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Everything posted by whiteman

  1. stop complaining N.Z. $ only gets 22.00 bhat think yourselves lucky
  2. 115.07 USD▼ -55.68 (-32.61%) past year Once you have your cloud set up in AWS it is very difficult to move it somewhere else. Invest in AMZN is easy money LOOKS LIKE A GOOD BET DOWN NEARLY 33 % AND STILL FALLING
  3. I just cancelled a Wize payment I first advised them that I wanted to send money from the nz to them on Thursday night 9 pm they got the money 8 am Friday they then told me that it will be processed on Monday. Today Friday I cancelled it for the nz has had a move up b4 they offered me 21.2 to the nz $ today it hit 21.6 so I will look at the rate on Monday at this moment in time nz gets 21.55 They had not processed the conversion and they told me that I will get the full amount refunded no fees included. Happy days
  4. I hope there's a way to watch online with English commentary. Dreams are free I will watch it on PULSE all in English good luck
  5. And of course, they have it NOW as high season prices are up ALLREADY, yet it says should be at the end of October not the beginning greedy bu===gers
  6. Oh Lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz My friends all drive Porches, I must make amends! This is so true cheap Government money what can I send it on oh yes a car and new cell phones. And a very big T.V.
  7. This government has been in power for 10+ years had plenty of time to fix the floods hands in head BUT THEY HAD THEIR HANDS IN THE BROWN ENVELOPS
  8. I brought 10k that must be it ???? sorry guys for the surge
  9. they under declare what does that mean in laymen's terms???
  10. Monday and Friday night kick-offs are 8pm === 2am Thai time stuff that
  11. He probably means 2006. I bought my condo then at 71 to the Pound. Makes a big difference. NOW ADD IT TO THE 1000S OF EMTY CONDOES SITTING THERE FOR SALE
  12. They will just run off to their local hospital for a test and spread it about in the Hospital.
  13. I have 2 laugh most riders and passengers on the motor bikes still seem to me to be wearing masks Yet NO helmets
  14. And provide their financial status before entering Lol so they have to supply there up to date ( the same day as they enter the casino) print out from there bank books ???? Just like we have to do for our renewal of our Retirement visa ???? That would be funny
  15. and heard rumors a long time ago the Disney has eyes on land there. Why would Disney come here to Thailand the whole place is one big Disney fun fair park all ready
  16. First of all, who lives on 30,000 baht a month in Bangkok? Maybe if you found a slum in Klong Toey, you could pull it off. Maybe. You would have to count every baht, every month. Not much fun. Seems you know many of theses slum dwellers ????
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