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Posts posted by willyumiii

  1. How long have you been gone?

    High speed internet ( even wireless ) is easy to find in rural Thailand now..and water heaters are too!

    As far as teaching English goes, you can get a job without a BA, if you have a good command of the language and speak English and not Tinglish,

    Being a Thai citizen and not restricted in what work you can do here, I would consider other professions to make a living.

    Even the best English teaching jobs do not pay all that well.

    You must be aware of the current state of affairs in Thailand.

    If you have no problem with that,

    I say come on back.

    • Like 1
  2. Good advice, but difficult to do in Thailand.

    In Thailand people tend to drive on both sides of the road as well as down the middle, passing anywhere and everywhere ( even on blind corners) and no enforced speed limits....

    Combine that parking in the road and forcing all traffic into one lane going both direction.....

    just makes roads in Thailand a dangerous place to walk or drive.

  3. I think this is related to a thread a few weeks ago where the Thai government wants to increase the number of THAI TOURIST in Northern Thailand'

    Not the number of foreign sexpats in Isaan.

    Please, keep the western tourist in westernized Thailand where they fit in.

    Expat residents are o.k., they live here and most respect the people, culture and life style.

    Expat tourist will be surprised at how much more difficult it is to exploit Esaan people.

    Expat residents do not want foreign tourist tarnishing their reputation and ruining the good relations they have cultivated with the local people.

    Thank you....

    • Like 2
  4. Before throwing in the towel and moving yourself, I would try talking to all of the other residents she is bothering.

    If all of you, collectively, tell the management that if they do not deal with her you will all move out, I think you may get results.

    It is much easier and cheaper for the management to fill one vacant apartment than it would be to fill four apartment, and the money they will lose until the vacancies are filled is much greater too.

    Even after they fill four, the problem will remain and the four new tenants will be complaining and moving out too.

    Don't move out until you at least give this a try.

    P.S., you might also encourage management to inspect her apartment and see what kind of damage she has done to it!

    • Like 2
  5. While some of the environmentally progressive places on the planet ( like California ) have actually banned plastic bags, when you look around Thailand, it appears that they grow plastic bags as a crop or use them as a decoration!

    I have been told that Thai's have some sort of mental filter that allows them to not see garbage.

    They can look at a scene like this and only see a beautiful beach and not the garbage.


    I think Thailand is missing a great opportunity here.

    Thailand should also outlaw plastic bags.

    Thailand has the land and workforce to grow fast growing trees for pulp and produce biodegradable paper to use for paper bags.

    It would employ thousands of Thai people and be a great thing for the environment and for tourism in Thailand.

    The farmers, pulp mills, bag producers and distributors would all be new jobs created by this initiative


    I believe that the root of the problem is that Thailand along with the other countries listed in this article..

    " Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Egypt, Malaysia, Nigeria and Bangladesh. "

    are countries where the people only live for today.

    There is no thought of tomorrow or planning for the future.

    "What can I have for me, right now?" is the daily mantra.

    It is way past time to wake up!

  6. When it gets way down to 21c here and all the Thais are freezing with chattering teeth and hard nipples, I close the doors and windows.

    I really see no need for a heater in Thailand...ever!

    Because you are an American, hard as <deleted>....oops, damn, sorry, now I've gone and woken a sleeping giant....ok ok, give it to me...both barrels!....55555

    As hard as a nipple in a cold morning?

    Is that what you mean?

    Still sleeping Nigel...no barrels for that one.

    Seems you are looking for someone to irritate today.

    You are better than that at American bashing aren't you?

    Did I claim to be American in my post?


    Have a good morning my agreeable friend.

  7. post-147745-0-57736200-1423751088_thumb.

    i wonder how many times each one of them entered monkshood or visit temple and how many Buddha emulates are hanging around their necksbah.gif

    There are cruel, perverted deranged people in every country and of every belief and of no beliefs at all.

    But Hey! This is Thai Visa!

    Any topic can be twisted into a Thai bashing thread!

    Good work Konying!

    A good TV menber at heart!

    Maybe you will be POTTY next year!


    Hey Willymilly go screw yourself.

    And while you at it, learn some basic Buddhist principles.

    Many if not ALL men go into monkhood for a week or longer and those are the same men who supposedly follow the Buddhism, the very same men who have 9 Buddha emulates hanging around their necks and yet they break every single principle of Buddhism and its teachings.

    You know of many people "everywhere" who become priests and do everything against God's will?

    as a matter of fact I do!

    Here are just a few, but many more are available.

    "God's People" who make billions of dollars off of the fears and superstitions of the poor and uneducated.



    Do you really think " Screw you" is an appropriate or intelligent thing to say in an intelligent discussion?

    Temper, temper, temper!

    your mother would be ashamed of you!cheesy.gif

  8. i wonder how many times each one of them entered monkshood or visit temple and how many Buddha emulates are hanging around their necksbah.gif

    There are cruel, perverted deranged people in every country and of every belief and of no beliefs at all.

    But Hey! This is Thai Visa!

    Any topic can be twisted into a Thai bashing thread!

    Good work Konying!

    A good TV menber at heart!

    Maybe you will be POTTY next year!


  9. Just about anything on the internet has a few bugs when it is brand new.

    I am sure thousands of expats trying to check it out on the first couple of days is bound to slow it down a bit.

    This is great news and immigration has shown it is not the evi,l expat hating monster so many tweaked expats on TV accuse it of being.

    I have never had a problem with immigration in Thailand.

    Have your ducks lined up and be courteous and they are always helpful.

    I think a big thank you is in order!

    This means I only need to go to the office one time a year.

    That is not a bad deal at all.

  10. Good to see Thailand moving rapidly into the 16th century and still believing in magical powers. Well done. Religion(s) like this are the con of the millenia.

    Amazing someone in the 21st century can disclaim that magical powers don't exist when there are so many things that scientists cannot disprove, even after centuries.

    Do you really believe that certain monk or yogis etc can't control their bodies? You are showing your ignorance in this post.

    Do you know how many years there have been in this millennium?

    "Amazing someone in the 21st century can disclaim that magical powers don't exist when there are so many things that scientists cannot disprove, even after centuries."

    Please, some examples!

    ​It would take forever to address all of the ridiculous believed by gullible people throughout history, or even just today.

    Myths do not need to be disproved, they need to be proved.

    Virgin births...proof?

    Walking on water...proof?

    Waiting..for proof, not disproof.

    By the way..your post is very interesting.

    ​to disclaim that magical powers don't exist would be to prove they do exist....do you understand double negatives?

    How many years have there been in this millennium??

    How many days have there been in this week?

    If you know when it started and you can count...you got it!

    I must agree..

    There is some ignorance showing in your post.

    • Like 1
  11. It is all a bunch of superstitious, ridiculous, hocus pocus scamming.

    It is hard to believe how gullible these Thai Buddhist are!

    Real religions consist of invisible friends who talk to you and watch over you, walking on water, penguins walking from antarctica to the middle east to get on a boat, virgin births, raising the dead, multimillionaire preachers and evangelists, gods from the middle east who look like handsome white europeans and sensible things like that.

    These Thai people need to find real religion like we have in the west!


    Do a reality check before calling the kettle black!


    • Like 1
  12. You are in the wrong town, province and country.

    Time to consider your options.

    Have a nice flight!

    clap2.gif Well done. The first `go home crew` to crawl from under their stone in this thread, congrats!

    Amazingly, this comment comes from a man that started a thread whinge last week about Thai`s attitudes towards Americans recently due to the US` criticisms of the Thai junta when in all reality, most Thais have no idea about their government`s policy or that of any nation! Suppose you know this already, right? wink.png Off thread there but needs to be said.

    Man starts a thread, probably frustrated as hell and in need of advice, yet only your concerns or posts are there to be worried about it would seem.

    And looking at your likes for this comment, no surprise there at all.

    Grumpy man.

    Please excuse me for my thoughtless reply.

    On second thought, after reading the other posts here, I should have said,

    Go to the village headman ( the guy with the pretty flags at his house) and tell him ( in English, since you have been here long enough now that all in they village should have learned your language by now)

    "I have come here to live in your country and in your village, with your people and I do not like the way you live.

    Since I am from ( fill in the blank with your home country ) you know I am more important, smarter, and better than you and your people.

    So, it is time for you all to change your life style and culture and make this the kind of place that I want to live!

    And be careful, I have talked to other foreigners on Thai visa, a web site for uninvited guests in your country, and they have given me good advice on how to get rid of you as village chief if you do not do as I demand.

    You have been warned!"

    Yeah! That should work!

    Choke dee!cheesy.gif

    ( that's good luck in English )

    • Like 1
  13. I do not see Thailand as a reliable military ally, or necessary for USA security interests.

    China can have them.

    have you a brain ,where will china ,STOP ,WHITE CLIFFS DOVER MAYBE

    I don't think history supports your fears.

    Long ago,he Mongols did conquer most of Asia and parts of Europe, as far west as Poland I believe.

    But that did not last.

    But many people are not aware that the Chinese were in North America long before anyone from Europe.

    They crossed the Pacific, explored the west coast of America, and then went home.

    The did not attempt to colonize or exploit it in any way.

    Archaeological finds on the west coast of North America confirm this.

    Unlike some European nations, they have never attempted to establish an empire where the sun would never set!

  14. I think they should build a big wall around Isaan as big as the one in the west bank in Palestine. Then have one entrance with a big sign over it saying "Medevial World".

    You are transported around on a rottovator tractor from town to town, eqch family gets their own translator. The medevial world theme park is ideal for the family or backers alike. With pay one time admission everything is free, food, acommodation and transport. The handy crafts are for sale though. Activities include hiking, farming fun, cock fighting, buffalo keeping, chicken shooting, country music, silk weaving, basket making, cooking classes.

    Book your ticket now and recieve a free bottle of loa cow.

    You are going to get a shellacking from the Village People, those westerners who have taken up residence with their good ladies in that Northeast Paradise.

    I live in Isaan and many of us agree with you.

    With one exception.

    No entrance from the south.

    We don't want fat, dirty old sexpats that come here thinking they understand the real Thailand and expect our women to all be bar girl wanabees and strut around thinking they are something special.

    You only get the desperate ones down there who have no choice but to put up with your disgusting filth in order to support their parents and children. ( pretty sad when you actually think about what you are doing huh?)

    but you are special, a special problem.

    Stay away!

    You only make real expats in real Thailand ashamed of the losers from their home countries.

    But hey!

    It is nice to agree with you on something!

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