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Posts posted by willyumiii

  1. The US just cut a deal to move back into Subic Bay and Clark Air Force Base in the Phils. It also has Diego Garcia and Guam. It also has 11 Nimitz class aircraft carrier groups.

    Who needs Thailand?

    Nobody is doubting what the US military hardware and bases are.

    What happens if those bases are wiped out rather quickly?

    The hardest part of winneng a war is not the hardware, it is the logistics and the US would be spread far too thin across the globe. It is NOT going to concentrate all its efforts in the western pacific.

    If it goes off, the US, will have problems in that region. A single torpedo below the waterline and that is an aircraft carrier lost.

    That's what Japan thought in WWII.

    Every carrier is accompanied by a carrier group of ships. There are destroyers which mean submarine destroyers. They can detect and destroy a submarine before it gets into effective range.

    The US can hit and destroy a torpedo too.

    China doesn't have stealth. The US can shoot down an ICBM.

    These are the things that China doesn't have when I say its technology is antiquated. Neither it or Russia is ready to take on the West and they know it.


    I wondered how long it would be before we got the old WW11 rubbish.... First off, this is NOT 1940. All of Russias allies will have much more advanced technology just as much as the US have, also the Japs only lost because the US nuked the,m.... IO doubt they would dare think about using nukes in the next conflict because it will be the end of the USA and probably all of us.

    If that is all you can come up with, then you are very ignorant of current military .... Look how long it took them to sort out Afgahistan and Iraq and they did nothing in Vietnam....... You are kidding yourself, even US military experts would agree with me...... and they do.

    Russia, China, India and the middle east can collapse the US economy in days, and they will as part of the war effort, and the US will collapse on top of this war...... The USA have no chance and I pray to god that the UK and the EU come to their senses soon. France and half of the EU countries will back down against Russia mate.

    As for technology...... Typical American attitude, think everyone are backwards compared to them.... Russia has some of the finest military technology in the world, so does China.... and you lot don't have a clue exactly what China or Russia has.

    One of the most advanced countries in the world for military hardware is Israel, and it sells its advances to everyone with the cash and China has plenty of that.... then they copy it and mass produce it..... You have no idea what they have, only China knows that. So carry on and underestimate it.... Prepare to be shocked.

    Your technological advances did not help you in Vietnam where you got your <deleted> handed to you and fled with your tails between your legs.....

    Japan was never going to win, they had already lost WWII.

    The nukes just shortened the war considerably and saved a lot of both Japanese and Allied lives.

    The Japanese would have never surrendered and a very costly invasion of the Japanese homeland would have been required and successful, eventually

    The US had the technology to destroy Vietnam, but decided to restrain itself, and rightfully so.

    The US did was not defeated in Vietnam.

    The people of America determined the occupation of south Vietnam was wrong and forced their government to stop.

    The people of America can still influence what their government does if enough of them disagree with it's policies.

    Not every country can make that claim.

    Can yours?

    The Vietnam conflict was their civil war. We backed the losing side.


    Sorry, but the "conflict in Vietnam" was created by the U.S. CIA for the benefit of the USA.

    To the people of both north and south Vietnam, it was, and still is, one Vietnam, not north and south Vietnam.

    This is why the US fought against both the North Vietnam and the Viet Cong.

    The VC were south Vietnamese fighting against the US for the unification of the north and south.

    This is why the south Vietnamese people supported, supplied, and hid the VC from the US whenever they could.

    It was not a civil war, it was a very costly, attempted and failed occupation by the U.S.

    For the past 40 years, the Vietnam has been doing pretty well and is now one of the most popular vacation destinations for American toruist.

    Go figure!

  2. I am scared!

    Lately I have been agreeing with Neversure a lot!

    Something I have never done before.

    Could it be we have found a topic we agree on....or am I losing it?

    Maybe a little of both.

    Next thing you

    know I will start agreeing with Ulysses S.Grant too!


    • Like 1
  3. AYJAYDEE. OK, so there are some mistakes in Costas's English, but he does well for a non English native speaker, and all his posts are easy to understand, you never seem to have anything decent to say about anyone.

    I agree possum 1931.

    I have no problem understanding Costa's English and value his input.

    On the other hand, I understand AYJAYEE as well and tired of his negative input so much that I put him on ignore months ago.

    • Like 2
  4. He seems good at threatening everyone except for the small few that he actually works for.

    There seems to no end to the complete asinine statements coming out daily now.

    In his spiel Friday past he suggested that the rice farmers who can't plant a second crop because of drought plant something else. As you say, there seems to be no end. Anyone for cactus?

    You must not live in an agricultural area of Thailand.

    Cassava grows just fine without irrigation.

    That is exactly what Thai farmers are doing now....planting cassava.

    Added benefit..there has been no cassava scam!

    • Like 1
  5. I guess the U.S Ambassador will be summonsed again to knee at dear leaders feet and explain why the U.S wound Thailand again. Don't they realise that this will be lost revenue for Thailand?

    "I guess the U.S Ambassador will be summonsed again..."

    You've been reading too much Thai Visa.

    "Don't they realise that this will be lost revenue for Thailand?"

    Farang-think seems to believe that everything the government does is aimed at preventing the loss of a few satang. And most of this farang-think comes from expats from countries with collapsing economies. Why not share you financial wisdom with European, Japanese, Australian, US ... governments who really should try to shore up their shaky finances.

    Excuse me?

    The US has done a pretty good job of recovering from the damage done to it's economy by the Cheney administration and is actually doing quite well now.

    How long since you have read the papers?

    The USD is not on the same path as the euro and Ausie money...is it?

  6. what a joke, when we did combined excercises with the US their so called soldiers were that far below par it wasnt funny, we ran rings around them. Even some of their specialist units were not up to scratch with our regs, training wise they were very average. Dont think Thailand will be missing out on much if they cut it back, from my time working with them they were all mouth and bugger all action/ability, our reserves were better trained.

    Keep telling yourself that. More probably, they didn't give a rat's ass about some lame exercise with a second rate force.

    They are no match for an Aussie Soldier.

    Or A Brit smile.png

    And this is exactly why the Britts and Ausies are at "the helm of the world" !

    What a joke!

    Since WWII your countries military have been no more than an "also ran" in the race.

    Who's being delusional here?

    Not the Americans.

    But, hey!

    Nice try guys!

  7. Can't go.

    If I did you would all know I was really a 47 year old Nigerian woman who sends you those emails.

    Bad for business.

    Just can't make it guys!

    But seriously, your deceased uncle did leave 20 million usd with me.

    Contact me A.S.A.P.!!

  8. Prostitution has been suppressed? w00t.gif

    Can somebody enlighten me as to whether or not Soi Cowboy and Patpong are still in full flow everynight, with thousands of girls standing in the street half-naked and blatantly pouting at each and every passer by?

    How many of those girls do you think are really being forced to be there?

    I know some from small villages near me that come and go as they please.

    When they need money, they work.

    When they don't, they come home, for months or even years at a time.

    Not exactly what I would call trafficking!

    This isn't Kansas Toto!

  9. I do not think most Thais I know pay much attention to what is going on in their country.

    Mai pen rai.

    Maybe because they feel they do not have much influence.

    There only concern at election time seems to be " who will pay the most for my vote".

    My Thai wife, while living with me in America, became very interested in the US government system and elections.

    She could not vote there, but we would always discuss and agree on how I would vote....for both of us.

    P.S., she still follows U.S. politics on the news each night.

    • Like 2
  10. If Thailand prefers China to the US, and by default Japan, the US will stop providing Thailand with military assistance and both the US and Japan could pull manufacturing out of Thailand. The US and Japan have huge industrial investments in Thailand and create a lot for the Thai economy including exports and jobs.

    Japan is afraid of China after having China threaten to take some of its islands and block shipping and airline routes. The US sailed some carrier groups through the area and made China back down. The US also made China back down from claiming all fishing rights in the S. China Sea - a place where several SE Asian countries including Thailand rely on for fishing.

    If Thailand is stupid enough to play China against the US and by default Japan, it could lose US and Japanese manufacturing causing its economy to crash.

    The US and Japan have already invested in large tracts of land in Burma at Yangon, as a backstop to Thailand. The US signed a deal with the Phils to move military forces back into Subic Bay and Clark Air Force Base which will be a large boost to the Phil's economy.

    Who is being left out and "Who is Sleeping?"

    Thailand is usually too big for its britches and this writer should figure out that neither the US nor Japan needs Thailand at all.

    I don't often agree with Neversure, but when I do.......

    His statement here is spot on.

    The US has little to lose if Thailand sides with China and relations with the US continue to sour.

    With modern day technology, the US no longer needs Thailand for military purposes.

    Business can be taken care of from Australia and the Philippines very well now.

    Thailand has a lot to lose.

    If you think China will provide the military, economic and infrastructure support that the US has provided since Vietnam, think again.

    Just what do you think China's long term plans are for Thailand???

    Would any responsible government trade good relations with the US and Japan for better relations with China and North Korea???

    Unfortunately, the average Thai has no idea of what is going on and has no say in it anyway.

  11. Is this why so many from the Philippines have come to Thailand seeking a much higher wage than they can get at home?

    Wages in Thailand are not high compared to most places, but much higher than in the Philippines.

    The following is from wiki and 2014 statistics:

    Just for a good comparison, the minimum wage for the Philippines is $1 per day in the non-plantation agricultural sector for the countryside. When working in the national capital, the minimum wage increases to about $2 per day. Unfortunately, when these minimum wages per day are quote for the non-agricultural sector, the agriculture wages are probably much lower and calculated based on the crop.

    That is somewhere around 35-70 THB per day!

    I would call the Philippines a "not so strong man"!!!

    I think at the end of 2015 when ASEAN kicks into gear we will see a flood of people from the Philippines in Thailand seeking employment.

    Unlike Thais, most Philippine people speak fairly good English..a requirement for ASEAN.

    Just saying...

    Bar ladies in the Philippines earn practically the same money as their Thai counterparts. Also unlike Thais, something like 10% of Filipinos work overseas and earn much higher salaries than Thais do at home. So overall I think Filipinos make more money per person than Thais.

    Filipinos working over seas earn much higher salaries than Thaisa do at home"

    Ummm...errrr, excuse me, This is about what they earn in the Philippines, not overseas.

    Did we get lost somewhere?

    Thais who go overseas to work can make pretty high salaries as well.

    In fact, just about anyone from SE Asia who has the ways and means to get to the U.S can probably earn more in one hour than they can in a day or even a week in their home country.

    I don't follow your logic, is there any?

  12. Is this why so many from the Philippines have come to Thailand seeking a much higher wage than they can get at home?

    Wages in Thailand are not high compared to most places, but much higher than in the Philippines.

    The following is from wiki and 2014 statistics:

    Just for a good comparison, the minimum wage for the Philippines is $1 per day in the non-plantation agricultural sector for the countryside. When working in the national capital, the minimum wage increases to about $2 per day. Unfortunately, when these minimum wages per day are quote for the non-agricultural sector, the agriculture wages are probably much lower and calculated based on the crop.

    That is somewhere around 35-70 THB per day!

    I would call the Philippines a "not so strong man"!!!

    I think at the end of 2015 when ASEAN kicks into gear we will see a flood of people from the Philippines in Thailand seeking employment.

    Unlike Thais, most Philippine people speak fairly good English..a requirement for ASEAN.

    Just saying...

  13. When I read these headlines, I keep having the thought of writing a comedy

    book, which would be comprised entirely from headlines on TV. So

    government workers can no longer use their computers ?? You simply

    could not make this stuff up. I certainly realize the body of the story

    is indicating that workers cannot use their work computers for posting LM

    messages, but the visual image from the headline is still funny...

    So one worker writing something the government does not like, and suddenly

    there is a nation wide ban ? Sure hope that some farang does not do

    something the government does not like, and the rest of us are deported.....

    I do not think they can no longer use the state owned computers.

    They can no longer use the state owned computers for social media.

    Good idea, it could increase productivity.

    Another good step would prohibit them from using state owned computers to play games too!

    The concept of working and not playing may be hard for some to grasp.

    I also think making the supervisors responsible for preventing improper use is a good move.

    Supervisors may be forced to supervise in order to cover their butts.

    Now, to deal with the huge loop hole of using their personal computers and smart phones at work to mess around, will be the next necessary step to make this work.

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