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Posts posted by willyumiii

  1. Thailand "unfriending" America would make little if any difference to America.

    It would however make a difference to Americans ( like me) living in Thailand.

    I have many expats friends here from other countries and talking to them, I feel that we Americans get better treatment and respect from government officials than they do.

    America has done much for Thailand's infrastructure since it's involvement in Vietnam.

    Without American support of the government and military in thailand, I think their attitude toward Americans in Thailand will change, and not for the better.

    The future could be interesting for Americans in Thailand..

    P.S. Did you know that they are already bringing in teachers from China to teach young Thai children to speak Chinese?

    China is not a member of ASEAN!

  2. Such a vague question, and interestingly written too!

    My honest answer is that I am sure many have children and regret ti, and many never regret it at all.

    A Vague question gets a vague answer!

    I never got married until I was 50 years old and had my first child at 55.

    I did enjoy 50 years as a batchlor.

    But now....

    I could not be happier!

    But who knows what the future holds?



    Who can say?

    Vague enough?

    • Like 1
  3. I have no problem with Jews.

    To be honest, I do not care for any organized religion and care even less who think they have a right to kill others, ( this includes Christians), but know we must tolerate all people with invisible friends.

    But, as a country, Israel is out of control and has been for a long time.

    As a country, not a race or religion, they need to be stopped and put in their place.

    Because of unjustified support from my country ( USA ) they seem to believe they are exempt from all rules and control.

    Maybe they are correct, they have been getting away with criminal acts for decades with no accountability.

    It is high time those who support this barbaric regime back off and teach them they are no different than every other country and expected to live in a civilized manor like every other country.

    I know they have been mistreated through out history and treated really horrifically by Germany in WWII.

    I know it is way too late, but I think many of today's problems would have been avoided if they had been awarded part or even all of Germany as a homeland after Germany's defeat in WWII.

    They may have prefered the little chunk of desert that is considered a holly land for three conflicting religions ( who all worship the same god ), but if offered a large, fertile land with a comfortable climate, or nothing...I do not think they would have rejected the offer.

    After all, it was Germany who slaughtered six million Jews in WWII, not the Palestinians!

    • Like 2
  4. When I was in the states, I once sent my ( now )wife a letter with $100 usd in it to buy school supplies for children she was teaching English and math to.

    The letter was delivered, but the money was gone.

    "Postman bad, don't mail money" my wife said.

    From then on I used Western Union.

    Nice f him to still deliver the letter after taking the money out! No?

    • Like 2
  5. The way I understand it is....

    A work permit on an O- marriage vise is the prefered one.

    If you are here on an O-marred visa and change to a B, your visa is invalid when the job ends, for any reason, and you must then jump through all of those hoops again to get another O- married visa or leave the country.

    If you get a work permit on your O-married visa and the job ends...you still have your o-married visa and can stay with no hoops!

    Is that correct Joe?

  6. My country, The United States, is a Republic that spends a huge amount of money and lives "bringing Democracy" to countries all over the world ( if they want it or not ).

    The can not be seen supporting any country, including Thailand, who has strayed from the democratic process.

    Thailand will have elections or keep getting closer to China and North Korea. It is their choice.

    They can not have it both ways.

    The USA has done a lot for the Thai military and infrastructure since Vietnam.

    Maybe the new government thinks it is time to snuggle up to some different buddies?

    • Like 2
  7. As kind of a side topic that should be considered if considering buying farm land for production and profits.

    "My wife owns" land in both rice and cassava.

    We both have other responsibilities and do not work the land ourselves.

    We have always paid others to plant, maintain and harvest the crops.

    For the last 3 years, it has become more and more difficult to find people to work the farms.

    There are easier ways to make a living in Esaan these days, more and more factory jobs are available.

    In fact, this year if not for help from the wife's family, we may not have been able to harvest!

    I can see needing to offer much higher pay to get people to work on farms in the future.

    That should go into the calculations of your future fortunes.

  8. Is it possible to post ones 90 day raport to the office, and by that I can remain at home??


    Korat does not accept 90 day reports via mail or post as you call it.

    But, they do have a separate line and room for 90 day reporting.

    There always seem to be 2-3 officers working in the 90 day room and they are fast.

    My last two 90 day reports in Korat took well under 2 minutes, in and out of the front door.

    I did notice a full house waiting for other services, but the 90 day reporting goes fast.

  9. "

    "Nutcases, psychos and generally dysfunctional posters"

    Wondering if this definition only applies to the posters the Op disagrees with?

    No not at all and to be honest I cannot see a justification or a basis for your rather rude and stimulating remark

    I was merely making a point as a result of many emails (links) from TV to the different forums to which I subscribe being denied when I try to open them up.

    Obviously they have been closed by the MODS for one reason or another before I could open them.

    Simples really!

    Maybe you could explain why it is that you think that I would consider posters whom I disagree with actually fit the description of my OP?

    Of course I disagree with many posters on TV, that would be considered maybe "normal" but when faced with obvious trolling type replies or flamers I often respond in the same ilk as a bit of a put down but surely nothing malicious

    I live by the simple code of "live and let live" even those who may consider me to be a bit of a pompous git and especially the one ( And I love his input on TV ) who thinks I live in an "Ivory tower" I have absolutely no thoughts of malice at all.

    People (and me) occasionally make a stupid or silly reply in a post so why would I not give them the benefit that I hope a lot of posters give me ( especially when I have had a tot ot two or three)

    And finally willyumiii I really rate your input on TV, you're sometimes, brief, straight to the nitty gritty approach , occasionally droll and ironic style of posting is for me a delight to read.

    Now and again just like me and a few others (mainly whom I disagree with) you make a bit of a fool out of yourself, just like you did with your quoted comment when you questioned my definition.

    Like you I don't have a problem with straight talk and hope that you will read my post as I did yours, with tongue in cheek!

    Maybe you just want a good old debate eh and the forum content with regard to interesting topics is just lately a tad on the banal or boring side.

    I feel a bit complimented that you have chosen my thread to find some stimulation, so come on, lets get to it and answer my questions for maybe the beginning of a great TV debate.


    I did not mean to offend.

    I thought it was a valid question.

    There are many on TV who would consider anyone who they disagree with as a "nutcase".

    Now I know you are not one.

    No time to debate now...working early and time for bed.

    But, I will check in the morning and see if there's anything to disagree with!


    • Like 1
  10. I think it is all in where you choose to live and report.

    My last two 90 reports were a good deal less than two minutes in and out of the front door!

    The average would be lower, but on my last visit I took a few seconds longer to tell them what a great job they did and how remarkably fast and efficient they were.

    Then again..there is nothing like "Walking Street " here in Esaan!

    Disneyland has long lines too!

    We all make our choices!

  11. I once worked at a wildlife rescue center. Handle quiet a few owls and hawks of various species. I doubt if the owl has been hand fed from birth. If that is so its food needs to be "live". They do not eat carrion or dead animals in nature. They live of live mice, small birds, chickens, some insects, lizards, and snakes. They easily go into shock by human presence. They fear you more than you do them. You need to feed them in an totally enclosed area with several perches off the ground. Mice will bite them if they don't have a perch. Release the live food and walk away. Don't be visible. They will let their natural instinct take over. Check occasionally.

    The other option and the best one is to release it back into the wild and let nature take its course. May seem cruel but they are survivors. It may also be the owl was sick or injured and there is not much you can do the help it. Place it high up in a well covered tree. Other birds will attack it so you need to give it a chance.

    I agree 100%.

    I was a wildlife Tech for the USDA forest service for about 10 years and worked with owls probably 80% of that time.

    I hit a screech owl with my jeep one night.

    Took him home and nursed him back to health and released him at the same spot I had hit him months later.

    The story got out and soon I was waking up to injured owls in cardboard boxes left on my porch in the night!

    Sadly I only had a bout a 25% survival rate...I Finally put out word that I would take no more injured owls in.

    In a nut shell, Mrjlh is correct.

    They are birds of prey and only eat live meat.

    The #1 prey where I lived was mice.

    I purchased some from a pet store and let them breed.

    The mice were soon plentiful.

    I tried force feeding some of the badly injured birds with a small chunk of beef on a long stick. ( be careful, owls can give you a nasty bite)

    Force feeding was very difficult and those I tried it with did not survive.( starvation or injury infections, not sure of the reason)

    Good luck.

    It's a good thing you are trying to do.

    But prepare yourself for failure.

    Most do not make it.

    And when they do make it... you have known them so long by the time they are ready to be released, it hurts to see them go.

    Again...Good luck..Choke Dee!

  12. I'm an American who lives in Thailand and am planning a trip to Phuket when a friend from America visits soon.

    I was just warned that Phuket could be dangerous for Americans now since there is a high Muslim population there.

    I never considered that. I usually get along with everyone pretty well.

    But, considering the warnings from the U.S. embassy since the "torture report" and the ISIS activity and threats, I am wondering.

    Is it safe for Americans in Phuket now?

    I would appreciate any comments from Americans who have visited Phuket recently or who live there full time.


  13. I was late once....2000 thb.

    and the officer was a little curt with me.

    he kept looking at his computer screen then looking at me then back at the computer.

    I could see the screen and thee ws nothing bad about me on it!

    before I left, he made a point of showing me my next 90 day reporting date and even highlited it for me!

    not bad.

    like you, I was afraid of what might happen that day..

    just be nice, and act like you take your error seriously.

    you should have no problem.

    Choke dee

    • Like 1
  14. I have lived in Thailand for a few years now, but have not been a tourist in Thailand for about 10 years.

    From what I read, things have changed a lot in 10 years.

    One of my oldest and closest friends from Caifornia is coming for a visit in March. His virst trip to Thailand ever.

    He wants me to show him around and we will have about 20 days to do it.

    He is really into sailing and boats, and is interested in boats of Thailand from longtails to junks, to fishing boats as well as any kind of sail boat.

    He is an experienced diver, scuba and snorlkeling.

    He has also had an interest in Buddhism for a long time.

    Thailand sounds perfect for him, right?

    He likes to have some fun, but I don't know if he would be into the bar girl thing or not, thou I'm sure he wouldn't be ofended by them, and definately some bars are in order!

    Knowing things have changed a bit since 2005 when I was single and traveling about, what good advice do you have as to where to take him and what to do and see?

    Years ago, I enjoyed Phuket, Krabi and even Pattaya..still a good idea?

    I know Bangkok is full of interesting experiences, but other than the grand palace & wat...what else is there?

    I am seriously trying to plan out a great visit for a great friend.

    So, please, no sarcastic comments, Thai bashing or derogatory remarks about the country are being requested here.

    I know a bit about Thailand, the good and the bad, but the puropse of this post is to help me show a good buddy a good time here.

    P.S. of those 20 days we will probably spend a week just kicking back whereI live in Esaan enjying the country life.

    Thanks in advance.

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