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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. BS-those who beat and assault partners over a period of time should be given no mitigating circumstances defence. A history of violence against an individual/s, as far as I am concerned, should result in the most severe of charges.
  2. Rubbish, you have absolutely no clue about this conflict and your posts showing this lack of knowledge is just embarrassing yourself.
  3. Oh dear…your agenda becomes clearer and clearer with every post.
  4. Nonsense. And by posting such agenda laden prejudicial propaganda you show how little you know about the roots of this conflict.
  5. Having authoritarian control and forcing people to accept the situation is not assimilation. I suspect the Chechens are watching with great interest at how the Russian military has been seriously weakened in Ukraine. As there are Chechen units involved in Ukraine, the intelligence on how weak it is at present will be clear to those who strive for independence. Would not surprise me at all if there is an attempt to exploit its weakened state and achieve statehood in the near future.
  6. And that's what happens when religious bigotry imposes its moral code on everyone.
  7. Some do not want to understand the roots of this conflict, they only wish to view it through jaundiced views and prejudicial thinking.
  8. It beggars belief the school didn’t tell the mother their child suffered such a traumatic incident.
  9. Thugs do as thugs think…his whole life message is based around violence and intimidation. No surprise he has done this.
  10. You have an agenda rooted in intolerance.
  11. Nonetheless it is still the right of those who do the investing to consider ESG factors when investing.
  12. Bye bye, don’t forget to close the door on your way out.
  13. Ah, so your true motive for posting here is revealed.
  14. What has that got to do with my point that the governors have no case to act against those on Wall Street who state ESG concerns as a reason not to invest in a particular sector/industry?
  15. Diversity is a strength when it is collaborative process. Authoritarianism and forced assimilation at the point of a gun is not. The people you say should move to another country are already living in their country. Forceable annexation is somewhat more complex than a border change.
  16. Forced assimilation rarely does.
  17. If the visit was forced upon the school, then there is indeed cause for concern. It is one thing to invite outside speakers into a school, quite another to be told this is happening.
  18. While I do understand the appeal of getting high, and in my youth did indeed do so, the stuff being used as additives to illicit drugs these days is just beyond scary. https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2023/02/08/states-cities-scramble-to-combat-animal-tranq-in-street-drugs
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