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Posts posted by gopnarak

  1. Yes, unanimously, on 4 different charges it appears. Miscarriages of justice do occur, but i doubt he was convicted solely on the basis of his nationality. Do you believe a jury trial in the USA is inherently unfair?

    Victor Bout is guilty in the eyes of an American jury. Thats is your evidence.

    Yes, murky conspiracy charges that he wants to kill Americans.

    Made of his alleged answer to a question if some missiles, he was willing to sell, allegedly, could be used to shot helicopters down, American helicopters.

    If his answer would have been, "No, no, no its impossible to shot down US American helicopters with this weapons in Colombia" (keep note: Colombia, NOT Columbia) - then there would be no case.

  2. A prisoner complaining about prison conditions, that must be a first???

    Well vik if you cant do the time you shouldnt have done the crime.

    he didn't do any crime for Russian and Thai law.

    THAT makes it ok then.........

    He didn't do any crime. It is not okay that he is in Jail.

  3. On what condition do you think this warning can be withdrawn?

    Our advice is actually good forever because our advice is very prudent advice to any traveller, whether they go to Thailand or elsewhere

    So its kinda just a "Don't eat the yellow snow" kind of an advice rather than a warning that good American tourists will be blown into million pieces with urine urea fertilizer?

    Some people got that totally wrong.

    Nope. It's diplomat-speak for don't even think about telling the American government what to put on our embassy website.

    As long you don't insist that i should care what the American embassy put on their website they can put on their website whatever they want.

    Don't eat the yellow snow, my friend.

  4. On what condition do you think this warning can be withdrawn?

    Our advice is actually good forever because our advice is very prudent advice to any traveller, whether they go to Thailand or elsewhere

    So its kinda just a "Don't eat the yellow snow" kind of an advice rather than a warning that good American tourists will be blown into million pieces with urine urea fertilizer?

    Some people got that totally wrong.

  5. I have listened to the their reasons and I am amazed they would give ones that prove to the world they are as evil and horrible far beyond what anyone in the West ever thought. Disgusting.

    “Those who get angry are hardly ever right,” Lavrov stated at a media conference in Moscow.



    You got to hand it to Larvov. Staying straight faced while complaining about "extrnal players" meddleing and supplying arms to the opposition.

    Believe in the all up in tears for the peaceful protesters and children foreplay till "We saw, he died, I came" post coitum face.

    Russia and China ≠ USA

    Russia and China = bad.

  6. Worldwide, numbers are estimated to have fallen to only 3,200 tigers from approximately 100,000 a century ago.

    That is not the fault of "exotic" meat restaurants.

    It's the fault of the <snip> who go to such restaurants and order tiger meat (no demand, no market) and people from certain countries who think that ground up tiger genitals will give them a proper hard on instead of popping a viagra.

    Meanwhile its true that tiger parts are used in a traditional medicine, Its mostly for dozens of other reasons than to improve the sex life.

    And the part tiger products play in that traditional medicine is totally tiny. Mostly it are just herbal mixtures.

    Just a century ago there were plenty tigers around like all thousands of years before that. Now in moderns times old habits suddenly become the reason that these animals face extinction? Nonsense.

    Wildlife becomes extinct because the Chinese people eat them all - a xenophobic and racist argument.

    (no demand - no market)? be it illegal private zoos or illegal meat restaurant. Thats a market that have also interests to keep a population of tigers alive. no products, no business.

    I am not saying that i support this, but if there were no meat restaurants and everyone understands that "tiger medicine" will not help nor heal anyhow - the situation for tigers will not drastically improve and the extinction threat will not disappear nor will we have 100,000 tigers again in the next century.

  7. Whose fault is it, pray tell? One should ignore trolls, but it gets harder as time goes on.

    Worldwide, numbers are estimated to have fallen to only 3,200 tigers from approximately 100,000 a century ago.

    That is not the fault of "exotic" meat restaurants.

    Natural areas where real wildlife exist and can survive in their own habitat become smaller and smaller.

    Just look at the palm oil, biofuel - orangutans connection in Indonesia. That is the real threat and not the odd orangutan bordello or an restaurant that serves exotic meat.

    • Like 1
  8. Syria and China see eye-to-eye on Tibet, another shameful human rights fiasco.

    "China and Syria gave each other understanding and support on issues concerning each other's core and major interests," the statement said. "China showed consistent understanding and firm support for Syria's position on the Golan Heights while Syria remained committed to the one China position and rendered China staunch support on matters related to Taiwan, Tibet, Xinjiang and human rights." (CNN report)

    I am pretty sure it is OFF TOPIC to discuss the Golan Heights and who are the biggest arms suppliers of the parties involved in that conflict. And so is Tibet pretty much off topic here.

    You can either start to listen to the reasons China gave for their veto and argue about that or you continue to pet your bias and prejudice an search on CNN for anything else that can be used to bash China or Russia.

    Please just give the requested details about their policies and positions. Is that too hard? As an apologist, that should be easy for you.

    I am an apologists?

    Just do what i said: listen to the reason China and Russia gave for their veto and than argue about that. That would be a reasonable thing to do.

    If you have no clue - don't judge.

  9. Back to what the warning was about. If you think Hezbollah isn't still operational in Thailand, you are very naive. They have been here for years and are still here. Given the good chance that Israel will bomb Iran's nuclear targets in May or June, the terror potential certainly still exists here as if that happens Iran's proxies will be given the green light anywhere they can.

    Hezbollah is part of the elected government in Lebanon. Thailand isn't at war with Lebanon.

    Thailand is not at war with Iran, nor planning to attack them.

    More than that, Thailand made clear that they have a friendly relationship with these countries.

    And i think they made all pretty clear that they don't want get involved in your wars of terror.

    Please don't pretend that you don't understand. Such attacks if they occur would not be attacks ON Thailand, they would be attacks IN Thailand against perceived enemy western CIVILIAN targets. If you suggest Hezbollah is incapable of that, you're just wrong. (Evidence -- ARGENTINA.)

    You are just wrong:

    TOPIC: US Lifts Terror Alert In Thailand.

    Hezbollah will not launch terror attacks IN Thailand. Period.

    So please stop trolling or post things that are off topic. ARGENTINA???

  10. Syria and China see eye-to-eye on Tibet, another shameful human rights fiasco.

    "China and Syria gave each other understanding and support on issues concerning each other's core and major interests," the statement said. "China showed consistent understanding and firm support for Syria's position on the Golan Heights while Syria remained committed to the one China position and rendered China staunch support on matters related to Taiwan, Tibet, Xinjiang and human rights." (CNN report)

    I am pretty sure it is OFF TOPIC to discuss the Golan Heights and who are the biggest arms suppliers of the parties involved in that conflict. And so is Tibet pretty much off topic here.

    You can either start to listen to the reasons China gave for their veto and argue about that or you continue to pet your bias and prejudice an search on CNN for anything else that can be used to bash China or Russia.

  11. Russia gave a clear explanation for their veto.

    Clear enough, yes. Acceptable? That is far more open to debate. It's shameful to see nations playing childish payback while people die, regardless of the rights or wrongs of the "role creep" we saw in Libya and Iraq.

    i have been watching this closely, Al Jazeera in English show the most brutal and disturbing pictures, and Chinas explination is cold and hard, it amazes me how we can sit back and watch children being killed, for what???

    China made it also clear what are their reasons. Turning a blind eye to disturbing pictures is it not.

  12. Back to what the warning was about. If you think Hezbollah isn't still operational in Thailand, you are very naive. They have been here for years and are still here. Given the good chance that Israel will bomb Iran's nuclear targets in May or June, the terror potential certainly still exists here as if that happens Iran's proxies will be given the green light anywhere they can.

    Hezbollah is part of the elected government in Lebanon. Thailand isn't at war with Lebanon.

    Thailand is not at war with Iran, nor planning to attack them.

    More than that, Thailand made clear that they have a friendly relationship with these countries.

    And i think they made all pretty clear that they don't want get involved in your wars of terror.

    When you side with terrorists, expect to wake up without your head, elected or not elected, a terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist.

    You mean there a cases where democratically elected governments can be also called terrorists?

    And for the sake of your own head the best choice is not to side up with them?

    Thailand doesn't want to bully, attack or terrorise anyone. Thailand foreign policy is to have friendly relationships with other countries, bases on mutual respect.

  13. Back to what the warning was about. If you think Hezbollah isn't still operational in Thailand, you are very naive. They have been here for years and are still here. Given the good chance that Israel will bomb Iran's nuclear targets in May or June, the terror potential certainly still exists here as if that happens Iran's proxies will be given the green light anywhere they can.

    Hezbollah is part of the elected government in Lebanon. Thailand isn't at war with Lebanon.

    Thailand is not at war with Iran, nor planning to attack them.

    More than that, Thailand made clear that they have a friendly relationship with these countries.

    And i think they made all pretty clear that they don't want get involved in your wars of terror.

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