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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. On ‎18‎/‎04‎/‎2017 at 10:04 AM, FitnessHealthTravel said:

    A strike on North Korea will be swift and strategic. They won't know what hit them. Trump has already shown how he doesn't care about the haters, he'll just get it done. The message this will send will change the world.

    LOL so funny  :giggle:\America wasn't even able to outmanoeuvre a small country like Vietnam.

    but yes you are right the world will certainly change when USA is plunged into darkness


    North Korea amps up worries about potential threat to the U.S. power grid    





  2. 21 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Hmmmm. If someone is so naive that in this day and age with google to help with research that they can't find out that buying property in LOS is a gamble at best, they should not be surprised if they "invest" loadsacash and it all goes phut.

    Certainly, I have been warning about it at every opportunity for years, but the power of the saffron glasses is strong.

    There might have been an excuse before the internet, but even then there were plenty of news items about such, and I was certainly aware in the 90s that it wasn't a good idea.


    Whatever, Caveat Emptor and all that, and even more so in LOS ( more Land of Suckers than Smiles these days ).


    I'm not usually "happy" that an individual got taken down, except for anyone that bought into that monstrocity blighting the shoreline. In that case I positively rejoice that people antisocial enough to support that horrid eyesore lost out.

    oh !!!  :shock1:but they promised property prices never go down in LOS  !!:giggle:

  3. i'm just curious why no one has mentioned an alternative to using the outside agents which is to use the security guard on the gate outside the embassy. I used him about two years ago and he was able to get my Visa within 48 hours(i.e. he took my passport in the morning and he told me to collect it late in the afternoon the next day).

    How it happened was I was waiting for the embassy to open early in the morning and he approached me and solicited his services pointing out that he could help me as an alternative to waiting a long time to get my passport back. When he convinced me he took my documents inside obviously to consult the decision-makers and came back out and said everything was okay.

    The way I figured it was if we all accept that even outside agents are paying people off even if it's a small amount,I'm sure they much prefer to keep it " within the family " so to speak. It was a little bit clandestine (as one would expect)in that when I went to collect it he led  me away a short distance from the security gate house and he reached into his jacket pocket to get my passport but that didn't surprise me either.

  4. anyone who thinks government pensions are somehow insulated from this fallout are clearly delusional



    Dallas Mayor Pulls Support For "Massive Taxpayer Bailout" Of Police Pension




    The panic that has set in forced the chairman of the pension board Sam Friar to issue a letter to members.


    "I would strongly urge all members not to act rashly and without full information," he wrote. "You may make decisions that, after all the changes are made, are not in your best interest."


    The board was so concerned it voted to stop current officers from withdrawing any money from their pensions, and sources say the board will soon vote to no longer allow retirees to take their money out.:omfg:


    "This may be the only way the pension can limit the cash outflow because we are in a bad situation that right now the existence of system is at stake."




  5. is this some kind of tipping point?


    Pension Crisis Too Big for Markets to Ignore





    As was the case with the subprime crisis, the writing appears to be on the wall. And yet calamity has yet to strike. How so? Call it the triumvirate of conspirators – the actuaries, accountants and their accomplices in office. Throw in the law of big numbers, very big numbers, and you get to a disaster in a seemingly permanent state of making. Unfunded pension obligations have risen to $1.9 trillion from $292 billion since 2007.

    So why not just flip the switch and require truth and honesty in public pension math? Too many cities and potentially states would buckle under the weight of more realistic assumed rates of return. By some estimates, unfunded liabilities would triple to upwards of $6 trillion if the prevailing yields on Treasuries were used. That would translate into much steeper funding requirements at a time when budgets are already severely constrained. Pockets of the country would face essential public service budgets being slashed to dangerous levels.


    The Ticking Time Bomb That Will Wipe Out Virtually Every Pension Fund In America



  6. On ‎28‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 11:18 AM, Berkshire said:

    If your pension is from a private fund, corporation, union, or even state level, yes, the possibility exists that you may get royally screwed.  But if your pension is from the federal government, then it's "relatively safe."  That's because the US government can keep taking on more and more debt into perpetuity.  Maybe in 100 years it will collapse.  But I'll be dead and the politicians in 2117 can deal with it.      

    signs of the first cracks appearing?........................................:giggle:



    Moscow and Beijing join forces to bypass US dollar in world money market



  7. On ‎30‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 8:54 AM, pkspeaker said:

    and then they can't understand why the hotels in the beach resorts are empty..with tourism dependent economy, the money is spent on a new aircraft carrier..


    and it's not just pattaya, you can see this shit drifting all the way to kochang .. and nearby cambodia is probably even worse if they even have a sewege treatment plant

    probably? so what you have decided from your armchair Cambodia is even worse?

    Get off your posterior and go and look at the beach in Sihanoukville and tell us if it's anything like the mess it is here

    of course there is pollution there but it's nowhere near the disgusting mess of pattaya and the water is clean in Sihanoukville

  8. On ‎28‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 10:40 AM, 12DrinkMore said:


    I have done this a couple of times. I think the companies are all OK, just choose one that doesn't turn up any bad reports with an internet search.


    They usually tell you on the website what the cost of a visa is at the airport in a addition to the letter of invitation. They both vary according to type of visa and length of stay.


    You receive the invitation letter via email, always, in my case, with a bunch of other random names.


    I do not understand why Vietnam allows this, except that doubtless it provides a substantial private income to the immigration officials "authorizing the letters" and the companies sending the letters.

    that's nothing!

    The Americans are demanding neighbouring Cambodia actually pay back $500 million after carpet bombing them:giggle:

    I just hope Cambodia waves the two fingers at them and increases Visa fees for Americans at the same time



    Fury in Cambodia as US asks to be paid back hundreds of millions in war debts



    Half a century after United States B-52 bombers dropped more than 500,000 tonnes of explosives on Cambodia's countryside Washington wants the country to repay a $US500 million ($662 million) war debt.

    The demand has prompted expressions of indignation and outrage from Cambodia's capital, Phnom Penh.




  9. 20 minutes ago, CRUNCHER said:

    I don't know much about the Thai bankruptcy laws, but as I understand it the bank is likely to be the only secured creditor via a lien on the land (but not the building). Even if the bank can sell the land (difficult) there will not be much left over when they get their money back. I believe City Hall will have no priority.


    Bali Hai will not have much in the way of other assets and unsecured creditors will be lucky to get  ten cents on the dollar.  If I am right the tax payer will foot the bill - if it ever gets demolished. The current bankruptcy protection proceeding can drag on for 5 or 7 years, I am not sure which


    There are still examples in Bangkok from the 1997 financial crisis.

     I hope they don’t leave that crane perched on top of the building for another 6 to 7 years :unsure:

  10. 3 hours ago, pattayadude said:

    Why are these "issues" such a top secret that no one dares to share them with public after almost 3 years? who is afraid of spilling the beans here?

    Or is it their intention to take these facts with them to the grave?

    I just can't comprehend this anymore

    Champa, there is an old quote: But isn't the thief culpable at all?

    Realizing the doors and windows unlocked,a thief breaks in a house and steals everything.

    Next day all neighbors blame the owner of the house for being very negligent and harshly criticize him for leaving the doors and windows wide open.

    Frustrated with being the only culpable for this break-in, the owner finally lashes out " But isn't the thief culpable at all???


    Profit-driven, opportunistic and greedy developers are known for "changing the buildings", building extra floors without permission and try to bribe authorities for various reasons for extra profit all over the world for centuries. Yes.. they are culpable for doing so!

    But aren't the authorities ALSO culpable for turning blind eye, lack of inspection during the construction of a mega structure such as the Waterfront???

    It is so easy to put the blame on one party and having said this, I am not trying to protect the developer. on the contrary, I think they ARE to be blamed for all this mess

    But we aren't talking a hen-house here..its a 50floor high-rise building for God's sake!

    Why didn't the authorities catch these variations from the beginning before it was too late?

    "what" did or didn't happen that was not supposed to or supposed to?


    If not this, then what is the City's responsibility???

    Help build, coordinate, beautify  or destroy?



    But what can be done about it? For example under British law a developer  in a similar position who would be trying to pin part of the blame on government authorities themselves would need to seek equitable relief in the courts. I don’t know enough about the Thai legal system to know whether they have the equivalent of common law and equity as in the UK.

    But I do know the famous phrase regarding those who do seek equitable relief in the British courts

    " He who comes into equity must come with clean hands." .

    In other words, if you ask for help from the courts about the actions (or inactions this case ) of someone else but have acted wrongly yourself, then you do not have clean hands and you may not receive the help you seek.

    On that note I would be extremely surprised if the developers would be able to come anywhere near  being able to persuade the courts that they satisfied this criteria.

  11. 8 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    If your pension is from a private fund, corporation, union, or even state level, yes, the possibility exists that you may get royally screwed.  But if your pension is from the federal government, then it's "relatively safe."  That's because the US government can keep taking on more and more debt into perpetuity.  Maybe in 100 years it will collapse.  But I'll be dead and the politicians in 2117 can deal with it.      

    but confidence in the American dollar will not last into perpetuity because it's already toilet paper.:giggle:

    And when people lose confidence in that everything will collapse





    It is no secret, the western dollar-led fiat monetary system is on its last leg – as eventually any Ponzi scheme will be. What does ‘fiat’ mean? It is money created out of thin air. It has no backing whatsoever; not gold, not even the economic output generated by the country or countries issuing the money, i.e. the United States of America and Europe. It is simply declared “legal tender’’ by Government decree.

    No pyramid scheme is sustainable in the long run and eventually will collapse. It was invented and is used by a small invisible upper crest of elite making insane amounts of profit on the back of the 99% of us. Since these elitists are in control of the media with their lie propaganda, as well as the warmongering killing machine, US armed forces, NATO, combined with the international security and spy apparatus, CIA, MI6, Mossad, DGSE, the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) and more, we are powerless – but powerless only as long as we ignore what’s really going on behind the curtain.




  12. 35 minutes ago, champa said:

    Yesterday, the buyers met with deputy lord mayor of Pattaya City. It was the first time that Pattaya City did official announcement that there are MANY issues of Waterfront Project.


    Unfortunately, it was not detail on any issues. From my sight it was not positive support to the developer.


    Deputy lord mayor said that they will uphold justice for every stakeholders.


    It was the first time that Pattaya City informed the buyers that the developer had changed the building without permission. In the 2 years Pattaya City gave them many chances to change the construction plan. Until now the developer can not make the construction plan meet the regulations. 


    This is the point that the developer gave the  buyers the incorrect information. 


    Once the developer confirmed that all the building was legal and blamed the social media for construction suspension.

    tulip2.jpg.504c8a09d1531dad8bb67aab3c4f1753.jpgIn fact Pattaya City hall announced that the suspense order based on the audition. Pattaya City found that the building was not match the permitted construction plan.  Beside Pattaya City found the public enforcement. 


    I think if the buyer believed that the developer did something wrong. Some of them should stop paying the deposit or asking the deposit since then. 


    I saw the news about widening the street in the Balihai pier. But it was just the initial plan which propose by Pattaya officer. It is not sure that the plan of widening the street will happen or not. So it is early for discussion. By the way to widening the street will change only one issue.


    The wider street can not make the building smaller or make it full of parking area. 



    “I think if the buyer believed that the developer did something wrong. Some of them should stop paying the deposit or asking the deposit since then. “


    Hi Champa

    from my interpretation of the interview the lawyer (Khun Pira ) gave on the radio if the central bankruptcy court approves the rehabilitation petition, I don’t think the buyers would be allowed to do that?  

  13. 12 minutes ago, oxo1947 said:

    Asiantravel----I think this is incorrect. Where did you get this information. I returned from Hanoi a few months ago---Americans were still being charged a lot more than any other country to enter. When did this change ??? It is free for certain countries (6) to enter free.


    Please note that between 1 July 2016 and 30 June 2017, holders of British, German, French, Spanish, Belarus and Italian passports will not require a visa for stays of up to 15 days. It is not yet known whether that exemption will extend beyond June 2017.



    Are you getting G7 mixed up with EU..

    If it has changed & I am wrong---apologies in advance..............:coffee1:



    yes sorry it's not G7:unsure: but the exemption extends well beyond the six countries that you have listed.

    I came back from Vietnam one month ago and enjoyed 15 days Visa free


    on Wikipedia 13 countries are listed




    Your pension could be at the center of America's next financial crisis




    South Carolina’s government pension plan, which covers roughly 550,000 people — one out of nine state residents — and is a staggering $24.1 billion in the red. These include former blue collar workers such as roughly 100,000 coal miners who face serious cuts in pension payments and health coverage thanks to a nearly $6 billion shortfall in the plan for the United Mine Workers of America. And when the bill comes due, we will all be in very big trouble.






  15. 1 hour ago, hawker9000 said:

    If you have the invitation letter for Vietnam (and it's legit; there are some online frauds for those), you should be good to go. There'll be an application form to be submitted along with the letter on arrival: it should have accompanied the letter when you rcvd that, but they're available when you arrive.  I read somewhere Vietnam was going to initiate an online e-visa thing, but I'm pretty sure that's not off the ground yet.


    it is up and running




    But one other thing worth mentioning is that if your passport is from a G7 country you don't need a Visa to enter Vietnam for up to 15 days.

    • Like 1
  16. 2 hours ago, david555 said:

    A typical answer from agent after I pointed him a few condos sold already for much lower prices than he adverted them , they never update their listings (a few agents do ,from them I had the updates ..) price differences several hundreds thousands of baht ....they are just gambling with the owners money .....,like going to casino with credit card from another person ...


    his answer :

    " thanks for the update. won't take long for the market to pickup again. The future is rental guarantee investment properties, stable income without hassle of renting it out. "


    mmmm....................I wonder if it's just sheer ignorance by these people or an uninhibited willingness to deceive


    • Like 2
  17. 45 minutes ago, edwardandtubs said:

    The airlines are not going to divulge confidential information though, so as long as it's indistinguishable from a real ticket and is for a valid flight, how are they going to find out?


    The consulate would only need contact such as a travel agent who can enter  the passengers  name, flight number and date of departure into the manage booking application to see whether its genuine or not- and it's all information which they will be able to obtain from the fake ticket.

    It's really not worth taking the risk.

  18. 17 minutes ago, balo said:

    I have a condo in Jomtien but left for C.M to help out some relatives and experience the cool season this winter. C.M is not bad , but very boring at times. 




    I spent one year there and came to the same conclusion as you:laugh: now I just go up once every two or three months which is enough to enjoy its good points

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