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Posts posted by z12

  1. It's pretty clear on the entry form everyone fills out on the airplane when approaching Malaysia. In caps with a red skull and cross bones - "Be forwarned, the penalty for trafficking in narcotics is death."

    oh...dam, why didn't you say so... that nullifies any argument against killing people for drug offences

    go ahead guys...end her life

    It sounded like she was in transit?

  2. Maybe they will not execute her, they are not going to execute this Singapore woman.

    Friday, 20 January 2012 Singapore woman escapes gallows in Malaysia


    Singaporean woman sentenced to death in Malaysia for drug trafficking has been spared the gallows, after the charge against her was reduced to possession instead, an offence which does not carry the mandatory death penalty in Malaysia.

  3. "I did not have a meeting there. But as prime minister, I can meet anybody at a public place. It is not damaging," she said.

    Interesting, PM clone admits she was there and also admits she had NO meeting.

    "I am a woman, and I insist I did not do anything wrong."

    I bet you do all kinds of wrong. hehehe

  4. She says she has 100,000 lbs, or 4,863,877.33 baht, so that is a ridiculous argument.

    You missed my "extra money" comment, so are missing my point....

    With almost 5 million baht, she needs no extra money, nobody would.

    She doesn`t have almost 5 million baht,she said she has spent almost 5 million baht so far fighting this case.Her lawyer has probably told her she will make 10 x this amount if she fights to the bitter end.

    I doubt she spent 5 million baht, more likely she was lying.

  5. No, he needs to show he is an HONORABLE man and serve his time. He had no problem sending many to their deaths for their alleged crimes with NO trial. He belongs in jail, in fact the ICC (International Criminal Court) should put him on trial for crimes against humanity.

    No? Read your response above, it actually verifies my assessment as to the only way Thaksin will return.....crazy.gif ..

    Then he is not an HONORABLE man and has NO FACE.

    really?......perhaps the Nation will ask you to write an article and expand on this astounding new emerging revelation.........


    Why should mr T be above other Thais? He should show he is one with them and serve his time.

    That would actually be a smart political move, but obviously his megalomania won't allow him to do that.

  6. There is nothing preventing him from returning ans serving his jail sentence, nothing at all.

    He does not even need a visa nor a plane ticket, just turn himself into the local embassy.

    <deleted>, the minimum he requires is affirmation that no further charges will be brought against him, to do this he must cut some sort of deal for himself......now who do you think must sanction such a deal?

    No, he needs to show he is an HONORABLE man and serve his time. He had no problem sending many to their deaths for their alleged crimes with NO trial. He belongs in jail, in fact the ICC (International Criminal Court) should put him on trial for crimes against humanity.

    No? Read your response above, it actually verifies my assessment as to the only way Thaksin will return.....crazy.gif ..

    Then he is not an HONORABLE man and has NO FACE.

  7. Posters are keeping it open as they find it funny, thinking it highly unlikely that she will commit suicide.

    A (foreign) ex-wife that is not allowed into the country in which her husband resides to pursue a divorce claim for more than she would get 'at home', is an object of ridicule.

    If she follows through with her threat, I'm sure we will all feel sorry that she was so desperate for the 'extra' money that she was prepared to die.

    She says she has 100,000 lbs, or 4,863,877.33 baht, so that is a ridiculous argument.

    You missed my "extra money" comment, so are missing my point....

    With almost 5 million baht, she needs no extra money, nobody would.

  8. A learning tool is being provided, let us see how the educated educators can adapt to best utilise the tablets.

    Have they the drive and ability to succeed?.......or are we witnessing preformed excuses as the educators fear their efforts will end in failure to deliver the capabilities that are available when provided modern technology

    Thank you for a thoughtful post.

    Tablets are tools. Upgrading the tools for kids is a good idea. Even if the roll-out is not done well (which would not surprise me), the short and mid-term effects can be significant. The long-term effects of this kind of a program can change Thailand.

    A couple of points : If it were a 1-to-1 trade-off between training teachers and providing tablets, I would say train the teachers. But it's not. 2000 schools don't have electricity and more do not have internet connections.

    So the government rolls out millions of tablets across the school system. Several results are obvious. Those 2000 schools are going to work like heck to get electricity. The schools are going to start adding internet connections in the schools. And the teacher are going to scream for, and get, training. The kids all across Thailand, across all social classes, will have access to a basic level of modern technology at a young age. In the long run that will change their education experience fundamentally.

    Tablets, like any other tool or resource, are not a panacea for education improvement, but technology tools can be an important catalyst in changing the system. There is a lot of work to do within the education system. It will be interesting to see how the first steps of the tablet program go. I'm expecting a bumpy ride.

    I am pleased you see that this is going to be a bumpy ride, weather the tablets are a good idea or not the point most people are making is, why the hell didn't the government get the IT people, Electricians, and the like in the schools before. Isn't that the thing to do -preparation ??? this is not a bash the government of the day it's bash the pre election promises, so far non fulfilled,and the homework the kids are supposed to do, the government FAILED to do.

    They sure got the cart before the donkey.

  9. The interview is no more interesting than the people who immediately take note, and issue repetitive boring comment.......there is nothing in this interview that has not been mentioned previously........Thaksin is fading.... by design? yes he would like to return to Thailand, but I cannot see any other way than to be non political persona. If he cannot sell this image, I doubt he will be allowed to return. I wonder if it was not for the Thaksin haters......would Thaksin even make the second page these days

    There is nothing preventing him from returning ans serving his jail sentence, nothing at all.

    He does not even need a visa nor a plane ticket, just turn himself into the local embassy.

    <deleted>, the minimum he requires is affirmation that no further charges will be brought against him, to do this he must cut some sort of deal for himself......now who do you think must sanction such a deal?

    No, he needs to show he is an HONORABLE man and serve his time. He had no problem sending many to their deaths for their alleged crimes with NO trial. He belongs in jail, in fact the ICC (International Criminal Court) should put him on trial for crimes against humanity.

  10. If there was ever going to be anything sensible written in this thread it was surely in the early stages, now it's degenerated into a competition of who can make the most stupid remark - exactly why all the comments regarding suicide and the general slurs against Thai's are allowed escapes me but I suppose the topic does improve readership, sad!

    You win.

    Posters are keeping it open as they find it funny, thinking it highly unlikely that she will commit suicide.

    A (foreign) ex-wife that is not allowed into the country in which her husband resides to pursue a divorce claim for more than she would get 'at home', is an object of ridicule.

    If she follows through with her threat, I'm sure we will all feel sorry that she was so desperate for the 'extra' money that she was prepared to die.

    She says she has 100,000 lbs, or 4,863,877.33 baht, so that is a ridiculous argument.

  11. The interview is no more interesting than the people who immediately take note, and issue repetitive boring comment.......there is nothing in this interview that has not been mentioned previously........Thaksin is fading.... by design? yes he would like to return to Thailand, but I cannot see any other way than to be non political persona. If he cannot sell this image, I doubt he will be allowed to return. I wonder if it was not for the Thaksin haters......would Thaksin even make the second page these days

    There is nothing preventing him from returning ans serving his jail sentence, nothing at all.

    He does not even need a visa nor a plane ticket, just turn himself into the local embassy.

  12. On a lighter note: will there be many suicides instead?

    But serious:

    1) shooting someone in a kind of lynch- justice, is not the way. Bring them to court, get them into jail.

    2) they are humans, so they have human rights! Period!

    3) just shooting some dealers will not solve the problem. Education is needed.

    If they want to shoot the drug dealers, start at the TOP, but then they would have to shoot themselves.

  13. This is the worst kind of greed and evil ... with no concern for the death and destruction that a collapsed building, bridge, etc. can cause. Often, when they find such as this in China the culprits get the death sentence. A few years back the head of China's FDA was caught in corruption and he got a bullet to the head as punishment. Now that's a great deterrent.

    And, here, if anyone is ever found guilty, they just pay a bribe (sorry, I mean fine) and continue business (perhaps under a different business name). I can't think of another "recently industrialized" country where there is really no punishment for such egregious actions. 'mai pen rai'

    Keep smiling LOS

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