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Posts posted by womble

  1. Another feel good statement that means nothing.

    Words without evidence mean nothing, bold statements such as this mean less and less the more they are said. Everyweek 3-4 feel good statements like this are made, and they all mean nothing. The public are rarely given figures, when they are they are ofrten misleading.

    We are constantly told sucess in this, hub of that, crackdown on blah blah blah............

    Means nothing.

    I don't think people are fooled anymore. :o

  2. Will the last person to leave please turn the lights out :D

    :D We get these comments everytime the drinking laws change. Few if any ever leave, they just make a big noise about it here then do nothing.

    At least half the places I drink have no licence... so hours of operation are the least of their worries.

    Keep this in mind. It's Thailand and.....

    - Prostitution is illegal

    - So is driving without a licence

    - or riding a MC without a helmet

    - and many other things that just don't matter to most Thais.

    So lets stop running around screaming that the sky is falling. It's not.


    THANKS !!!

    I am always amazed by expats's expectations for the foreign country they live in whereas if at home they would just keep it quiet and keep shopping on Oxford Street...

    Remember… it is THEIR country, they do what THEY like, and if you are not happy, turn off the light or YOUR condo and go in search of a greener bank…



    How about no!

    I will moan, i will stay, and I will leave all my lights on.....

    Sounds like you've just stepped off the plane, still living in your little dream world.:o

    Few more years and we might get something sensible out of you.

  3. It is quite normal for Asian people to heed the stars' warnings.

    Just because you don't understand doesn't mean that is is wrong.

    Many leader in India, especially stay in bed for days because of the warning from their astrologers.

    Cause it's wrong. This is the leader of a country we are talking about, not someone choosing lotery numbers!

    It's totally unacceptable for a PM to refuse to talk for 6 weeks.

    Luckily all this does is cement into peoples heads what a useless leader this is.

    A leader that only talks when things are good is a leader not worth having.

    This will do him more harm than good though, and once again it's Thailands international image that is taking a battering.

    How much longer is TRT and MR T allowed to make Thailand the laughing stock of Asia.

    In the last few weeks he has made many outsiders believe Thailand is full of people who follow the stars and eat dogs and tigers.

    Bloody disgrace!

    The leader is supposed to set an example!


  4. So the planets arn't in the right spots, can't talk till next year.

    Absolute joke. The leader of a country of 70m people has absolutely no right to be silent for that long. It is impossible to take this person seriously. He is now facing the biggest problems of his premiership and he refuses to clarify points which are of great importance to the public and the country as a whole.

    He has been in S Korea and was speaking for the last few days, the planets didn't seem to stop him talking then. It wouldn't surprise me if international media pick up on this and make him look even more stupid than he is.

    The damage being done to Thailand is huge, the image of Thailand has suffered one blow after another, the zoo menu has put Chiang Mai on the map for all the wrong reasons, and the chance of an FTA with the US all the while being overly friendly with Burma is about as likley as it is Thailand will own Liverpool FC.

    What amazes me is just about everything this man does is the worst possible thing. Sueing sondhi just draws public attension to the acusations. Taking the show off air attracts more people to the show. If the house is dissolved it would be almost entirely the PM's own making. Whilst he could have stayed on till the end of the term even with the many faliures now showing of TRT policies, his own actions are speeding up the demise.

  5. yet he chose to be a child molester.


    Gary Glitter has never been convicted of child molestation, or paedophilea. He was convicted of having offensive pics. of children on his computer in the UK - afaik that is the only crime he has been convicted of. No charges against him in Cambodia were ever specified.

    True, but there is very strong circumstantial evidence that he has been with young girls in Cuba, Vietnam and Cambodia.

    Even if there is a remotely small chance he could be innocently 'hanging around' with kids, after getting caught with pics he shouldn't be allowed anywhere near minors.

    He should stay away from them himself to stop incidents like this occuring.

    We all know it's almost certain he's been up to no good with these girls, so with a bit of luck he'll be eating rice porridge vietnam style :o

  6. A laptop is generally the most expensive computer,

    relatively difficult to repair

    difficult to upgrade.

    A compact desk top would be a much better idea.

    Anyway poor children need food, medicine and schooling before computers!! :o

    It isn't the designer/inventors job to provide food, he is creating a wort while product that certainly has a market, this invention is one of the greatest gifts to modern education.

    There are many kids who don't need food or medicine, but a cheap laptop would be very helpful to their eductation. Thailand aswell as many other developing nations have no serious problems with food, water and sanitation, they do however suffer from a poor education.

    So whilst there are some childeren who could no doubt benefit from other essentials first, that doesn't mean there arn't millions of childeren who won't gain from having one of these.

    I don't know where you get this weird idea from that computers have anything to do with education?

    Next to TV, they are a device to empty your brains of any content if there ever was one.

    As every Thai kid can tell you, a computer is a machine to play games. Oh, you can use it for chat, too, chat with your friends or try to make some money from farangs through chat.

    There is this "educational" cheap (for Thais - double pricing) government computer center at World Trade - and last week the English newspaper run an article about how they only use it for games.

    I guess the nerds at MIT feel uncomfortable with the living proof that there is life outside the screen.

    Absolute crap. Tv's and computers can be great tools for prividing information, all depends what you are using them for.

    Same as books, some books are educational whilst others are not.

    Using a computer for computer aided design, photoshop, illustrator is without doubt educational, playing games is not.

    The key is to ensure computers are used with the correct applications.

    Never write of a technology just because it can be obused, in the right hands with the right tutor they can be most useful.

    Get out of the dark ages!

  7. A laptop is generally the most expensive computer,

    relatively difficult to repair

    difficult to upgrade.

    A compact desk top would be a much better idea.

    Anyway poor children need food, medicine and schooling before computers!! :o

    It isn't the designer/inventors job to provide food, he is creating a wort while product that certainly has a market, this invention is one of the greatest gifts to modern education.

    There are many kids who don't need food or medicine, but a cheap laptop would be very helpful to their eductation. Thailand aswell as many other developing nations have no serious problems with food, water and sanitation, they do however suffer from a poor education.

    So whilst there are some childeren who could no doubt benefit from other essentials first, that doesn't mean there arn't millions of childeren who won't gain from having one of these.

  8. Bung sum Lan is a great lake, difficult to get the large fish out though due to the huts on the water, the fish get caught up around the wooden legs resulting in many lost big fish.

    It is a fantastic place though, i've had cats and carp over 50kg, and they go much much bigger!!!

    Opening soon is a new lake in Samui which will also have outstanding fishing, from houseboats, which will mean it's much easier to land the bigguns!


  9. I think under international law they are breaking the rules by transporting them, CITES states that they should only be allowed to be sent if they are to be used for study and/or captive breading programs.  If they are to be profited from it goes against the stipulations.  I didn't know:

    A) Entrance to Safari World will be free.

    :o Chiang Mai was to become a special breeding zone for Afrika's wild animals.

    Just as a point of Interest some of the animals are to be used in captive breeding programs,The Chiangmai Zoo has an excellent reputation worldwide in the zoo fraternity it ranks higher than any zoo in Australia and UK ,I know a lot of zoo,s and animal parks in thailand leave a lot to be desired, but there are zoos in so called civilised countries in a far worse state, as a retired Zoo curator I take a great interest in the developments in thai conservation and captive breeding programs, so lets give them a chance folks. Before criticising a project that has not got off the ground yet, take a walk around your local zoo, ignore the cute and cuddly factor and try and look behind them ,you will be quite shocked just give them a chance people.nignoy

    If that's the case then I take back what I said. Maybe the Government would do better to explain more to the international community exactly what they are for, and let us all know that they do have breading programs planned.

    It definatley is something that could make the country look bad, it has a bad enough name as it is for the illegal animal trade, if they actually plan to keep the animals for more than just profit then why not tell the world.

    I havn't seen any mention of breeding programs for the animals in any news aticles on bbc, cnn, bangkok post or nation.

    What are people who arn't in the know supposed to think.?

  10. I think under international law they are breaking the rules by transporting them, CITES states that they should only be allowed to be sent if they are to be used for study and/or captive breading programs. If they are to be profited from it goes against the stipulations. I didn't know:

    A) Entrance to Safari World will be free.

    :o Chiang Mai was to become a special breeding zone for Afrika's wild animals.

  11. Yet another Minesterial dick head, re the old comedy series...some Mothers do have em!


    Thaksin gave Wattana the job of diverting public attention from the serious issues that affect Thailand, namely the south, inflation, corruption, etc. His job is to come up with a controversial issue at least once a week, never mind if people don't agree, it stops them considering how the privatisation of EGAT will help AIS with all those lovely fibre optic lines available from the public purse, the politicians behind the lamyai scandal, the reasons behind Taksin's decision to transfer the teachers' budget to under the TAO, most of whose members reached an educational level way below the teachers.

    In Thailand you can't take statements by politicians at face value, only the naive do, look deeper.

    yep yep. and someone agrees with you.. The Nation, Opinion: Watana pleases PM by shaping the media agenda :o

    They have a crafty little PR department over there.. Notice how all the weird controversial issues always seem to pop up around the same time as the serious controversial issues? :D (eg. proposed Liverpool buy?)

    Yep, everytime the government is in trouble they get someone to say something controversial or announce some grand plan such as buying liverpool. Thing is you can only cry wolf so many times. The people will realise sooner or later.

    As a wise man once said, you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time! :D

  12. You think it's reasonable to charge 50Baht for a portion of white rice as take away for my baby?

    That was the last time I visited that place.

    They specialise in english food not Thai food, if you wanted a portion of rice you could have got it from any of the thai restaurants on your way home it would only take a few moments.

    50 baht is exspenive for rice in Thailand but the rest of the menu is very well priced for the quality of the food.

    The roast dinners are excellant.


  13. HIV+ Tests have a very high margin of error, I dont see this as even being newsworthy to be honest.

    Don't HIV tests, test for antibodies to the virus, rather than the virus itself - There are lots of illnesses that can throw off the test results, even if someone is tested multiple times.

    I don't think this would be one of the main storys on BBC World if it wasn't newsworthy. Granted they don't always get everything right, or report everthing exactly how it is, the Tsunami coverage being an example of poor reporting. But given that the hospital in question has one of the worlds best HIV research teams and the fact that the medical world is taking this very seriously and are already saying this could possibly lead to breakthroughs, or at the least greater understanding of how the body can possibly fight off the disease.

    Anything that gives a good chance of major breakthroughs in fighting one of the most serious diseases facing mankind is in my eyes very newsworthy.

    The whole reason this story has made the headlines is because the testing was done at a world class facility. As the article states their are other cases, but they can't be proved as the testing had not have been caried out at such a well respected facility.

    If there was any chance the readings were wrong as you are insinuating then I reallyt don't think the story would have made it this far. :o

  14. Well maybe they don't hire Childeren, but this article has just been published on the website and a child could have written better. It's laughable to read this anywhere, but when it's written for an international newspaper you have to wonder who the hel_l proof reads for them.

    You'd think the writer would realise their command of the written language is crap and at least let someone else write the article.

    Or how about spell check?

    Or even grammer check?

    Thaksin's lawyer to ask court to gag Sondhi

    Published on Nov 11 , 2005

    Thana Benjathikul, the prime minister's lawyer, said on Friday that next week he would file libel suit against Sondhi Limthongkul, a fierce critic of Thaksin who routinely lambastes the PM on his TV show "Muang Thai Rai Sapda" ("Thailand Weekly").

    "I'm considering Sondhi's TV show before charge him if he still slanders the premier I will file charge against him," he said.

    Moreover, Thana would ask for the administrative court to forbid Sondhi accused Thaksin during the pending proceedings case.

    "He [sondhi] is charging Thaksin everyday and his speech is not truth. I want social understand that why we have to complaint Sondhi I have to protect

    my client," He said.

    The Nation


  15. The boom in construction in samui reminds me of what happened in Spain. Building sites everywhere, land prices going through the roof, fortunatley no high rises apart from that hideous building on the N side of chaweng.

    That watch tower is part of an apartment complex, there are a few going up now, it was only a matter of time as land prices have been getting so high people decide to go up in order to keep profits higher. Prices are getting very high and for lots of people now too high for a sea view property unless it is an apartment.

    Large detached houses are going for big money now and there isn't a lot of quality land left that has really good infrastructure. The best hillside land is now going for 8m a rai, It was under 1m a rai 5 years ago, I wonder what it'll be worth in another 5 years time.

    Samui has some of the best property investment opportunitys in Thailand right now, and although in many ways it has characteristics of a bubble it's unlikley as the prices arn't speculative, and propertys are nearly always paid for in cash not through credit.

    If demand continues to rise as it has been then prices will continue to rise sharply due to the lack of land. Unlike the mainland and larger islands where there is still huge amounts of quality land, Samui has a very limited supply of land. Whilst there are many nice spots the land is Tor Bor Ha which cannot be built on. The amount of Nor Sor Sam and Chanote in the prime area's of Bophut, Chaweng and Choeng Mon is relativley small. So a prime Seaview pieceland with decent road electric and water

  16. I reckon this is aimed at 7/11 too. They won't adhere to the cigarette display ban, so now the government will get them with booze and fags their biggest profit makers. If they can't stop them advertising then they'll stop them selling :o

    The scaryiest thing is they dream up these law changes in a matter of hours. In most countries laws take months.

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