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Posts posted by willyumiii

  1. Nobody likes America but we sure get a lot of people from Europe, Asia Africa and Latin America as well as the Mid east that want to move to America and have their children become Americans. Why?

    Who says nobody likes 'murika?

    I think lots of folk somehow envisage a better life than in the shiteholes they live in.. Whether it works out for them or not is a different thing.

    I've been there many times.. I personally wouldn't want to stay there, and that's not to say I don't like 'murcians .. I just feel there's better ways of living else where in the world.

    Tell me why do you guys always feel, and react so sensitively, about what people think of you?

    You just people like the other 7,293,108,475 folk that are alive on this here people farm- You ain't no better or worse.

    "Tell me why do you guys always feel, and react so sensitively, about what people think of you?"

    I don't speak for all 300 million of us obviously, but what irks me most and gets me riled up some days is that we're damned if we do, damned if we don't. One group's yelling for 'assistance,' the other is rolling its collective eyes at yet more intervention by the U.S. in things that are none of our business. The world and its people love to criticize and voice hatred, but never any gratitude.

    Example: Was participating in a Facebook thread that was overrun with Middle Easterners screaming death to America, yet there they were utilizing American technology that had given them a voice in the world. More so than their own governments.

    I suppose that's all the more reason not to be so sensitive--knowing that we'll always be angering some, while never pleasing just about anyone. violin.gif

    Why not learn from the Thias and have some Mai Pen Rai, Jai Yen Yen..

    Sadly, I think you guys don;t always "get it" when we're messing with you guys..

    Really, I feel, 'muricans fail at banter.

    You wouldn't last 5 minutes in a London pub before losing your cool.

    English folk like to take the pish and mock each other, each other's football team, shirt, haircut, car, wife, your mum... - the trick is to realise its banter.

    My experience is if, and when, you do lose your cool, someone bigger badder, sharper tongued, will cut you down.

    PS not a lot of ground to gained by arguing on facebutt with the Muzzies

    Also bear in mind that a British chap invented the WWW .. Bless his cotton pantz!

    If you guys haven't realized by now that I have been having a ball playing with you tonight..I just might make it more than five minutes in a London pub!

    I have enjoyed it thoroughly.

    Sorry if I hurt any feelings.

    When you show your buttons...I push!

    Good night!

    • Like 2
  2. Kee Kwai


    Spread it on the lawn and water it well

    Very cheap

    Very good.

    You can find it here.post-147745-0-06172700-1423227859_thumb.

    Don't get the fresh stuff.

    Like wine and cheese, it is better when aged.

  3. Thais communicate with many gestures.

    Especially with the head.

    Different nods, tilts and a kind of pointing with the nose.

    Unfortunately difficult of discribe well in text.

    I have learned it from my wife and we use it often.

    I get a kick out of it.

    Have others learned these gestures?

    I refer to it as 'head speak".

  4. is that the english, that is english,

    the english speak english,

    the thais speak thai

    the dutch speak dutch,

    the german speak german

    the spanish

    shall i go on ?

    and you americans speak ,,,,,,,,,,, what ?

    go on say what you speak,,

    make my day

    Here we go again.

    Is this another Britt claiming they own the English language and only Britts can speak it?

    Did you know that the Britts are such a small percentage of the people in the world who speak that language that there has been talk about changing the name of the language?

    Most of the people in the world who speak English have great difficulty understanding the strange version of the language that Britts speak!

    The version of the English best understood around the world is American English..due mostly to American cinema or "Hollywood" I think.

    Britts need to get over themselves.

    The sun has been setting on your empire for a long time now........probably longer than you have been alive.

    "make my day" That is an American English quote from Clint Eastwood in an American movie...or cinema as you would call it.

    is that another movie were america won the war for us,?

    its all make believe mate,,,

    we as brits understand this, you my freind must believe every movie you see,,

    please believe me harry potter isnt real

    there never was a goose that laid a golden egg


    It was a movie about a San Francisco cop named Dirty Harry who loved to use his 357 magnum.

    I know a lot about movies Jake.

    I worked for George Lucas at Lucasfilm.

    I don't want to burst too many bubbles,

    But I know Star Wars and Indiana Jones are not real either or even the Ewoks!

    I watched them being filmed.

    Harry Potter?

    Wasn't that one about some British sissy?

    Never bothered to watch or read it. Sorry!

    • Like 2
  5. For a small Island nation we do cause a bit of a stir..

    I loves it!

    Your little island has not been much of a world power for 70 years, since the Germans knock the wind out of your sails. They broke you financialy and forced your empire to dissolve. You no longer exploit most of the globe

    You really don't have much left but your little island and your arrogance.

    The rest of the world chuckles.

    I'll have a little ironic chuckle along with you too biggrin.png 5555..

    Still the greatest nation that ever existed. Your country, with all its resources, large population, and that god fella are just pale comparison.

    And lets have it right.. It was the British that knocked the wind out of Adolph and his little plan for taking over the world.

    and lets not forget it only took a dozen cave-dwelling-sandniggers to bring you to your knees.. oh the Irony when 'murcans talk about war! shall we bring up the Korea, The Bay of Pigs, Vietnam, Afghan, Iraq? wind it in sunshine, you're on very shaky ground when it comes to boasting about wars.. OhWait! Granada! you won that one.

    Its been a fun afternoon stirring up you septics on here.. as I said early It's been emotional biggrin.png thanks for the jollies..

    Hope it is obvious that I too am enjoying this.

  6. For a small Island nation we do cause a bit of a stir..

    I loves it!

    Your little island has not been much of a world power for 70 years, since the Germans knock the wind out of your sails. They broke you financialy and forced your empire to dissolve. You no longer exploit most of the globe

    You really don't have much left but your little island and your arrogance.

    The rest of the world chuckles.

    funny how you allways want this little island they call england to hold your hand everytime you start a little war,,

    yes start a little war,,,you read it right,

    get off your high horse mate, because sooner or later you will be knocked off it,,,

    the end is nigh

    In the 1770s you were the most powerful nation in the world and America, who was not even a country yet kicked your butt and sent you home with your tail between your legs.

    Now it's time for you to complain that we didn't play fair and would not stand out in the open in straight lines and let you shoot us.

    We hid behind trees and rocks and killed your officers..another unfair tactic.

    We learned fast that if we killed your officers, the soldiers would not fight.

    Should I even mention how easy it was to take aim at bright red coats and white wigs?

    Military genius!

    Wigs, face powder ( make up ) and lace..such manly men!

    Still chuckling! cheesy.gif

    The end is nigh??


    In English we say " The end is near"



  7. For a small Island nation we do cause a bit of a stir..

    I loves it!

    Your little island has not been much of a world power for 70 years, since the Germans knock the wind out of your sails. They broke you financialy and forced your empire to dissolve. You no longer exploit most of the globe

    You really don't have much left but your little island and your arrogance.

    The rest of the world chuckles.

    The world chuckles at your rednecks and assorted nutjobs. The Germans didn't screw us financially it was your lot. Funny though how when you are about to invade a country the country you always call is.

    Anyway, you've managed to make Stacey Dooley look intelligent

    Just being polite and trying to make the little guy feel like he is still worth something.

  8. is that the english, that is english,

    the english speak english,

    the thais speak thai

    the dutch speak dutch,

    the german speak german

    the spanish

    shall i go on ?

    and you americans speak ,,,,,,,,,,, what ?

    go on say what you speak,,

    make my day

    Here we go again.

    Is this another Britt claiming they own the English language and only Britts can speak it?

    Did you know that the Britts are such a small percentage of the people in the world who speak that language that there has been talk about changing the name of the language?

    Most of the people in the world who speak English have great difficulty understanding the strange version of the language that Britts speak!

    The version of the English best understood around the world is American English..due mostly to American cinema or "Hollywood" I think.

    Britts need to get over themselves.

    The sun has been setting on your empire for a long time now........probably longer than you have been alive.

    "make my day" That is an American English quote from Clint Eastwood in an American movie...or cinema as you would call it.

    • Like 1
  9. For a small Island nation we do cause a bit of a stir..

    I loves it!

    Your little island has not been much of a world power for 70 years, since the Germans knock the wind out of your sails. They broke you financialy and forced your empire to dissolve. You no longer exploit most of the globe

    You really don't have much left but your little island and your arrogance.

    The rest of the world chuckles.

    • Like 1
  10. Hello..this is the OP.

    I should have know better on TV.

    If you can read my post or even the short title, it is obvious that I am addressing Americans and asking Americans how they fell about an issue.

    Yet. probably over 80% of the replies are from non Americans bashing America or Americans!

    What part of " this thread is for Americans" do you not understand?

    Those of you claiming that Americans are rude, loud and overreacting need to step away from the computer and think about what you have posted here and how rude you are being!

    You are over reacting to something that does not involve you at all..

    You participation in this thread is unsolicited and unwanted.

    You have every right to bash America.

    Many Americans, myself included bash our country..it is healthy.

    Just stop being rude, uninvited participants in this thread.

    It is not about bashing anyone.

    Open your own d*mn thread and bash away on that thread.

    This thread is asking for the opinions of Americans about soething that involves Americans and no one else.

    Not you! Understand?

    Again, I would like the opinions of my fellow Americans on the current and possible future situation for Americans in Thailand.

    Thanks to those Americans who have replied.

    There has been some good input from you.

    • Like 1
  11. if the good old U S of A is that good whay are so many here, ? and then moan that the think there not being tret as they think they should be

    no one going to kiss there a## just because there american

    They aren't in Thailand, Jake. There are four times as many Americans in the world as there are Brits and Aussies combined. Are there four times as many American expats in Thailand as there are Aussies and Brits? Of course not.

    Agree, on a day to day basis I se far fewer Americans in Thailand than I do Britts, Germans, Australians and others and as NeverSure states, there are far more Americans in the world.

    I feel this is due mostly to the fact that Europe and Australia are much closer.

    A 20 + hour flight from California is a killer and most Americans are large and very uncomfortable sitting on a plane that long....I am.

    and many from the USA need to travel to California before getting on a flight to Thailand.

    As to why are we here..... Unlike some countries, Americans are free to travel almost anywhere in the world with few restrictions. We seem to have the financial stability to do so as well.

    Personally, I am here to be with my family, most of who are Thai.

    And as for the '$$$" as some have commented....The USD is doing pretty well now..from what I read on TV much better than the Ausie, Britt or Euro currency.

    Just what is your point about "$$$$"?????

  12. Being an American resident in Thailand, I am not as comfortable here as I have been in the past.

    With recent international developments involving both Thailand and my home country I am no longer confident my future in Thailand will continue to be as comfortable as it has been.

    Because of past good relations between Thailand and the US, I have had the feeling that we were maybe treated a little better in some situations than expats from other counties.

    That was a good feeling.

    Relations are not as good now and may get worse, even bad in the not to far future.

    If I were young and single, I would not give it much thought. I could just up and go if things got worse.

    I am not.

    I am in my sixties and have a wonderful Thai family, both immediate and extended.

    To restart my life at this point would not be an easy or pleasant task.

    I was just wondering if other Americans residing in Thailand are having the same thoughts and what you will do if things go sour.

    • Like 1
  13. It is sad that such a young man is dead.

    And I guess it is interesting to some to discuss the possible ways you could commit suicide.

    But, the point some of you seem to be missing is that very many foreigners are found dead in Thailand and if it is remotely believable...and sometimes unbelievable, the police deem it as a suicide.

    I believe many are not suicides and this is a way to avoid the work of an actual investigation and tourist deterring publicity.

    These are not Thai people and the Thai police don't care.

    In fact, for reasons stated above, they want it forgotten as soon as possible.

    This is what should be discussed here,

    not the poor young man who died or the method he chose to die.

    There is a good chance that it was not his choice to die!!!!

    • Like 2
  14. This is news?????

    It was known from the get go that 14 or 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia!!!!!

    So in their infinite wisdom The Cheney administration attacked Afghanistan and Iraq for revenge.

    Investigate that!

    Let me preface this by saying I never agreed with Bush's venture into Iraq.

    Even if they are Saudi, what if they were all Alquieda under direction of OBL. Do we attack their home country or go after AQ cells like we did, negating Iraq.

    Tell me please, what did Iraq have to do with 9/11???

    If it is "cells" you are after, there are many cells in the USA.

    Wouldn't you think those are more of a threat to the US than cells in Iraq?

    The Bush dynasty and the Saudi oil interests have been in bed together for decades...they are well protected.

    If FDR was as slick as Bush, he would have attacked Mexico after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour...it;s a lot closer to home and has a lot more real estate!

  15. I have figured out the logic here!

    Once all of the foreigners have left Thailand and Tourist no longer come here,

    TAT will convert Pattaya, Phuket and many parts of Bangkok that were once popular with foreigners into museums and theme parks.

    Then they will charge the Thais and Chinese 50 baht a head to see the places the crazy farangs use to patronize!

    Crazy Farangs!

  16. After submitting a post this evening I received the following notice / warning from TV.

    I know the rules of TV and am not criticising the site or it's moderators.

    I read TV daily and pretty thoroughly and have never heard of this request or new rule.

    I thought it would be a good idea to post it here so all TV users will be aware of it.

    Again, I am not complaining or criticizing, just informing my fellow TV members.

    (moderators please note that I did not mention my post or it's content )

    Here is the message I received :

    Policy In General Regarding Thailand Election/Political Discussions
    As a result of the great increase in posts about politics in Thailand, we are requesting that members keep political discussion confined to threads already open in the Thailand News Forum.
    Non-political topics in General which are hijacked with political arguments will see posts removed without further notice.

    Members who cannot comply with our request will risk a posting suspension.

    And let's not forget NO discussion of the Monarchy in a political context. An immediate ban is possible

    In a nut shell. if TV has not opened a topic in their Thailand News Forum, Don't mention it!

  17. Those who took power in Thailand must have been aware that the USA could never support a military government that was not elected by popular vote.

    I think everyone knows that.

    They knew and know that they would lose all US support both financially and militarily if they fail to hold elections.

    They must have anticipated what is happening now .

    The new government "cuddling " with China and North Korea just emphasizes their lack of concern about failed relations with the USA.

    I think they know that Thailand has nothing to offer the US financially or militarily that the US can not get in friendlier, more cooperative countries who do elect their own governments.

    I hope the US government still cares about their citizens who reside in Thailand, but there is really nothing else in Thailand for the US to worry about losing.

    I'm not being pessimistic, just realistic.

    I think the writing's on the wall.

    • Like 1
  18. The US is shaking in its boots. Wherever will it buy rice now? Oh wait. It grows rice too.

    Thainess at its best.

    You are correct again Never Sure.

    I studied agriculture in northern California.

    Rice is the #2 legal cash crop in California.

    Most is exportet to , guess where..Asia.

    Surprisingly, cotton is #1 and mostly grown in southern California.

    The #1 cash crop in California ( if you don't care about the "legal part) Is marijuana.

    And much of that is now grown legally as medical marijuana.

    America will never run out of rice!

    just to put it into perspective...


    Planting rice in SE Asia


    How rice is planted in California

    • Like 1
  19. Euro and Ruble in freefall.

    7 highly publicised deaths in Koh Tao.

    The daily bad press regarding taxi's, jet ski's, police shakedowns, martial law and general Thai attitudes towards tourists.....

    But we are still going to see 28million tourists this year???

    I think not!!

    The cheap charlie chans won't prop up the lost business in the popular tourist hangouts.

    Thats for sure.

    Well I don't know where you are but up here in Chiang Mai the 'Cheap Charlie Chans' are certainly taking up the slack

    There are hordes of young Chinese tourists travelling individually.. I was in Pai last week where there are a LOT of young Chinese tourists renting motorbikes

    and staying in midmarket accomodation eating in local restarants and buying souveniers

    More flights direct from Chinese cities are filling up the hotels here also.. it is big business as I saw when I was in a money exchange office the other week

    a Thai guy came in and exchanged 1500 X 100 Yuan notes for Thai Baht. They are in the department stores splashing out on clothing etc before they fly back

    a good proportion have stacks of cash..

    Talking to some last week they think Thailand is great and cheap (apart from the beer) they will be telling their mates and posting on social network sites

    More Chinese signs, menus, notices everywhere.. Chinese registered vehicles on the roads

    The locals are signing up for Mandarin language courses ..

    No need for Ruskies and Euros anymore

    " they will be telling their mates and posting on social network sites"

    No, they will not.

    The Chinese people I work with have told me thereat no "social network sites" like Face book permitted in China.

  20. whistling.gif

    28 million tourists expected to visit Thailand in 2015

    And the government is thinking,

    ​" That is still way too many.

    We have had a coup, we are harassing tourists, we have high profile murders of tourists, we are cracking down on the sex industry, and increased admission for foreigners in national parks.

    What else can we possibly do to convince these stupid foreigners not to come to Thailand??"clap2.gif

  21. I am amused by all of the westerners who find amusement in the Thai's belief in Ghosts.

    Most westerners have their own invisible friend they are willing to die and kill for.

    How many millions have Christians, Muslims and Jews killed in the past 2000 years alone for the love of their invisible friend?

    Thai ghosts are harmless compared to western spirits!

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