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Everything posted by mogandave

  1. “Audacity, more audacity, always audacity.”
  2. Leftist morons (redundant) drinking poison and waiting for Trump to die. Neither Trump, nor the majority of Americans care what leftist media says.
  3. How would calling Putin names advance pease? Will attempting to belittle Putin make Putin more likely to negotiate. How did the Democrats attempting to belittle Trump work out for them? How is Zelinski attacking Trump going to help Ukraine? If Trump looks weak, it only benefits Putin. The only thing that really matters is how good a deal Trump can get for Ukraine. Now let the buffoon brigade open up….
  4. Was USAID not first? And the budget for Social Security is about 50% greater than the defense budget.
  5. In the same way that no one wants an open border and millions of illegal aliens flooding across the border. wink-wink-nudge-nudge
  6. I am against Social Security, and think it should be phased out. That said, many of the people that paid into it depend on it, deserve to get what was agreed to, And if they are living in Thailand, and 65 or over, the Country saves a bundle on Medicare. Most people end up drawing much more that they put in.
  7. How big, what is the power requirements and how long a lease do you want? Bangkok province or proper?
  8. Biden was doing such a great job getting this resolved. Too bad his dementia was such that he was not able to run again. Had Harris won and just stayed the course, Putin would have would have surrendered by now.
  9. It’s amusing that the left wants to have drag shows and gay-sex picture books in grade schools, abortion on demand, and they demand everyone be allowed to dress as provocatively as they like and should have sex anywhere they like with any one they like, except when it is someone they oppose, and then the Puritan in them comes out…
  10. What departments are Musk trying to remove that are in charge of oversight on his companies? I think it laughable the way you regurgitate leftist nonsense.
  11. Every American has the right to suggest government policy and to advocate for bills. It is common for grass-roots efforts to have constituents call their representatives and let their opinions be known. I am all for deleting any number of departments, particularly the Department of DisEducation.
  12. Unlike CNN that is now being funded by Qatar…
  13. I think people that want higher taxes, should pay higher taxes.
  14. Please Lord let her run again.
  15. I just heard Trump has a pen, and a phone….
  16. Dems are rallying to continue the spending and maintain the status quo. Please keep it up!
  17. I never said there was no corruption. I don’t know, you don’t know but you feel compelled to lie and pretend you know something.
  18. Thanks liar, so you don’t know, I thought not.
  19. That’s okay, that the Biden administration was able to reduce the flood of illegal aliens coming across the border in the run up to the election only shows that the flood was intentional, and likely would have resumed on November 6th has Harris won the election. I think it fair to say the administration is not waiting around for the left’s approval.
  20. That the Biden administration was able to reduce the flood of illegal aliens coming across the border in the run up to the election only shows that the flood was intentional, and likely would have resumed on November 6th has Harris won the election. The left is still fighting tooth and nail to keep them coming in, and to stop them from beinf deported.
  21. That suits are filed does not make anything illegal or unconstitutional. A number of them have already been resolved in favor of Trump, and none have been resolved against the administration.
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