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Posts posted by JingerBen

  1. "So you do not actually have any details on whether he was charged or not?"

    No. That's why I asked the question. Notice the "or" ...either someone is charged OR they are not charged,.

    Do you know whether he has been charged or is he one of the hundreds in Israeli jails detained without charge or trial?

    Of course they are political prisoners. Israel made a political decision to illegally occupy the West Bank in 1967 and against international law transferred its own population there. Therefore, all resistance is similarly political and stems from that.

    Thanks, so the link in question is simply to add the impression that he was not charged. coffee1.gif

    I did not make any claims regarding charges being made or not made. Try turning the tables on someone else.

    I see, so once again, you justify any violence, if it is carried out in the name of resisting the occupation. Apparently no holds barred this time.

    And to be sure, do you assert that all Palestinians in Israeli prisons are there due to "political" reasons and not, say, any mundane criminal activities?

    Violence carried out in the name of resisting occupation is freedom fighting by another name.

    You can't justify the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands by any legitimate argument.

    A propaganda barrage in defense of the indefensible just gives the game away.

    Incidentally, as brevity is the soul of wit, so it is of proselytism.

    A turgid prose style combined with personal nastiness lets the side down.

    ANY violence carried out in the name of resisting occupations is "freedom fighting"? Attacks carried out against civilians within Israel included? Attacks against kids of Israeli illegal settlers are cool too? Anything goes?

    I did not justify nor condone the Israeli occupation. Not on this topic or others. In the same way, there was no "defense" of Israel offered in this topic, more a position in favor of maintaining the security coordination. Do keep up before posting nonsense.

    I believe Forum rules mention repeated comments on posting style.

    Palestinians need to stop any kind of Israel cooperation until sanctions to Israel gets tougher. If they start to ban Israelis to travel EU and if they grant them embargo same as Iran, i am sure they will be broken hard and faster than Iran bc Israel has nothign but sand! then peace might prevail over those unfortunate lands.

    and yes, exactly we call it freedom fighting, resistance or whatever you name it. bc those people there just trying to protect their own stolen land and their families from Israel backed by foreign powers pushed by rich and affluent Jewish diaspora.

    if it is cool for Israel to steal others' land and pushing those people and their 'kids' into poverty followed by radicalism (which turns back to Israel as stabbing or resistance) so i believe it must be normal flow of life if some Israelis get stabbed in the meantime. It is the price to pay, they did not see this coming? Where in the world people are willingly to get their land stolen? haven't they expected a reaction? c'mon!

    Bc what i see is phosphorus bombs when Israel wants to protect their land and families, no? what is a knife when you compare with cruel and unmerciful phosphorus bomb?

    as i said before, it is a price to pay for Israeli if they want to steal cheap and illegitimate land belong to others forcefully and illegally and if their innocent kids are paying this grim price, shame on their fathers, authorities and politicians in Israel!

    again and again, it is the fault of Israelis if a small innocent Israeli kid is stabbed.

    It's hard to know where to start rebutting the ignorance and downright lies of some of our esteemed members. You are conflating Palestinian civil disobedience with a wholesale embargo on Israel by the EU. Total fantasy as recent rulings against BDS demonstrate. White phosphorous was never used in a weaponized form by Israel, as was recently refuted also. Huge sums of money flow into Gaza and the West Bank, straight into the bank accounts of their leaders.

    The Palestinian authority are dealing with a population incited and indoctrinated by their leaders from cradle to grave. It is this which is responsible for the predicament of Palestinian security personnel.

    The link which you will ignore shows Palestinian parents condemning the hatred and incitement, which are all that is available by way of children's programs. Abbas should be tried by the ICC for child abuse on a national scale.


    What's your point?

    It's hard to see it through the fog.

    Although I do sympathize with your dilemma.

    The Israeli position can't be presented in a simple and concise form because it is indefensible by all standards of international law and justice.

  2. Exactly Morch.

    Often the voices of the Israel demonization agenda are actively cheerleading for terrorist attacks on innocents, anywhere and everywhere.

    Like the Jews murdered in the Paris supermarket, that was done in the name of "freedom fighting" as well.

    Not at all.

    What happened in Paris was terrorism, pure and simple.

    What happens on occupied Palestinian land is justifiable resistance to Israeli aggression.

  3. It is remarkably similar to the electoral rout of R Sen Barry Goldwater who in 1964 led the right in its seizure of the Republican party nomination for Potus.

    I don't remember an ongoing criminal probe into security violations by the FBI concerning LBJ. It is a VERY different situation.

    No one running for Potus is being investigated. The far out extremist and vast rightwing conspicuously continues to think they can stop the Clintons yet youse guyz have lost at every turn. In fact you got even worse in Barack Obama.

    Now the extremist fringe is gonna get worse than that come back at 'em again compounded by the new factor in US politics called Bernie Sanders and democratic socialism. So the right is just going to have to keep sucking it up.

    Bernie's not my guy but sorting it out is up to the Millennials and those that come along after them. I supported HR Clinton in 2008 and wuz happy to vote for Barack Obama. I support HR Clinton today and going forward. Rightwing super patriot intelligence agency IG's and Republicans in the senate don't change the fact.

    Hogwash from beginning to end.

    Hillary Clinton is indeed being investigated, and the outcome will decide the election.

  4. " the cashier refused to give me the Thai rate despite having a work permit. "

    Are you Thai ? Because having a work permit one would presume you are not, ergo, you should not pay the Thai national price.

    Maybe you're new around here. In the past, having a work permit has entitled one to the Thai rate, although it had always been a little inconsistent with regards to which parks and attractions abided by it.

    Not that new, but I do know that a work permit never "entitled" you to the Thai national price, it was a concession that some places gave to foreign workers.

    Fair enough. But the quote suggests there was a change in policy. So my question still remains. Is this a blanket policy now or do some parks and attractions still make the concession?

    There is no blanket policy for admission fees at Thai parks and attractions now - nor will there be in the foreseeable future.

    Keeping foreigners confused and off-balance is the name of the game. It's more profitable that way.

    To think otherwise is naïve.

  5. This is good for a 10 point increase at the polls for DT.laugh.png

    It would be madness on Trump's part to embrace the lunatic fringe openly... but his strategy at the moment seems to be to not denounce it either.

    Remember Goldwater's "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

    Weasel words then and now.

  6. It is remarkably similar to the electoral rout of R Sen Barry Goldwater who in 1964 led the right in its seizure of the Republican party nomination for Potus.

    I don't remember an ongoing criminal probe into security violations by the FBI concerning LBJ. It is a VERY different situation.

    That's not this poster's recolection either.

    Disinformation and lies are the Hallmark of the Democrat Party. Not to forget dead voters.

    Disinformation and lies are the hallmark of American politics in general.

    At least there's some comic relief as this election rapidly descends into farce.

  7. It is remarkably similar to the electoral rout of R Sen Barry Goldwater who in 1964 led the right in its seizure of the Republican party nomination for Potus.

    I don't remember an ongoing criminal probe into security violations by the FBI concerning LBJ. It is a VERY different situation.

    Good point.

    A federal indictment of Hillary Clinton could change everything very quickly.

  8. You have a lovely way with words mr p, your now preaching to the laid back folks from down under, we hardly give a rats arse whats going on around the world for the next 7 months.....the footy has started...ummm football to you, we even have our own code, no helmets and padding....the real gladiators, you should take some time out and relax, all the ccp stuff must be doing your head in..wont do you any good, best to pick a topic where Aussies arnt involved as you won't get any satisfaction from us.

    He has a lovely way with words because they have been repeated and refined so often by the clever people who promote armed conflict all over the world.

  9. The o.p is basically correct in as far as the Palestinian authority forces are in a bind. They are seen as collaborating with the Israeli army. Things are out of their hands though. There is clear incitement from the Palestinian leadership, which was instrumental in the intifada starting. Hence the Palestinian leaders have put their own security forces in a difficult position seeing as the Israelis are bound to go after suspected terrorists. Should Abbas ratchet things up too far I could see either Israel annexing the entire West Bank, or should they neglect to,do this and the Palestinian authority forces lose control then Hamas or even ISIS may fill the void. Abbas may then find his own head on a pole. If I were him I'd be making retirement plans in his native Country, Jordan.

    I for one would welcome Israel formally annexing the West Bank, then subjecting all its inhabitants Jewish and Palestinian to the one same Israeli civil law, rather than discriminatory arbitrary military laws for Palestinians only under whose aegis at the moment the OP was conducted. Gaza and Hamas they could deal with separately down the road, with a plebiscite for the Palestinians there, once they see the benefits of peace with Israel in one country, just as it has always been in reality for the last 50 years. It's still on the table but I think Israel has missed its chance for a 2 state solution.
    There would be teething troubles from extremists on both sides, and maybe the army would be needed from time to time, but hopefully on the whole a joint Palestinian/Israeli police force could manage the population.
    It would ultimately save a lot of suffering.

    Zionist intransigence against a two-state solution will lead to this eventually... a single state with Jews as an unpopular minority.

    The more things change in this world, the more they stay the same.

  10. There are students exchange partnerships and programs between most EU universities. This is possible through sponsorship or financial contributions from EU educational institutions.

    Israel isn't to my knowledge a member of the EU. Aside from the extra-political motivations, I don't see any reason why Israeli students would have the same academical privileges as the average EU student in Europe. And tax rates in Europe are very high due to EU membership who contribute also to these European international students exchange programs.

    OP refers to boycott Israeli universities, and not individuals.

    I didn't met any Palestinian in my European academical past and neither did I saw any Palestinian participant teams on television for UEFA and Eurosong.

    As I've paid considerable amounts in taxes in Europe, I fully support this 'free' academic boycott and denounce any negative perspective on Israeli individuals...

    What the BDS supports fail to mention is the systematic intimidation of Jewish students in universities. Cambridge students set up a mock check point in one of their buildings. Activists in Oxford stopped a speech by a former member of Mossad on university premises. There are motions to adopt BDS on several campuses throughout the US and UK. The same spoilt ignorant activists whine about safe space rather than have to listen to views they disagree with, whilst simultaneously claiming safe space to lie to bully to intimidate Jewish students. The link below shows how BDS is now becoming known for what it really is leading to the speaker mentioned above being re-invited to speak at Oxford and a BDS motion being soundly defeated at Warwick.

    The tactics used against BDS motions is to argue they are discriminatory if the same stance taken against Israel is not applied to every other territorial dispute. As there are hundreds there is not the time or resources to make an informed judgement on them all. This approach appears to be working - It has been a very bad month indeed for BDS, not just with respect to academia.


    Cambridge students set up a mock checkpoint in one of their buildings.

    What a effective way to get their point across.

    This isn't a protest against a "...territorial dispute." It's a worldwide reaction opposed to aggression and illegal occupation.

  11. Publicus your using this form to push an agenda, updating our defence equipment is normal, some times we increase defence budget and other times we trim it, it's NORMAL here, stay out of Australia we don't need some big mouth mouthing off and taking what is actually going on out of contex, like I said before I live in au I know what's going on you don't.

    Excellent reply to what is transparent propaganda and verbal diarrhea from a recognizable source.

  12. This is Australia's reply to the CCP Dictators in Beijing who for the past several years have been trying unsuccessfully to separate the US allies, partners and friendly nations of this region from the United States. The goal in Beijing is for the CCP to dominate the region in economics and militarily.

    Central to the sinister purposes of the CCP is to turn the South China Sea into a Chinese lake and to control the $5 Trillion of international trade routes through the Sea, to include oil shipments from the ME to Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Asean.

    CCP Dictators in Beijing are certain Australia will have to submit to Beijing due to CCP's economic power and its programmatic military growth in the region. Given that it is impossible to change the ancient absolutist Middle Kingdom fantasy mindset of the Chinese elites, Australia is taking the required military actions to deal with the CCP pigheaded aggressors in Beijing.

    Australia is acting in this way because the Chinese elites never compromise the absolutism of their Middle Kingdom fantasies carried to the present. Other countries of the region are doing the same, to include Japan, South Korea, India, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, New Zealand. Which is why CCP can never dominate the region on any basis.

    Your simple-minded analysis is based on ignorance and prejudice.

    The Chinese have experienced de facto colonization in the 19th and early 20th centuries by Europe and America. After that, a period of chaos and Communist revolution followed by an abominable dictatorship imposed on them by old Marxist knuckleheads.

    The social and economic progress that they have made in recent times has been incredible and laudable.

    They are a force to be reckoned with now... and not just because of their military.

  13. Just trying to protect himself in lawless Thailand

    Give it a rest.

    Yeah, give it a rest.

    In my 30+ years here I never remember so many farangs killing themselves and others.

    The Japanese gangsters have always been here , but usually kept a low profile with their strictly segregated clubs in Soi Thaniya [Little Tokyo], Patpong, and elsewhere.

    That may be changing. If so, it's bad news for all of us for a number of different reasons.

  14. More about academic BDS and the Jew hatred at its core.

    It's not Israel that deserves to be demonized. It's the BDS movement that does. More people are learning the truth about the utter EVIL the BDS movement represents.


    The BDS movement wishes to apply pressure on Israeli academia by promoting for all academics to cut off Israeli universities, thus inhibiting the essential process of academic of transmission, building relations, and sharing ideas and knowledge. It is in my stringent opinion, that to block academic extrapolation and development between disciplines and different universities around the world is the materialization of backward thinking, and it is the first step to totalitarianism.


    The BDS movement has played an integral role to spark existent antisemitism amid college campuses. The people involved think that they are following a moral cause, but in fact do not understand the hatred that they are promoting. This is no way to spark conversation between people. Martin Luther King once said: “When they criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking antisemitism.” Perhaps to put it in more simple terms a better way to say is that the hatred of Israel, is the hatred of Jews.

    Well, the Jerusalem Post would say that wouldn't they? It's just an editor's opinion. I notice it doesnt comment on why academics and artists are boycotting Israel.
    Israel wanted to use Dr King for propaganda purposes as you do now. Very interesting documents have come to light recently revealing Israel's true attitude towards him.
    It was a different pre internet information-revolution era then. He was obviously preoccupied with his own people's struggle, and quite frankly did not have a clue, like most Americans today, as to the injustice European colonialists had perpetrated against the indigenous Palestinians.

    That the BDS movement is gaining strength worldwide is proven by the rising level of propaganda directed against it.

    This is the way forward - non-violent resistance - that moderate Israelis can follow along with everyone else who wants to see Israel secure within their 1967 borders.

    The demented Zionist fantasy of Eretz Israel should be consigned to the dustbin of history sooner rather than later.

  15. How does this happen, plastic in food,

    Thai food vendors used to put borax into meatballs before its sale in Thailand was banned as a result.

    Borax isn't banned in Thailand.

    It is available in some pharmacies and most chemical supply stores as boric acid.

    Mixed with honey or sugar and water, it kills ants very effectively.

    Where did you get the information that it was banned?

  16. While no one should applaud hate speech (and, like pornography, we know it when we see it). However, the effective means to combat it are not prosecution and censure but simply ignoring it. They'll get tired if no one pays attention.

    All our little groups inhabit some burn ward in surreality. Grow a skin!

    And use your good sense on something worthwhile.

    Your well-considered post is an example of good sense.

  17. 60 million killed in WW2 and we get another story about the Holocaust survivor.

    Here's another Holocaust nobody writes about

    YNET: At Least 20 Million Killed By Jewish Bolsheviks... Following is a surprising article from respected news source YNET in Israel, about the Jewish-Bolshevik conquest of Russia after 1917... (unlikely to ever be reprinted or reported by America's major print, TV or radio "news" media.)

    The history of the 20th century is just beginning to be written.

    A full English translation of Solzhenitsyn's Two Hundred Years Together will help to clarify events and separate facts from propaganda.

  18. Friend made progress wth his. He threw it in the bin and forgot about it.

    Smart move.

    I've heard a few people on forums claim that they have done it, but it takes ages and more patience than most normal people have.

    Years ago there was a Dutch guy - a part owner of the Riverside - who was applying. I don't know how things turned out for him.

    Maybe he threw his application in the bin and forgot about it.

  19. I have a friend from Ghana who lives in Thailand and has also lived in several other countries. His experience is that Thais are the most racist people he has met.

    Here in the provinces he apparently has no problem but down in Bangkok he says people look horrified at his presence and even wipe themselves if he accidentally brushes past them.

    Why is it always a white guy saying this? I've yet to meet a black person in Thailand who's had any bad experiences. Even the black members on TV who comment from time to time have not mentioned being the target of racism by Thais. It's as if some white folks in Thailand feel a desperate need to convince everyone that Thais are racist against blacks. But reality is nothing like that.

    And plenty of my Thai friends agree that they also don't like Africans, and would react in much the same way.


    God bless, but your posts just don't ring true to me.

    First of all, you're white, right? How is that you have all these African friends who are crying on your shoulder about what a racially oppressive and discriminatory society Thailand is? I don't see too many Africans hanging out with white guys down in Bangkok. Seems especially odd when said white guy has a "get over it, already!" attitude about the transatlantic slave trade.

    Then you tell us, hey, not only do I have lots of African friends, but I've got all these Thai friends too, and when I talk to them about Africans they admit they don't really like Africans. Where are all your Thai friends meeting Africans to formulate their strong opinions? It just seems to me that the average Thai person would have fairly limited contact with Africans, mainly because there aren't that many of them here.

    Am I the only one who finds it just a tad bit implausible that a white guy here in Thailand has not only befriended a whole bunch of black Africans, but also a whole bunch of Thai people who curiously enough just happen to not like Africans either. That's quite a coincidence, I think most would agree. Do your Thai friends know you are hanging out with Africans? Do your African friends know that you are hanging out with Thais who don't like Africans? Your social life must require quite a bit of juggling.

    I'm also curious about how their feelings about Africans comes up in conversation with your Thai friends. Do you bring the subject up? Are you saying stuff like "Somchai, I gotta tell you, I really, really don't like Africans," and your Thai friends are sympathetically agreeing with you? Or are you saying that somehow out of the clear blue sky your Thai friends suddenly announce, 'I don't like Africans." I mean, how does that subject even come up? It's just that I've been coming here for 30 years now, and the subject's never come up. What's your secret?

    Another thing you posted that just didn't make sense to me was that, while your Ghanaian friend had "no problem out in the countryside," he found Bangkok to be a hotbed of racism. I found that to be very curious for the simple reason that a significant percentage of the people in Bangkok at any given time are there temporarily or semi-permanently from the countryside. They're there for employment, commerce, medical care, visiting relatives, etc. Because of this constant ebb and flow of people, it doesn't make sense that there would be such a stark contrast in racial attitudes between rural Thailand and cosmopolitan Bangkok.

    And just one last question: since you're so in tight with the African community here in Thailand, have you ever introduced any of your African friends to your Thai friends, so that your African-hating Thai friends can discover what great people all of your African friends are?

    Exceptionally good post.

    You've refuted his points and assumptions one by one... with sound reasoning and without rancor.

  20. Before my time. All I know is that he never would have made it today.

    No way he could have competed with Justine Bieber, K-Pop, One Direction, Tyga, Kanye, Rihanna, Drake etc. whistling.gif

    I suppose alot of TVF's old timers are feeling vulnerable right about now. It get's more depressing: Grace Slick is 76.

    Who's next? Joannie Mitchell who is in a near vegetative state or Linda Ronstadt who has Parkinson's.

    Weeeell thats just your opinion because you are not from our day so you look at stuff from your day and comment......To me a couple of names you quoted to me are crap musically, and l love music......

    I'm pretty sure that geriatrickid was joking - at least I hope so. He doesn't seem like the type who would be a Justin Bieber fan to me. The sarcastic smiley he used gives it away.

    Obviously joking.

    Justin Bieber's name associated with anything makes it comical or ironic.

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