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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. So as I thought, no evidence at all that there is any campaign to change roald dahl’s writings, just conspiracy theory cancel culture mythology bogeymen.
  2. Please post links to this plentiful evidence there is a campaign ongoing to change the wording of roald dahls writings.
  3. Nothing to do with Roald dahl and no he didn't. Anyone is free to print his cartoons and equally free not to do so. Enough with cancel culture bogeyman myth conspiracy theory BS.
  4. I thought you mentioned OJ Simpson before the poster you quote...
  5. Nope. No evidence for that at all. Just conspiracy theory nonsense.
  6. Seems there will be two versions of some of the books available now.
  7. Methinks the liar doth lie about that which he claims not to have done. .
  8. Fair enough. Work devices are for work not personal social media <deleted>.
  9. Can’t see Texas governor being too happy about this…
  10. You asked me to explain changes that I am not responsible for (nor for that matter have commented upon) after I pointed out who was behind the changes. A deflection to be exact as your question had absolutely no connection to the point I made. So saying an answer to your unrelated question would contradict anything I said is somewhat misleading on your part. But ho hum, what’s new about that...
  11. I do understand. If a child reports a gun in the bathroom, you as the adult check. You do not send them back with another 8 year old to check it out. It’s not difficult to follow such simple procedures.
  12. “Mr Jones explained that he and Mr Stuteville carried weapons on campus because of school shootings that have happened across the US. He added that parents and staff were aware that they carried firearms, and they had both undergone week-long training that included how to use a gun and how to de-escalate a situation.” Did the training cover not leaving a gun unattended? Plus why is an adult using a bathroom children have access to? That violates everything I know about child safety and protection in schools.
  13. Teacher, if this true, needs to seriously rethink their approach to being given such information. And yes I am a teacher of children of this age and if given such information I would check myself rather than send children to look.
  14. Hmm…while I don’t have any sympathy for the life choices she made as a school age child (15 years old is school age) and to be honest, in the past, really didn’t care if she was allowed to return to the U.K. or not, I no longer feel that way. She is a British born citizen and no matter how repellent the views she holds or held in the past I don’t believe it is correct for the British govt to revoke her citizenship. Not because I feel any sympathy for her but because of the precedent it sets. And to be clear I’m not denying the legality of what was done, I just don’t feel at ease with governments doing so.
  15. No idea why or what you think I’m agreeing with, but given your posting history I seriously doubt I do. What exactly do you think I should explain? My posts have just pointed out who is behind these changes-the company that profits from dahl’s writing to be clear, not some right wing mythical culture war agenda - really don’t see how that can be explained any further.
  16. I don’t have to explain anything as I am not responsible for any changes being made. The changes made are those decided upon by the roald Dahl company not me. They are the ones who profit from dahl’s writing and I am sure any such changes are motivated by commercial reasons rather than any imaginary culture war bogeyman. They no doubt see a need to compete against more current childrens authors/genres.
  17. Nonetheless it is not some imaginary woke pc cancel culture (itself a right wing mythical bogeyman) attempt to change the wording of frankly dated literature but a commercial decision taken by those who profit from dahl’s writings.
  18. Increasingly becoming a basic requirement for most reputable international schools. I’ve had to get in done for each of my last two jobs.
  19. It’s the roald Dahl company, run by his estate, making the changes.
  20. Hey marje, 1861 called and they want their political philosophy back…
  21. Certainly appears that’s what the agencies being sued would like everyone to think. It could well be the case the individuals from within the NoI were alone responsible for Malcolm Xs murder, but the family seem to believe otherwise.
  22. After those NFT cards [or whatever those top trumps/pokemon like things were] sold out last year, I can't see anything his base won't buy. Cash cow zombies with no ability to see through trump's b.s.
  23. Quelle surprise, it is after all their de facto response to anything that is not slavish posterior kissing of trump.
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