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Posts posted by z12

  1. Even though the below article is a few years old, the danger signs remain the same. Please note that this includes all dog types, not just the known danger animals such as Pit bulls, Rockies, Dobs, etc. The bottom line sums it up nicely. It may be slightly off-topic for this thread as this involves the unfortunate death of an individual, but it is a good heads up to people who aren't used to dogs and something to remember.

    Here are some danger-signs that warn of a dog attack. Knowing them can keep you and your children safe.

    1. A dog in its own yard, and no master present. In 2008, 78% of the human fatalities were by dogs in their own yard.
    2. The pack mentality. Three dogs are worse than 2, 4 are worse than 3, etc. Docile dogs often become uncharacteristically violent and vicious when they are in a pack. In 2008, 39% of the fatalities involved multiple dogs.
    3. Chained or tethered. Dogs that are tied up are dangerous. In 2008, 9% of the fatalities involved chained dogs.
    4. Male. Male dogs are several times more dangerous than female dogs. Unneutered male dogs are the worst.
    5. Newness. A new dog in the house is dangerous for the first 60 days, and a person who is new to a household where a dog resides is in danger of attack for the first 60 days. In 2007 and 2008, 20% of fatal dog attacks involved a new person or dog sharing a household for a period of two months or less.

    The presence of any one factor indicates danger. Two or more of these danger-signs should be avoided at all costs.

    Very good post, Chrisinth. I have been bitten by countless dogs, but only been attacked by one... a small male pitbull terrier. I have the scars on various parts of my body to show for it. I had to kill that dog with my bare hands and threatened to do the same to the owner who tried to stop me.

    I was a paper boy as a youth and a mail carrier over Christmas holidays. That is when I got most of my serious bites. I was on the dogs territory and they were doing what many dogs do while guarding their territory... bite intruders. But, an attack is another thing entirely and only animals bred for fighting and killing do that.

    I was raised with dogs and owned a few of them myself, and I know all the breeds and their tendencies. I love dogs and I am not affraid of any single dog, but a pack of dogs is another story entirely. We mostly had hunting dogs and all were friendly to everyone. However, there can be aggressive males in any species. Most will just give a single bite, and very often from behind. You can't stop a retriever breed from going in the water and you can't stop a hunter breed from hunting birds. Likewise you will have a hard time preventing a guarding species from doing what they were bred to do. Pittbulls were bred for one single purpose... fighting to the death. Any that DIDN'T have aggessive tendencies were destroyed.

    Why in a modern world would anyone with a sane mind want to own a killing machine, no matter HOW gentle it might appear as a puppy? There a hundreds of breeds that would make suitable pets.

    Most likely, there are people they want the dog to kill. Home intruders, cheating wife, etc.

  2. Just out of interest, Gentlemen, lets assume for a moment that the person you love the most in the world has cancer. That could be your wife, your daughter, your mother, the ladyboy you wipe yourself on each night, whoever.

    Lets assume that you truely love this person.

    Lets also assume that you are piss poor broke. You earn 200 quid a month and there is no money for the mastectomy, the chemo, the radiotherapy.

    Now, I offer you a 50/5- splt on the 700 grammes of coke. We can cut it and sell it in BKK and pull back 3 million.Lets take out a million in costs. So, we

    have 1 million each.

    That 1 mill will pay for all the above - just.

    Now, would you take tht chance to potential save the life of the person you love?

    I personally would, if that was my only choice, but I'm just interested on where you stand. And no, she can't make the 1 mill on her back.

    I don't see what building scenarios like the one above achieves. Does the girl even have living family? If she does, are any of them ill? You (or I) don't know with the limited information we are given through the article, yet you can let your imagination run free, profess yourself as a drug supplier and appeal to the minds of others.

    People like yourself are only looking at the one side of the story, and not looking at the long term consequences of her actions, and the possible lives she will be particially responsible for destroying.

    I am not a "hang em' high" type of person, but do believe that if you play with fire you will eventually get burnt. I do not neccessarily agree with the death penalty either, and do feel sorry for her to an extent, but it is the known laws of the country she was transiting, loaded with class A drugs for profit.

    Drug control can only start from awareness and education, in my opinion. Destruction of source and supply follow, (but this is hard to achieve when in some cases it is encouraged by certain governments) and strong deterrent against smuggling. Disregard these actions, and we will accept the drug problems we already have into society and humankind takes another step in its evolution.

    People like yourself are only looking at the one side of the story, and not looking at the long term consequences of her actions, and the possible lives she will be particially responsible for destroying.

    thing is, her capture makes absolutely no dent on drug availability in real world terms, so does she personally have the responsibility for destroying lives.. i don't think so.

    the person responsible for a drug addicts use and the destruction of their life is the person themselves... obviously personal reasons for the addicts use vary considerably.

    if someone smokes, gets cancer and dies.. who do you blame? the cigarettes or the person who smokes them knowing the risk involved?

    you don't hear "jim died of lung cancer from smoking last week"...

    "oh really? those scumbags in the 7/11 selling cigs"...

    "no it wasn't their fault, it was the couriers who deliver to 7/11"....

    "actually thinking 'bout it, it was the.." etc etc

    the girl was obviously extremely desperate.. why else would she do it?

    of course she should be punished but.. hung?? <deleted>, get a grip ppl

    She was probably tricked into it by the Argentinian called "Rado", he probably pretended he loved her and bought her a ticket to Argentina or just offered her a fake job. Once there he coerced her into being a mule. I am guessing it is not the first time he has done this, nor will it be the last. It would be better to kill him and the guy she was to deliver the drugs to. More than likely, she is a victim of human trafficking. imo

  3. ...

    Don't let JT lead you into error, ther is no such word as ministress except perhaps mini-stress which I suspect is as much she feels about this non-story

    Tis true. I made up the word. Thai Prime Ministress-gate, anyone?

    No surprise you had to make up the word:

    "What happens," I asked, 'if the Minister is a woman? What do you call her?"

    Humphrey was immediately in his element. He loves answering questions about good form and protocol. "Yes, that's most interesting. We sought an answer to the point when I was a Principal Private Secretary and Dr. Edith Summerskill was appointed Minister in 1947. I didn't quite like to refer to her as my mistress."

    He paused. For effect, I thought at first, but then he appeared to have more to say on the subject.

    "What was the answer?" I asked.

    "We're still waiting for it," he explained."



    the Right Hon. James Hacker MP

    Copyright © Jonathan Lynn and Antony Jay 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1989

    Ministeress is a word, but of course we know that JT was conflating minister and mistress in the PM clone context.

    Thatcher: Prime Ministeress Of England.


  4. According to the source, former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who is considered Pheu Thai's "big boss",

    Some denigrating, Oppositional agenda thrown in, primarily deswigned to de-legitimize Yingluck.

    The 'big boss' term is a favorite of Oppositional elements, along with the descriptor 'Fugitive".

    But never mind, as long as the Constitutional reform proceeds, thereby de-fanging those who are coup-inclined.

    The amended charter must not result in any change to the country's current system of constitutional monarchy

    That has never been considered by anyone of significance.

    It is referenced here only as a way of the Opposition implying motive that is non-existent, but wishing to create misgivings about a process they really don't like. Diminishing the Constitution their coup brethren constructed is not in their interest.

    Constitutional Monarchy is a very superior form of Governance, as those of us coming from Britich and Commonwealth countries only know too well.

    Certainly beats the hell out of the unworkable USA system.

    Then you must be ecstatic that the king rejected mr T.

    mr T has been out to get this through ever since he was not approved by the king.

    The Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand must be a member of the House of Representatives of Thailand. Therefore the qualifications for the office is the same as the qualifications for the House.

    To be appointed the nominee for the office must have the support of one-fifth of the members of the House of Representatives. Then after a simple-majority vote in the House, a resolution will be passed and submitted to the King of Thailand, who will then make a formal appointment by giving his royal assent to the resolution. This must be done within thirty days of the beginning of the first session of the House of Representatives after an election. If no candidate can be found within this time then it is the duty of the President of the National Assembly of Thailand to submit the name he considers most worthy for the King to formalize.


  5. "I did not have a meeting there. But as prime minister, I can meet anybody at a public place. It is not damaging," she said. "I am a woman, and I insist I did not do anything wrong."

    Yes you can, as a private citizen, so resign if that is what you want, but as PM clone of Thailand you can't.

  6. I've heard it was a doctor, married with two kids.

    It's an open season now - she can go anywhere she wants as a free woman and interested public is free to speculate whether she's having an affair, stealing other women's husbands and what not.

    Ekayuth was in the wrong place at a wrong time but now he has her in his pocket given that he is the only source who can tell the story.

    Again, as a free woman Yingluck doesn't belong to her common law husband and, contrary to some common misconceptions, her morality is not an issue here as long as she has a sweet smile and Thaksin's backing.

    They love their Prime Ministresses that way.

    Interesting that the much loved PM clone would need so much protection.

    "about 200 plainclothes and uniformed police officers will be deployed to provide security to the prime minister during her visit tomorrow."


  7. I was reading a similar pit bull story last month.

    A 71 year-old Thai mother was savaged to death on 14/01/12 in her own home in Ramintra Rd in BKK by her 46 year-old son's pit bull terrier. Apparently she was quite wealthy owning a Thai restaurant in the States. Afterwards the son was trying to console himself by saying it was karma.

    Tragic story.



    That sounds like a homicide then.

  8. Don't you find it interesting they did this 20 times to other nationality tourists that did not issue a travel warning. But they do it one time to a Chinese tourist and China issues a warning.

    I wonder if the Thai gov't will say they are overreacting like they did about the terror warnings.

    Highly doubtful.

    I don't follow this at all. Why would a government, any government, issue a travel warning over one common assault, whether it be ABH or GBH? This sort of crime happens in every country every day. As regrettable as it is, unfortunately it is a fact of life.

    Ah but China are really concerned about their citizens human rights and need to protect them when travelling abroad, 5555555, sort your own house out China then moan about others.

    Exactly, China needs another Mao.


  9. So one Chinese tourist gets hit over the head and the Chinese Consulate issues a warning to tourists which negatively affects tourism, hmm, can you imagine the effect if Western countries were to do the same thing every time a similar "event" took place involving a Western tourist in places such as Phuket or Pattaya! Methinks this has more to do with the esteem that China is held in rather than any thing else.

    What a ridiculous post; the article states that these people did this 20 (reported) times.

    Read the article before you make stupid comments, please.

    Don't you find it interesting they did this 20 times to other nationality tourists that did not issue a travel warning. But they do it one time to a Chinese tourist and China issues a warning.

    I wonder if the Thai gov't will say they are overreacting like they did about the terror warnings.

    Highly doubtful.

    I don't follow this at all. Why would a government, any government, issue a travel warning over one common assault, whether it be ABH or GBH? This sort of crime happens in every country every day. As regrettable as it is, unfortunately it is a fact of life.

    That is the point. Why did China issue a travel warning for one assault and Thailand is kowtowing to them.

    But I think we already know the answer to that.

  10. Nothing is stronger than the truth. All Yingluck has to do is state the reason she went to the hotel and who she met with. If it was innocent there is no reason for her not to do so. This would put an end to the entire "why was she there" episode. I wonder why she has not already done this? On the other side of the coin if it was not so innocent then I can understand her silence on the matter.

    This is nothing more than the usual sleaze-bucket media in the West use to suggest that various celebs have misbehaved. Why should she have to explain her reason for being in that hotel; of course, if she doesn't, you and other likeminded gossip addicts and fans of the filthy discredited News International stable can suggest that there was a surreptitious and immoral occurrence.

    My dear ungossip addict there is nothing in my post suggesting there was anything untoward in her visit to the hotel. I just made a statement of fact that if she reveals her reason for the visit it will immediately put an end to the "why was she there" episode. Simple solution.

    Being Prime Minister she like all Prime Minsters and presidents are under constant scrutiny by the news media and their constituents and rightly so. A special trust has been placed in them to be honest and adhere to moral and ethical principles. Her statement that she is a woman she can go and do as she pleases is true. But being the Prime Minister she has a duty to make sure where she goes and what she does reflects the values fo the position people have entrustred her with.

    Exactly, where is the transparency? By not giving her reasons being there, that gives permission for everybody to speculate the reason she was there.

    • Like 1
  11. So one Chinese tourist gets hit over the head and the Chinese Consulate issues a warning to tourists which negatively affects tourism, hmm, can you imagine the effect if Western countries were to do the same thing every time a similar "event" took place involving a Western tourist in places such as Phuket or Pattaya! Methinks this has more to do with the esteem that China is held in rather than any thing else.

    What a ridiculous post; the article states that these people did this 20 (reported) times.

    Read the article before you make stupid comments, please.

    Don't you find it interesting they did this 20 times to other nationality tourists that did not issue a travel warning. But they do it one time to a Chinese tourist and China issues a warning.

    I wonder if the Thai gov't will say they are overreacting like they did about the terror warnings.

    Highly doubtful.

  12. Due to Thailand's world class research and being a hub of agriculture development, they must have developed a new generation of trees that if planted will grow to maturity in 2 months. Plans are to plant them by Friday and the massive growth will be finished in 60 days in time to stop the flood waters

    It seems as if there is a plan afoot to distribute bags of fertiliser to the farming community thus the tree growth will be accelerated and tree maturity will be reached in 60 days as per the governments instructions.

    See below an image of the government supplied growth nutrients that are currently being manufactured and packed ready for distribution to the concerned growers.


    "The most dangerous animal in our World is our tongue."

    That is what women say.

  13. Good, no sympathy at all.

    These people know the score and if they get away with it, fine, they get paid for the job and continue on to the next time. If they are tumbled and meet a traumatic end, than it must be considered as an occupational hazard.

    Unlike the prostitutes who claim they are being used as slave labour when the job doesn’t work out, there will be no cavalry coming to the rescue.

    And who are you to judge..... you know nothing of that young girls situation.... obviously she was desperate for cash to take such a risk... God be with her... and as for you.... you have obviously sold your soul already to make such a cruel statement.... horrible person...

    Do we really have to know the girl's situation? (and she was 28 for crying out loud. She's a woman, an adult) Unless someone physically forced the pellets down her mouth, I see her as completely responsible for her own actions. I see nothing cruel in the comments made by Beetlejuice. Good riddance to drug traffickers at any level. <<Snip>>

    The chances are good she was tricked and then forced into being a mule.

    It happens a lot, another form of human trafficking.

  14. Are you in any way related to the bar owner,say by marriage for example?

    Is that important - or even relevant ?

    It wasn`t an accusation,just a question.

    `Is it relevent?`,only slightly as you would probably get a biased version of events.

    I would say that he is very tightly connected with the bar, however he is the only one who tell us what actual connection he has with all the parties. From the information he is providing I would say smedly is the private owner of the bar. Not saying much just keeping people dangling, would make a very good politician.

    He is probably one of the farangs the female bar owner took to the hospital.

  15. How hypocritical. They have outdoor concerts here in Isaan with an eighty foot stage. The last one I went to did me in. Not going back. At what you might call half time all the dancing girls and all the band except the drummer left the stage. Then two katoeys came out on stage carring a six foot long large penis. They went on and on with their jokes playing with the penis. The crowd was full of small children. I asked my wife did people see anything wrong with this being done in front of their children. Her answer was no they see it at many concerts and everyone likes it.

    Here in the Isaan you can hire "Morlam dancers" and it's only up to the money and you what they are wearing and what not......jap.gif

    If you go to Google maps and search for Kae Dam, Maha Sarakham and then display photos you'll see a picture of an Isaan Rocket Festival 2007. If you click on this and view in Panoramio you can see other pictures of the festival including phallic symbols and people wearing photos depicting straight and oral sex.

    I don't know if this can or is blocked by the Thai authourities since they don't like internet porn. I also don't know why internet porn is banned but this isn't. Not that I'm suggesting it should be banned of course.


    When is the orgy?

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