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Posts posted by jpduggan

  1. The O-A is a long stay (retirement) visa issued to those over age 50 showing financials and medical and police check in country outside Thailand where they live. Each entry of the multi entry version gets a new one year stay from date of entry.

    You make it sound like every time you leave you get a further 1 year which I dont think is true.

  2. Are you kidding me? I am a full time Muay Thai coach and have been in the sport for over 20 years. Sadly, I have met more junkies in boxing/muay thai than in rock bands. It starts with injuries, getting hooked on pain killers, and eventually turning to harder stuff when the pills aren't available. Did you ever see the 'Smashing Machine'? It was a doco about MMA fighter Mark Kerr and his struggle with opiate addiction. That said, the circumstances do sound fishy. Junkies do die with the needle in their arm quite often. If they are used to getting 'stepped on' products back home and then find a batch that is super pure, it is bound to happen. The ugly truth of ALL pro sports is steroid use and pain killers. Nobody wants to admit it until stuff like this happens. BTW--quite a few of my Thai trainers are usually stoned while on the job holding pads too. Don't act like Thai gyms are a Buddhist temple. There is more dirt than you think.

    Good to see a piece written by someone who knows what he is talking. Well written

  3. Seriously? Big C/Tesco carries them, to name a couple. I just bought one (and a replacement pack of 5). They're readily available all over the place. Unless I'm misunderstanding you....

    Berkshire, are you thinking of double edge blades like this? http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.shaving-shack.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/razor-blade.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.shaving-shack.com/blog/tag/razor-blades/&h=321&w=480&sz=48&tbnid=374T-pTqPkVn6M:&tbnh=90&tbnw=135&zoom=1&usg=__zoT643UMRZVwfJ1FRyA9zQeiEiU=&docid=HMlPmbw6lrd43M&sa=X&ei=6mykUYGkG8P3rQfgv4HYBQ&ved=0CHMQ9QEwBw&dur=2280 I was just at Big C yesterday looking specifically for them and was told "mai mer."


    I have gotten those in big C in Pattaya in their own brand. I also get them in the markets but not a good quality.

  4. I didn't expect to be advised about the maintenance and upkeep ... all I asked was what would it cost to Tax & 3rd party Insure and what options there ...

    I am happy you seem so concerned to consider me stupid but I have always maintained and worked on my own vehicles for 50 years since I started driving ... we do that in the country in Oz ...

    Let me bother about the choice of vehicle and what it needs for moth-balling it for 11 months ......

    Or if anyone knows where I can hire a car for 6 weeks that would be comparable ..... I think not ...

    Please just give me a ball-park figure as to what the cost of Tax & Insurance would be on say a 2.5ltr diesel ???

    Gee Jimbob, lots of guys giving you free good advise and you know so much already I'm amazed you don't know the answer to your own question. Sorry for wasting your time with my previous post

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