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Everything posted by DeaconJohn

  1. Buzz Aldrin has had quite a life. A "space cadet" if ever there was one. Before the Apollo 11 mission he was as normal as apple pie. After his return from the moon he first lost his sense of equilibrium, then had to deal with serious bouts of depression and alcoholism. He accused NASA and the Air Force of "shunning" him, resigned his commission and became a Cadillac salesman in Beverly Hills. An arrest for breaking down his girlfriend's door ended his 20-year first marriage and led to a series of bizarre short-term relationships and two more marriages that didn't last long. All the best to the newlyweds.
  2. Because I'm always looking for signs that racial media bias is coming to an end in the US and they can call a spade a spade without fear of being cancelled... or worse.
  3. A case could be made for criminal negligence on the part of the gun owner - his mother reportedly. Not much information about the child's family is being given. I wonder why that is.
  4. Recently on a similar quest for similar reasons as yours, I failed to find any THC oil available here that would get me the least bit buzzed. After sampling oil at various doses from three tiny bottles from different sources I gave it up as a bad job. If a chance comes up to try something new I would certainly do it. In the meantime I've been trying THC gummies with no great success. High prices and not very potent so far. If the local chao bahn would up their game and start making good decoctions and extracts it would surely be cheaper than the extortionate prices now being asked upmarket. Currently the scene is in flux - to state the obvious. A regression to total prohibition is probably not on the cards because the economic benefits of ganja legalization far outweigh the few negative factors which are usually highly exaggerated by the drug warriors. There will always be a Thai Way to pass legislation and it can almost always be summarized as TIT, aka "Who has the most money to buy influence makes the rules." Vaya con dios.
  5. The status quo is fine by me. I hope they take their sweet time in passing new laws. Whatever new regulations they come up with should be similar to those applying to alcohol and tobacco... no need to reinvent the wheel. A return to total prohibition wouldn't be in anyone's interest except the corrupt drug warriors who make money from it.
  6. The Walmart night shift manager who killed himself after shooting to death six others has been identified as Andre Bing.
  7. Born in a one-room Tennessee cabin with eleven brothers and sisters. She has been a class act all her life. That's typical of the USA I grew up in... not the cesspool it has since become.
  8. The Obama's "waterfront pad" is a sprawling abomination that is totally out of character with the island's architectural heritage. Bad taste that screams aloud.. Yes, I know it's not the only one, but that's no excuse for living in a place so comically pretentious.
  9. Just base new cannabis legislation on existing alcohol and tobacco laws. No need to reinvent the wheel. Don't play into the hands of the corrupt drug warriors and re-criminalize ganja. They want those revenue streams to start flowing again.
  10. None of us can. Being "Born in the USA" makes us all wacky to one extent or another.
  11. Al Capone didn't die in prison. He died on his Palm Island, Florida estate in 1947, eight years after being released on "good behavior". The American legal system is a farce.
  12. Well said... concise and to the point. Only shills pushing their agenda resort to mind-numbing verbosity.
  13. "As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H.L. Mencken's classic observation has never seemed so true.
  14. Where the beat meet the elite. After hours, of course.
  15. @drtreelove Thanks so much for your helpful and informative posts. Our second daughter bought a small fruit farm in Saraphi a few years ago as an investment. Originally part of the lumyai orchards out there, we have diversified it with numerous other types of fruit trees and flowering plants. We recently had a Thai style farmhouse built out of used teak and are spending more and more time at what is becoming a little Garden of Eden.
  16. Tell me again how many military coups there have been since 1932. Generals in command are as Thai as sohm tam. The iron fist in the velvet glove has ruled the realm since forever - fat chance that will change anytime soon. When civilians take power it becomes a kleptocracy in double quick time. Thais themselves complain about their dictators but prefer an authoritarian gov't to anarchy and fighting in the streets.
  17. Spot on. Biden could be replaced by a state-of-the-art robot and nobody would know the difference.
  18. You're quite welcome. It's an observation based on my experience of growing up in the US and seeing gov't spending wasted through inefficiency and corruption more often than otherwise.
  19. All out of the giant pork-barrel... none of it is going to do a damn bit of good except line the pockets of the dishonest rascals who govern us.
  20. She already did, but had some difficulty getting up again.
  21. Chronic, but not severe depression has come upon my Thai wife of 38 years. She is the mother of our two grown daughters both of whom have turned out very well. Nothing can explain the reason for the frequent periods of lohm see-uh that sometimes last for days at a time. Clinical care is out because she refuses to recognize she has a problem. I don't know what to do except bear it as best I can.
  22. That clever and low-key answer really nails his cojones to the floor.
  23. I was expecting another Harry J. Anslinger drug warrior type screed about the evils of marijuana.
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