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Posts posted by JingerBen

  1. 1 hour ago, SgtRock said:


    Read your first sentence.


    No deaths = Bonus


    Poor Palestinians fire home made rocket = Big bad Israel send a squadron of fighter jets in reply.


    This is now a propaganda / PR war and the Israelis are losing big time.




    The Israelis are losing the propaganda war big time.

    Their narrative is a farrago of transparent lies from beginning to end.

    Everything from the premise that Palestine and the Palestinians don't exist to bottle rockets being an existential threat.


  2. 4 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


    it is when there is a blind acceptance of a biased story. Why was  there no fair response? Look at the most critical comments. They ignore the fact that the  Palestinian team was already outside of the PLA territory and Israel. Instead, the  story is embellished and spun to make it seem that Israel sabotaged a young athlete's chance to shine. none of the critics knows anything about the delegations structure. If they did they would ask why the president of the PL National Commitee is Major General  JIBRIL MAHMOUD MUHAMMAD RAJOUB


    Jibril Rajoub is Deputy-Secretary of the Fatah Central Committee (since September 2009). He is also Head of the Supreme Council for Sport and Youth Affairs, Chairman of the Palestinian Football Association, and Chairman of the Palestinian Olympic Committee. He is a former member of the Fatah Revolutionary Council (until Aug. 2009), the former National Security Advisor to Yasser Arafat, rank of Brigadier-General, and the former Head of the West Bank Preventive Security Forces (1994-2002).   Jibril Rajoub was sentenced to life in prison in 1970 for throwing a grenade at an Israeli army truck. He was released in the Jibril Agreement - A deal between the Israeli government and the terrorist organization the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), led by Ahmed Jibril. On May 21, 1985, Israel released 1,150 Palestinian prisoners, including terrorist murderers, in exchange for three Israeli soldiers who had been taken hostage by the PFLP.


    No mention of the fact that of the 6 actual sport participants, 3 are Germans and 2 are of Egyptian heritage. Oh yes, we have a real bonafide team there. Be sure to keep an eye out for Christian Zimmerman in the dressage competition.


    Obfuscation from start to finish.

    Absolute bilge.

  3. 20 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    I suppose it is to be expected that the PLA would try and score some political points with this set up, and of course the usual  jew hating bigots had a chance to offer up the same blame the  juden  lines they always toss out. Oh and yes, I know, I know, they don't hate jews, they are just opposed to Israel.    How about some facts ok?


    There are 22 people who are accredited to the The Palestinian Olympic team.  Only 6 are athletes. Those 6 by the way have benefited from access to training facilities in Israel, although, like many of the Israelis, they train elsewhere. There are 3 members from Gaza. One athlete and the deputy head of the  Palestinian delegation. Neither of those two had any problems. The third  person, is Issam Qishta who is a POLITICAL appointee and who is NOT an athlete and who is NOT a trainer nor coach nor physical support member did not apply  for the standard transit document to leave Gaza in the same manner as everyone else.


    The  entire team, except for the political delegate was organized and outside of Israel in time to make it to Rio. Only the POLITICAL appointee was not with the team. Fair people who know the Palestinian tactics of cheap claims of  victimization will see through this manufactured crisis. Thai Visa's jew haters, ooops, sorry, Israel opponents, will not.

    Of course Issam Qishta is a "political" appointee.

    He is the head of the Palestinian Olympic team.

    The rest of your post doesn't even deserve comment, other than to say that a defense against an accusation of racism can only be made if you name the poster and point out what is offensive.

    Otherwise, the charge is slanderous and cowardly.

  4. 3 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

    BBC is reporting an official source,  I didn't catch which one,  as saying foreign investment is down a massive 90% this year     !   

    Now looking forward to the spin.

    Spin, you want spin? How's this...

    Blame it on the Big C deal, worth about US$3.5 billion, in which foreign investors sold their equity to Thai investors and repatriated those funds.

    Now that's spin.

  5. Sorry, no. Statistically this means nothing without the relevant, here missing, data.

    Kannot's assumption that in a country with four times the murder rate, an individual has four times the probability of being murdered is a perfectly reasonable assumption, any challenge to that assumption requires more detailed data than the headline murder rate, for which I once again refer you to the website provided by the OP.

    Good point.

    Another consideration regarding how safe you are in Thailand is ​where you are in Thailand.

  6. Besides the Russians, I'm sure the Chinese and others have incriminating dirt on her. Make no mistake, it's Clinton created dirt and she should own it.

    As President, Clinton seems the type who would sell out the country in a nanosecond if it saved her own skin.

    She would be so vulnerable to blackmail

    But HIllary said there is nothing there! And just look at that face. Would somebody who looks like that lie???

    She looks ghastly...

    That's the face of America's future.

  7. Americans are bizarre...

    They want Chiangmai to be policed like in their own country, where you get shot by police quicker than anywhere else in the world.

    I much prefer to drive in Thailand than in all those "developed" countries...

    I fully agree with your last line.

    It's not so much the fear of getting shot, but the exorbitant amount of the traffic fines.

    In the US this has become a form of revenue enhancement for local governments that is like highway robbery.

    I was glad to leave that behind me a long time ago.

  8. You don't have any Thai friends.

    You may have some Thais waiting for their opportunity to make some cash out of you.

    I've only been here two months, and I know that, guess you're a slow learner.

    Glad it worked out OK in the end for you. Enjoy your new home.

    I have Thai friends who've never asked for any cash.

    Possibly you have nothing to offer but cash.

    Your Thai friends never asked for cash for what, moving your ivory tower??

    I doubt if he lives in an ivory tower... he probably just lives among Thais .

    It's the farangs who ​do live in ivory towers that get stiffed.

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