that to the reason a lot of Thai drivers wait till it is almost pitch black before turning on their headlights.

    Maybe they should be taught what an alternator is.

    I live in fear of being hit by a car, truck or motorscooter at night with no lights on.

    I have asked people how they can drive at night with no lights.

    They always reply " No problem, I can see o.k."

    When I tell them it is dangerous when other people cannot see them , they just smile!

    I can just imagine being broadsided by one of these idiots when crossing a four way intersection some dark night....not pretty!

  14. If I never used my horn, I would have been killed 1000 time in Thailand already.

    Thai drivers use their horns a lot too. ( P.S. I live in the Korat area too )

    Thai drivers tend to merge into traffic and pass without looking and a horn is the only way to get their attention short of colliding with them.

    I think one of the big causes of accidents in Thailand is that many Thais will not use their mirrors...for fear of seeing a ghost if they do!

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