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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. 1 hour ago, LongTimeLurker said:



    What does an oversupply in the VN rubber market have to do with condos?

    I didn't post your link ?:blink:  If you recheck my post you will find I posted this link...............which has everything to do with the residential property market





    Oversupply sparks fresh bubble fears




    According to figures from Jones Lang LaSalle Vietnam (JLL), around 63,800 apartments will be completed in Ho Chi Minh City over the next three years, in Hanoi, this number will be more than 61,000 units.

    The Ho Chi Minh City Real Estate Association (HoREA) said that the city’s districts 1, 2, 4, 9, Binh Thanh and Thu Duc will all see a large number of luxury apartments going up.

    Major realty developers in the luxury segment include Dai Quang Minh, Vingroup, Novaland, Nam Long, Hung Thinh, Him Lam, and Phu My Hung.

    The HoREA said that due to the sharp increase of supply in the next three years, a number of factors could cause oversupply, potentially leading to a bubble in the real estate market.



  2. 56 minutes ago, shadowofacloud said:

    What, a biometrics (retina) scan? It's been all over the world for at least 10 years. Hardly news and hardly shocking.


    IIRC my fingerprints were scanned at Swampy last year... But I move around a lot, so it might have been another airport.

    I sense that the author is more concerned about the desirability of this kind of Security procedure on citizens leaving their own country rather than for how long it's been used.

  3. 21 minutes ago, lucky11 said:

    This chartered surveyor should have kept the money he had and stopped trying to make more. No sympathy for him I'm afraid. Greed is (not) good. JH should concentrate on matters that affect society (in an impartial way) and not about some greedy so-and-so who clearly didn't do his homework and was out of his depth!! 


    I can imagine you are probably struggling to get by in some dingy 3500 baht a month room for you to have such a bitter and twisted attitude to other people's success:sad:you don't sound very lucky to me:giggle:

  4. the author of this article describes the experience of boarding a departing flight from Atlanta and certainly sounds alarmed by this new procedure.

    Any thoughts?is this soon coming to Asia?




    We had already been through boarding pass checks, passport checks, scanners, and pat downs. At the gate, each passenger had already had their tickets scanned and we were all walking on the jet bridge to board. It’s at this point that most people assume that it is all done: finally we can enjoy some sense of normalcy.

    This time was different. Halfway down the jetbridge, there was a new layer of security. Two US Marshals, heavily armed and dressed in dystopian-style black regalia, stood next to an upright machine with a glowing green eye. Every passenger, one by one, was told to step on a mat and look into the green scanner. It was scanning our eyes and matching that scan with the passport, which was also scanned (yet again).





  5. 4 hours ago, Eff1n2ret said:

    I've never had to produce anything when stopped by the police except a valid driving licence - either UK, when I was here as a visitor, or Thai since I've been living here.

    I do carry a credit-card-size copy of my passport backed by the latest retirement extension, and occasionally feel disappointed that no-one has ever asked to see it. For domestic airline travel, checking into hotels, and anything else such as registering my mobile phone I've always used the Thai driving licence.

    " For domestic airline travel, checking into hotels, and anything else such as registering my mobile phone I've always used the Thai driving licence."


    I doubt very much if you will get away with that today with all this palaver about TM 30 forms.I don't think any hotel would be allowed to check you in today without taking a photocopy of your actual passport.

  6. I travel often on NCA buses between Pattaya and Chiang Mai and sometimes there are even two of these kinds of stops.  That route is not known as being for a visa run so I think this on board bus checking has got more to do with looking for illegal entrants from Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar.

    And anyway last time the police officers accepted my Thai drivers license because I told them my passport was in my bag in the overhead locker above me so it couldn't have been about checking my Visa on that particular run.

  7. 1 hour ago, wakeupplease said:

    There are some seriously miss informed biased and brain dead people on this thread today. Jonathan Head will stay and fight to prove his story was truthful. We all know it was and Ian (co defendant) was ripped off by a lawyer as many do in certain parts of the world.


    The s..m lawyer admitted what he did and even under Thai law it was illegal. But Lawyers in certain neck of the woods do it to make corrupt money, some even sell their clients defence documents to the other side, so this alone says the quality of many of the lawyers.


    The CCA is an insult to everyone living within its borders and of late they have tried to enlarge those border to cover all countries of the world. Under CCA if a tourist comes there, has a bad hotel and goes home and puts a comment on Trip Advisor or Trust Pilot or the likes then returns to LOS within 10 years, they could be arrested if the owners of the said hotel see's the comment and makes a complaint to the bib.


    This is the problem, it costs them (owner/complainant) nothing to get the case to court as BIB do it. That is why half the time the BIB don"t have time to anything else as so many cases going on as many locals use it to make money IE compensation.


    The law brakes all human rights and is only there to shut people up and no more.


    The Embassy will not issue a travel document if the passport has been seized. But remind the Embassy of an event in the 1940's. See if you can find out what that was.


    Leaving  with out a passport, yes if you know how very easy to do.



    The BBC is the biggest broadcasting network in the world and possible the most respected. It will not before the court has heard the case say much as it would be accused of bias by those involved. If it goes against Jonathan and Ian, even after the appeals then you can bet it will say something and the rest of the networks will back them that is for sure.



    Was it not 17.9% and that is the money you see, not double that which ends up as cash in restaurants, shops and so on. So if a country looses that big problems will hit very quickly. It will if this story and many others starts to get told worldwide? So if the BBC and the others started pushing other countries as a better destination for tourists, you know what will happen. Look what happened in Tunisia when the publicity started, different story but you should see the likeness. Its empty now and never will get the tourists back. Spain Portugal on the same lines. Two countries in Asia are going to be massive over the next two years, we can see it starting here now.


    There are two options very close that offer better deals right now and no double pricing.


    It is a great country but sadly misinformed and under educated (for a reason).


    If the CCA was kicked out the PM would get his wish Low Corruption and it would be done in 1 year, until then it is one of the most C in the world.


    Little Britian

    Much safer to live here, deaths on the roads, less in a year that in another country I can think of has in a month. Police and judicial system 98.5% corruption free. If I want to call Boris Johnson (Minster) an idiot on line I can. If I want to fly to another country in Asia the ticket price for a return is £550, but buy a ticket your end and it may cost £665 one way (It Did). Food a little more expensive but you know its full history and what it is (Trading Standards). We also have in every home, water you can drink from the tap and can have a shower as many times a day as you want and never unless a pipe brakes unavailable. So I do not have to go 4 days without washing.


    The only thing I miss is the TShrts and Shorts, but summers coming and no Mosquitoes sucking my blood, or others. Little Britain lets keep it that way.


    These are facts, Google them if you wish, maybe some cannot do that as to off their heads in one-way or another.


    just to make you happy its cold today so have to have a big coat on outside, but heating on and warm inside.


    Have a good evening Good Luck to J&I

    " BBC

    The BBC is the biggest broadcasting network in the world and possible the most respected. It will not before the court has heard the case say much as it would be accused of bias by those involved. If it goes against Jonathan and Ian, even after the appeals then you can bet it will say something and the rest of the networks will back them that is for sure "


    at that stage I hope they do a one hour full expose (there is plenty of material) on Panorama and beam it around the globe on BBC World hopefully including their Indian,Chinese and Russian services. By the time people around the world learn what happened to the two victims in Phuket and then Jonathan Head -himself T-shirts and shorts is all that  people want to buy here.certainly not real estate! Anything that doesn't involve signing something and entering into a so-called contract.:bah: ,

  8. 3 hours ago, lucky11 said:

    Not necessarily in this defamation case, but just his past views and distorted reports primarily to do with Thaksin and anything Pheu Thai or junta related. Anyone who defends a fugitive and supports what Yingluck did to the country deserves to have their journalist license taken away from them!!

    Rather than shooting the messenger which is what you seem to be encouraging, wouldn't it be more constructive to concentrate   on the gravity of the story Jonathan Head was trying to expose to the world about property fraud in Phuket.

    Do you know anything about the story he was covering in this instance?

    One of the victims of this fraud was a retired Chartered  Surveyor from the UK who had specialised in property matters in England his whole life and had obviously done quite well managing to tuck away £2 million which he brought with him to Phuket to buy properties and start a business there. He has also effectively had his passport taken away and is now virtually living destitute in Bangkok ( after receiving death threats if he didn't move away from the island ) because he is not allowed to like leave the country either until the case is over just like Jonathan Head.

     I think that's what we should be discussing rather than your particular prejudices.

  9. 6 hours ago, Ricardo said:

    Long overdue for the BBC to support their reporter, in this particular instance, but perhaps it might be wise for JH to relocate to another country/area while it all plays out ?

     erm.........he can't leave the country now until the case is over because his journalist Visa and work permit has been substituted with a court Visa just like the two poor British guys who are the victims of the story he was covering and who were scammed out of about £2 million each

  10. 9 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

    Spoke to one the other day and brought up Jonathon and Ian. He did not know about them or Andy Hall, so shocked at his lack of knowledge and his unwillingness to help. Yet he was in the country 3 times last year. wish I could say more, maybe later but diplomats and minsters have one thing on their mind, this one does anyhow that is trade+money

    and when the next cocktail party is:bah:

  11. 6 minutes ago, ThaiCitizen said:

    76 likes for a racist calling Thai people imbeciles. How very sad.


    Two words, "go home".


    Live in you miserable dreary countries on a pittance and leave the Thais alone. let us who love this country get on with being here.


    I'm sick of the ignorant, racist posting here by miserable pensioners who never even try to integrate with the locals bar saying , "tee rak" and "boom boom you".


    you're probably right. Just enjoy life here in Thailand..........................

    but just don't sign anything:giggle:

  12. 12 minutes ago, manarak said:

    that sounds very nice - but I heard nightlife entertainment is rather sparse in Vietnam, can you confirm?


    I don't know where you heard that but it's certainly not true. Perhaps in the past Ho Chi Minh City and Nha Trang were a bit more exciting than Hanoi but that's certainly not the case anymore. Even Danang has nightlife entertainment. perhaps it's all the Russians, Chinese, Koreans and Japanese that are making it all happen there:smile:

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  13. 18 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    I can imagine that being some sight. I have never seen any on that scale but there may be somewhere. Some that I can remember were off the main road down to Chantaburi but in hundreds of metres rather than kilometres.

    When you mention red and white I take it you mean internally. We do not see a lot of the red ones around here but if I remember right they are smaller and cheaper. I do not encourage my wife to buy them as they remind me of beetroot.

    ha ha yes I mean red or purple internally:smile:maybe I got my facts wrong but I thought they said in Vietnam the red were more expensive.

    Regarding the huge scale of operation one Vietnamese person was telling me that the Chinese are funding it.

  14. On ‎19‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 4:49 PM, JSixpack said:



    You must awfully new here never to have heard of the Pattaya Perpetual Death Spiral. The phenomenon was first noted in the Pattaya Mail around 1997, but commentary reached full fruition here in the forum.


    2007: Pattaya's Dead

    2008: Is Pattaya Dead Right Now?
    2009: Pattaya Is Dead Dead Dead
    2010: Why Is Everything Closing Down?
    2011: Even More Dead Than Last Year?
    2012: What'S Next For A Beach Tourist Destination Like Pattaya?
    2013: Widening Of Beach Rd Started At North End
    2014: Is Pattaya really on the bones of it arse at the minute?
    2015: The beach walkway? Low season is really low Pattaya is dead.


    And one of our Death threads just finished up a few months ago after 32 pages of autopsy, death certificates, and reburial:


    2016: Pattaya going downhill!


    Moreover our ace TVF Real Estate Analysts just finished another 8-page exhaustive Condo Glut thread a couple months ago here:


    this is what is also behind the facade of the Pattaya condominium market?


    And petered out into the same conclusion as they've reached for the last 10 years or more: that we don't actually know how many unsold condos [houses] there are, we KNOW there're too many for what we've determined as optimal, we prophecy again the great Condo Crash, and we're just completely mystified, as we always have been, as to why it hasn't happened but it must be real soon now. :) And it got all global, too, demonstrating the kind of mastery of macroeconomics you can only find here at TVF.


    So what more do you need? Read over those threads; nothing new possibly be said here that hasn't already, so then we can just not waste our time here. :smile:



    thank you so much for remembering my thread Jsixpack but it's not just economic's anymore that will drive would be property buyers away from Thailand to places where there is a decent judicial system.

    now there is the added dimension of the highly negative image of Thailand real estate that the BBC through their worldwide network are likely to be able to generate if their South-East Asian correspondent Jonathan Head ends up in jail for just doing his job and exposing a very insiduous property scam(see the thread in this forum) in Phuket.

    by the time the BBC have finished exposing what can happen to you when you invest your hard earned money in real estate in this country (and to their own journalists  for just seeking to warn people about this)no one will want to invest  even a brass razoo

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