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Posts posted by womble

  1. This is funny, it's definatley no more crazy to think we were created by 'GOD' than to believe we were created by Aliens.

    I'm agnostic (hedging my bets) and a real sceptic, but from the belief side of things I see little difference from this to most other religions, it's tragic that so many lives have been lost in wars fighting over things that probobally arn't even true.

    Religion is often good in the sense that it gives moral guides, and usually teaches people to act in certain ways that are positive for communities. Unless of course people twist the ideologies.

    Is it that different giving money to Ra-aliens than to giving it to the Vatican, Vatican is seriously corrupt, we all know that. :o

    From an agnostic point of view Budhism is definatley the best religion as it teaches people how to live in Harmony, it's also much less rigid than other religions and can be flexible to suit each and every person. Many other religions are simply too strict.

    I thought Budhism was supposed to tolerate other religions?

  2. This is very interesting. It'll probobally only turn out to be 10,000 or so, they always make it out to be more, that goes for rallys the world over.

    The interesting thing is though that this is farmers from Korat, an area that TRT is supposed to command a lot of support. It's only 60 days since the Debt relief was announced, the fact they are rallying so soon shows one thing.

    They have had enough of empty promises. You can only promise so much without delivering. It seems YKH has had the Midas touch until now, but with rising inflation, things could be set to change big time.

    NPL's will grow, the Middle class will become more in dept, and as usual it's the poor who will suffer the most.

    Censoring the polls, and stricter media censorship is the last resort for a sinking ship.

    One thing to be sure though, you can hide the truth when it comes to corruption, but with internal security (the south), you can only use excuses for a limited time, you can't keep telling everyone things are fine, it doesn't work. You can brush corruption under the table, and the general public are used to that, but the killings of monks, innocent people and childeren cannot be ignored. Maybe it won't be long until people with more power than YKH realise that the only way to solve the problem is to get rid of the problem.

    If you check todays news they have announced yet another change of tactic :o

  3. Care People, give this Soi Two Topical bar a wide birth.

    Wide birth from me. I hate this type of sh1t

    Perhaps we could have a 'Rouge's Gallery'....

    I agree. We don't need to list every bar, just the one's who try to fleece customers.

    The only problem is there are always some people who will abuse this. Maybe they have a grudge against a certain owner/establishment, it's good to know where we should avoid, but how do we make sure everyone is telling the truth. Also often it's one person up to tricks, not the whole bar, should a business be subjected to having it's name dirtied if it's just one rouge employee, that maybe the business owner doesn't know about.

    You may often find farang business owners being taken advantage of by the staff, should they be subjected to even more punishment.

    There's a few places i'd like to name and shame though :o

  4. Definatley agree with Pompey Nick that patters is more dangerous than samui, just read the pattaya city news, death doom and gloom a daily occurance.  Here a farang death is pretty rare except in the many tragic motorbike accidents. 

    Never heard of farang suicide's here eigher which seem a weekly occurance in Pattaya.  Not saying they havn't happened here, probobally they have, i just havn't heard of any.

    And you think the news papers are a good yard stick in Thailand.

    always a laugh to read over a beer. :D

    Have a nice day

    Being a small Island, when Farang deaths or even accidents occur, news gets around very quickly. I'm not using Thai newspapers as a yardstick, but when a grisly photo of another farang death greats you on an almost daily occurance, it kinda says something. Sure most of the news in Thai papers is tripe, but a pic or report of a farang death is unlikley to be false. However the circumstances surrounding the death may well be suspect. The sheer number of Deaths and pics of deaths reported in PCN lead me to belive that the death rate for farangs is far higher than any other area of the country.

    I'm basing this purely on what I have seen and heard, no statistics. I should imagine if motor bike accident deaths were taken out of the equation, the death rate for foriegners in Patters compared to Samui would be even higher. :o

  5. Mr Womble seems to have upset a few people. :D

    As one of the more serious posters on this forum ,I feel that he has dragged T.V down to a new low. :D

    Nice one fella :D  :D  :D

    Little briton can take the piss out of people in wheel chairs, the new series features a Thai bride. I expect for a few people it'll be too much for them, no doubt a couple of those types have posted on this thread. I'll be sitting next to my thai mrs laughing anyway, as i'm not so insecure as to be bothered by such things.

    So what, it's funny. So you laugh at the guy in the wheel chair, are you gonna be offended by the Thai bride sketch?

    So some forms of offensive humour are accepted, whilst anything involving a Thai girl is not. Cummon man, some of the threads on here are of far worst taste than this, some of the links to newspaper articles with pictures of corpses are definatley far more offensive than this crappy thread.

    I guess certain things are just a little to much for some people to handle, we're all in the same boat out here, most of us 'indulge'.

    Liven up, and stop being so politically correct :o

    I admit it's in bad taste, but it's certainly not a new low. Some people raised a few good points, and maybe we've all had a think about the going off topic thing.

    Far from a new low, I think the forum could have benefited. :D

    Although not very much :D

  6. And BTW, it's a forum, Spelling doesn't matter, it's not an A Level exam, even tho your girl has already passed hers with 100's of punters! :D

    What the <deleted> is that supposed to mean?? Sticking a smilie after it does not make calling my missus a prostitute ok. If you want to have a pop at me, bring it on, but dont ever bring my family into it you w*nker :o

    Have a sense of humour.

    I don't even know your mrs, you shouldn't get so wound up, thats how these threads get out of hand, cos people reply to that kinda shit.

    I appologise for any offence caused, whether you choose to accept my appology is up to you. :D

  7. :o  :D  :D

    Great thread guys.

    One thing I might wanna say though is Womble if you wanna take a topic off thread, perhaps a less serious subject would be more appropriate. :D

    That's exactly my point, if you notice the Thread had already been lost to the BG and slagging each other off type of thread before the end of the first page!!! and I didn't post until the thread was well and truly lost. Then it continued to 7 pages now simply because it's gone off topic. On one of the usual suspects for going off topic.

    This would probobally have gone far further in a shorter space of time had it been posted in the general section.

    So it's a lesson to us all, not to let our reactions overtake and make us forget about the OP.

  8. It`s easy to say it was a wind up Womble when you have lost your argument and are in a corner.

    If you were trolling and wasting every body`s time you should be banned from the forum.


    Yeah it is trolling, and I could be facing a ban :D


    The number of posts this thread has created is proof of how people take these threads too seriously. My point is that does is all really have to be said over and over again.

    From this thread hopefully a few people wise up, and ignore answering these threads that have been done to death already, although I doubt it. :o

    If I get banned then so be it, but hopefully mods will see this as an example of how out of control these theads get.

    I reckon soon as they go this way,

    Close them and link to one of the better ones, then it won't be so tedious.

  9. And that passed two boring days of rain!!!

    Sorry guys,

    I don't work for a corp, or mix in those stupid circles.

    It is so funny though to see how everyone gets so wound up.


    Hopefully it's sunny tomorow, cos it's been ###### boring these last few days.

    Can't believe the amount of times this type of thread has been done, and it's still the same people who reply, with the same old answers. Same with the Pedo threads.

    Sorry but have you nothing better to do other than keep re-writing and arguing over the same stupid shit.

    Surely not everyone was rained in for 2 days, somewhere in Thailand must have had a dry spell.

    Funniest thing is this has been going on for 2 days, now if I was working in the finance sector would I have time to write all this crap???

    Someone should have spotted that!

    That was a made up Charactor, nothing like the real me, if it was me though I would have just thought what an ignorant prick, not bothered wasting my times with the same old replys.

    I really think Admin should close these Threads, and just link to one thread, cos it's been done a million times. :D


  10. So I guess i'm well and truly f***ed then as my wife is divorced, has 2 kids, worked in a bar and has tattoos :D  :o she miles ahead and has better manners than some of the arrogant, stuck up people that i've met. (some of them were in Samui funnily enough)

    What a load of <deleted> this thread has turned into.  :D

    (Ps Tread carefully if replying about my missus, i'll only say that once.) :D

    any chance of this thread being put to bed.

    Ok lests finish the thread, it is getting out of hand.

    appologies to anyone insulted by previous comments.

    When I made my first post It was never intended to go this way.

    Thread Closed!

  11. So to clarify, you can't have a lease longer than 30 years, but you can have a lease agreement that Garantees you will be offered an extension.

    No you can not. You have NO garantee.

    And you said it yourself

    30 years is the maximum lease period allowed under Thai law.
    There is nobody who can ENFORCE the option.

    Just imagine a land owner gives you a 30 year lease for example 20 million baht. After the 30 years the land is probably worth 50 or 100 million baht. If you have an agreement (contract) that he will give you an option for the next 30 years he will honor that option ONLY when it is in HIS best interest. Forget about agreeing a price beforehand (Crucial for doing business). And what if he doesn't honor it. You go to court? I know the outcome to that. As the law states 30 years is maximum. Sorry....

    Leasing a resort for 7 years is only worthwhile when it is ready to run as is, without renovating or refurbishing. If you have to do that, which is highly probable you would not have time enough to make decent money. Landords here want to have it all without lifting a finger. They want a large share of the profit without the risks and work involved. The lease prices asked and the possible profit that could be made is out of balance. The landowner should only ask money for the land not 50% of your business profits too.

    And yes i know there are some businesses who do it anyway. It is a great way to launder money, and a few "drug" criminals are doing just that in Samui and Phuket. I am from the netherlands and know some that did their time in jail are now celebrating live and have "legitimate" businesses in Thailand. Just read the newspapers. A landowner only cares about if he gets money not about who.

    It is the same with 3 year leases and "rights" to extend.


    you find a nice shop for rent. Keymoney 1 million baht and 30.000 per mont. (Not rare for Chaweng) Contract for 3 years with option to extend.

    The owner will not set a fixed price for the next 3 years.

    2 possibilities:

    1 You are doing your business and are sucsessful.

    The owner is smiling. You're going to extend the contact. New keymoney is now 2 million baht and rent 50.000 baht a month. Because you make money the owner wants a big part of it. You think hard and probably hate his guts but now that you have an established business what choice do you have. The owner owns the whole %$#* street.

    2 You are doing your business and are not making enough money.

    Your contract gets shorter and shorter and it is hard to find someone who want to take over the remaining contract. You also have to pay the owner a fixed amount or a percentage of the sale. (Who wins again?)

    You decide to try it another 3 years. Owner asks 2 million baht because he knows you are not making enough money (Sounds crazy but it is Thai business logic). The rent increases to 50.000 baht. With these conditions you decide it is not worthwhile. The owner doesn't care and "up to you". Even if the shop stays empty for 2 years the owner will not budge.

    It doesn't happen all the time but it does most of the time. If you do serious business a 3 year lease is not enough. Demand a longer lease and never pay keymoney but pay a little higher monthly rent instead. If the owner don't want that, find another one because it is a sign that you will be screwed when the contract finishes. (Again not all but most).

    Never sign a contract that you would have walked walk away from in your home country.

    That's an excellant post, and very informative.

    But if I had terms laid out for an extension, or even just a first refusal, I would take the Landlord to court for breach of contract.

  12. The icing on the cake though, that really shows what a hypocritical, snobbish, chauvinistic, class obssessed muppet you really are is that you think it is ok for you to go sleeping with 'brass', but your wife has to be all pure and virginal.

    he never said virginal, just that he didnt want a future wife to have had more pricks than a 2nd hand dart board :D

    Which seems to really annoy some of the posters here. Wonder why? :o

    Correct, I never said Virginal. Sorry to ruin your post that certian TV members seem to think is so excellant.

    I actually said I prefer my longterm girlfriends to have had a total number of sleeping partners in single figures, ie. Less than 10.

    I really can't see anything wrong with that statement. I make no claims whatsoever that I am better than others, or that i am a saint, I admit to the odd massage, I just find it rather sad tho (another spelling mistake) that most people can't draw the line between what should be an hr or 2 of fun, not a lifetime of 'mutual love'.

    Really the only point I am making is that I couldn't marry a prostitute.

    Sorry bro, but another blow to your oh so excellant post,

    you stated "However just because someone is uneducated, it does not mean they are foul mouthed and classless as you seem to suggest"

    I actually said,

    "Girls who are prostitutes, divorced, have kids, have mental problems, are drug addicts, feminists, don't have a job, lazy, rude, whatever."

    I'm not saying Bar girls are all of those, but any girl from any country with any of those is right down the ranking list when it comes to my choise of prefered longterm partner.

    Thats any women, Thai or farang.

    As for farangs working here, I never mentioned tour groups, I said bars or something in the tourist sector.


    I still reckon most farangs that work here are involved in the tertiary sector, primarily tourism.

    I also never said I had anything against class, I just said a partner from the lower echelons of thai society is not accepted by upperclass Thais. This is a fact, and if you mix in these circles, which no doubt some members do, they will confirm this. It has nothing to do with right or wrong, but everything to do with making the right choises for a happy successful future.

    Another flaw in your post related to the class thing.

    remember me writing "There are many girls from the same villages who choose to work as maids, waitresses, cleaners, cooks. I would choose any of these girls over an ex pro"

    These girls are from the same class, and I have no problem with them as a partner, it just so happens that because I take my Job seriously, and have certain responsibilities to the company I work for, it can and never will be an option for me.

    I saved the best till last tho............................

    "The icing on the cake though, that really shows what a hypocritical, snobbish, chauvinistic, class obssessed muppet you really are is that you think it is ok for you to go sleeping with 'brass', but your wife has to be all pure and virginal."

    This climax to your post is quite simply wrong. Re-read my post, and next time you criticise me, atleast get your facts right.

    And BTW, it's a forum, Spelling doesn't matter, it's not an A Level exam, even tho your girl has already passed hers with 100's of punters! :D

  13. I'm staying out of this because i'll be very abusive otherwise :o

    are you from Samui Womble?

    I have been spending more and more time in Samui, I also visit Phuket regulary, but I now have a house in Samui, which I often use at weekends. It was a toss up bewteen Samui or Phuket, but I saw Samui as a better investment, so I opted for Samui.

    I'm involved in a few projects in Samui which are quite interesting, there's some serious $ to be made on that Island.

    I like Samui and wish I could spend more time there.

    Oxford Will obviously understands what i'm saying, it seems for most members it's a bitter pill to swallow and the truth hurts. Fact is having a hooker gf is sad, you should have aimed slightly higher, spend less time in those horrid bars, and you might meet some normal people/ladies.

    "I supposes the bar girls are just prostitutes and not people to

    you or your friends and work mates,

    but I bet you go round the bars and massage parlors using people"

    Finally someone has got it, yes bargirls are prostitutes, nothing more nothing less. We are all people.

    I hardy ever go to gogo/beer bars, I hate them, I prefer normal bars and clubs. But often a night out could start in a few gogo's, thats usually when someone from out of town is here, and only if it's an all farang group, I've never gone to a gogo with a Thai.

    Yes I do sometimes go for a massage.

    If you notice I never said I thought there was anything wrong with banging a brass now and then, I just don't think they fit into the 'perfect' wife box.

    Leave them in the short time rooms boys, I wouldn't be seen dead in Public with one of these girls on my arm.

    I guess 99.9% of you with bargirl girlfriends eigher really don't care what people think, or really think a bargirl is a good catch, eigher way I feel sorry for you.

  14. interesting topic

    from what i can see womble you are an educated man, but a bye product of a manufactured plastic, unrealistic world.

    do you have emotions and feelings or must you learn these, and get approval to use these from your corporate boss.

    i am sure you could enjoy life a little more if you broadened your horizons and did not look to others to conform, or for acceptance.

    Yep i'm a corporate slave, to rise the ladder certain sacrifices have to be made, most people here are lucky in that they can escape all the things they have to conform with in the west.

    Most expats here probobally own their own business like a bar, or something in the tourist sector, but there are some of us who still work pretty regular jobs, and to climb in your field here certain sacrifices have to be made. Learning to read and write Thai was something I decided I had to do, to increase my competitiveness.

    Trust me i'm in the real world, my week here isn't really that different to what it would be in London, Singapore or Hong Kong, only difference is much of the company I keep is Thai, who are quite a different bunch. As a farang working in the finance sector, you have to be accepted by the locals, and that means following certain rules and guidelines.

    It's a pain in the arse sometimes, and there are many challenges, it's only the $ that makes it worthwhile.

  15. Love is love - come on its not a hard concept to swallow?

    Maybe it's me, I must be f#cked in the head. I must be mad not wanting a woman who's had 1000's of C#cks stuck in every orrifice being the mother of my Childeren.

    Introduction to Mother- Hi mum, this is Nok, by the way I met her in The star of Light, she very talented mum, she can finish a guy off in five mins, and gets through a large bottle of listerine every day!

    Mum-I'm so proud of you son, you sound like the perfect couple!


    When do you talk about your sex life with your parents? :D

    Better question - how many ladies have you shagged? Perhaps you don't even fit your own standards. :o

    Shall we just finish this discussion, and go back to the original topic. We all have different taste in women luckily, or else we'd all be fighting over the same one.

    It's clear some people can forget peoples pasts and live with it, for me it's just not a past that i'm comfortable with.

    We're all different, sorry but thats just me, I commend you for having being able to cast such thoughts to the back of your mind for no reason other than you love the girl.

  16. Love is love - come on its not a hard concept to swallow?

    Maybe it's me, I must be f#cked in the head. I must be mad not wanting a woman who's had 1000's of C#cks stuck in every orrifice being the mother of my Childeren.

    Introduction to Mother- Hi mum, this is Nok, by the way I met her in The star of Light, she very talented mum, she can finish a guy off in five mins, and gets through a large bottle of listerine every day!

    Mum-I'm so proud of you son, you sound like the perfect couple!


  17. Womble - dunno mate you are a clearly biased/judgemental.

    I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your gf and clearly you are no better than anyone else. BTW I am merely stating the obvious. :D

    I'm not saying we're better, but i'd rather have a girlfriend who is a decent moral person.

    Girls who are prostitutes, divorced, have kids, have mental problems, are drug addicts, feminists, don't have a job, lazy, rude, whatever.

    I'm not saying Bar girls are all of those, but any girl from any country with any of those is right down the ranking list when it comes to my choise of prefered longterm partners.

    do you realize that some of these have to do it to survive , youre an idiot .

    Actually that's not true, they do it to buy luxurys for family. There is very few who do it in order to make sure food is on the table. I don't think you'll find many of the girls dying of starvation should they return to their village.

    There are many girls from the same villages who choose to work as maids, waitresses, cleaners, cooks. I would choose any of these girls over an ex pro.

    Sorry but for me a girl who has worked bar just isn't a great catch.

    I respect you all, and wish you all good luck, but most bargirl/farang relationships don't work out. After working in bars for just a short period many of these girls change, and become very money orientated, also many of their familys are.

    A few come from good familys, and are indeed deep down decent girls, guys lucky enough to have found one of these are lucky.

    I would hate to have a girl who I had to support, and worst than that all her family, asking for $ all the time. :o

    You have to ask youselves what type of parents allow their childeren to enter such a proffession.........

    Is it the kind of place you want your daughter to find her husband.?

  18. Womble - dunno mate you are a clearly biased/judgemental.

    I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your gf and clearly you are no better than anyone else. BTW I am merely stating the obvious. :o

    I'm not saying we're better, but i'd rather have a girlfriend who is a decent moral person.

    Girls who are prostitutes, divorced, have kids, have mental problems, are drug addicts, feminists, don't have a job, lazy, rude, whatever.

    I'm not saying Bar girls are all of those, but any girl from any country with any of those is right down the ranking list when it comes to my choise of prefered longterm partners.

  19. Its getting more and more difficult to hope for peace over revenge. It's only a matter of time until the Thai people strike back with such violence and horror that the whole world stops what its doing to watch. This is not only a Thai problem, it is a Muslim problem. Muslims worldwide better get more involved in stopping the violence before its too late.

    I have also been wondering when there will be a major offensive by the Thais - I think it will happen. Then in will come the Taliban, JIs or other bands of thugs, this time in greater numbers, with weapons and financing from the oil countries. This is probably the goal of the terrorists - civil war, and ultimately world war.

    This is scary stuff, a Temple has now been burnt, if Budhists start to retaliate and burn down a mosque this would definatley attract a lot of attention from the international terror groups. They would see it as their duty to support fellow muslims fight what they see as infedels.

    If things escalte, the south could be heading for all out cival war, Budhists vs Muslim.

    If this is handled in the right way though, and no one resorts to violence or oppression, it could be the perfect opportunity to turn the local muslims against the insurgents.

    The very large majority of Thai Muslims a very decent people, they will be outraged at the burning of a religious building and the killing of 2 young boys, there's not many normal people who wouldn't be.

    I think this could be a pivitol point that decided whether the general muslim population turn against the seperatists, if the goverment play this right, they could get the lcoals on their side. Any use of force will play right into the hands of the seperatists, and further alienate the government from the Southern thai Muslims.

  20. I have had to conform, and there's no way I could have one of these girls as a partner, as I simply couldn't make an excuse everytime we are invited somewhere together with colleagues. 

    I pity your proffession and line of work Womble. You have "had to conform" and so, you have denied yourself of potential great happiness, all in the line of duty. The majority of people i see in those type of roles are in "loveless" marriages, all for the sake of brovado. I hope you find it is worth it. Personally, i beieve this is my one and only shot at life, so i will enjoy it with whomever I please, not with whom my Company believes i should. :D

    Actually i'm very happy that when I first arrived I was warned by other farangs working with me to stay away from longterm relationships with these girls. I met a girl of my age who is pretty successful, and earns more than many farang here.

    It's a shame that many people seem happy with settling down with someone that they really have a little in common with. I'd much rather be with someone who had made a success of their life, than someone who relys on me for support.

    Educated girl VS Uneducated girl,

    Educated please, don't care if they're European, Asian, whatever, long as I can actually have a meaningful conversation with them.

    Soiled goods VS non Soiled

    I prefer my longterm partners to have a list of lifetime sex partners in the single digits.

    Gold VS Bronze


    Ferrari VS Skoda

    Ferrari!!! :o

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