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Posts posted by telstrareg

  1. Also check that the built in fans are actually still working, and it's not clogged up with dust..

    It shouldn't really need a dedicated cooler, especially not for a little web browsing.

    Unfortunately Firefox is a CPU pig. Plus this laptap has too much grunt for it's size - that's usually a problem you want to have. I had the internals cleaned about a year ago and they were almost spotless.

    If I don't have a fan blowing on it, it will shut itself down.

  2. I'm sure everybody has seen this stuff, but you may not be familiar with the term. It's metal kitchenware with a thick enamel coating which is traditionally white with blue around the rim.

    The most common item is the cup but I'm actually after a range of things likes bowls. I've included some photos below. I'm not after the high end stuff like Falcon brand but will settle for it if that's all that is available.


  3. If you have seen a really TURBO notebook stand/cooler around Chiang Mai, let me know.

    These days I'm running the AC more for the comfort of my Notebook than myself. The main culprit is Firefox. I've tried Chrome. It doesn't hit the CPU anywhere near as much as Firefox but Chrome just doesn't have the features I need.

  4. seems like it's going to be a lot of work. once you kill them, then you will have to sift through 60kg to get rid of the dead insects and eggs. 60 kg.? that could take weeks of putting in a couple of hours a day. no?

    It's just started, so there are only a few - hardly notice them really. But I have to kill what few there are, otherwise in a few weeks there would be tens of thousands and then, what you said would apply.

    • Like 1
  5. I'm pretty sure there was once a thread about this but I did a search and couldn't find it. At any rate, if you have access to a chest freezer with enough vacant space, you could put the rice in there for a couple of days, and that should do the trick. I don't think CO2 is going to kill the eggs. You'll have to keep it sealed until all the eggs hatch.

    Eggs are living things too and without oxygen, will die eventually. Of course I don't know how long that will take. I don't have a chest freezer but I have plenty of big containers. The buggers can stay there for weeks for all I care! Being heaver than air, I think the CO2 will stick around for quite a while.

    The female weevil drills a hole in a rice grain and deposits an egg. Then she seals the hole. Apparently, there is enough oxygen sealed in to sustain the egg and hatchling until it emerges from the grain.

    Most of the sources on the net seem to prefer freezing as it's the easiest. This one seems the most authoritative. But I didn't search all that hard.


    It's going to be an interesting experiment!

    • Like 1
  6. I'm pretty sure there was once a thread about this but I did a search and couldn't find it. At any rate, if you have access to a chest freezer with enough vacant space, you could put the rice in there for a couple of days, and that should do the trick. I don't think CO2 is going to kill the eggs. You'll have to keep it sealed until all the eggs hatch.

    Eggs are living things too and without oxygen, will die eventually. Of course I don't know how long that will take. I don't have a chest freezer but I have plenty of big containers. The buggers can stay there for weeks for all I care! Being heaver than air, I think the CO2 will stick around for quite a while.

    • Like 1
  7. A few thoughts:

    You may be better off reading reviews on the InterWeb. Unless you have prints of the same picture and on the same paper then it is not that easy to compare. Also the quality of inks you use is important. Most Inkjet printers are pretty good. Many are made by Canon but re-badged, same as Laser printers. Running costs far outstrip the cost of the printer if you do a lot of work. Long, two weeks and above, periods of printer inactivity can cause the print heads to dry out. I run four or five InkJet printers and a the same number of laser printers. The larger oldish Canon i610 plotter can be expensive to maintain. The smaller machines used to be run on tanks but I found it cheaper to buy bulk inks from businesses getting rid of stock as they moved into new models. Bought 70 cartridges for $30 US for an Epson recently. If I get a batch of cheap inks I will buy a printer to match rather than the other way around. We do most of the donkey work on lasers and the quality stuff on InkJets. Most of our work is photographic or engineering drawings, and some reports.

    Thanks for that feedback.

    I agree that the cost of inks is the primary consideration. I was able to compare the 2 Epson printers I've been interested in. Although the machines look almost identical, one uses 6 inks, the other 4. While the 6 ink machine definitely produces better output (no visible dots and better shadow detail) I can't justify the cost of the inks. Almost double that of the 4 ink machine.

    • Like 1
  8. imo Epsom printers are of reasonably good quality the service in Thailand is not they consume vast amounts of ink

    and you are tied down to only refill with their over priced products also no getting around that also they have a print counter which can only be reset by authorized personal also at a premium cost

    opt for another brand name

    My situation is a bit different. The Epson printers I'm interested in (L1800, L1300) are external tank printers that you refill with whatever Ink you choose. This is what attracted me to the Epson over the Canon. Sure you can do the same things with Canon and have the retailer drill holes in your cartridges and connect external tanks. Epson's approach just seems more realistic to me.

    • Like 1
  9. I went to Pantip Plaza today and there were plenty of shops ready to sell me a printer but virtually none had any print samples.

    I'm guessing that only an Epson showroom or a major retailer is likely to have any samples. My problem is the 2 printers I'm interested in are both A3 so it's unlikely a retailer will have samples for these on hand.

    • Like 1
  10. I want to purchase a craft die cutting machine from US or UK. It's about the size of an A3 printer and costs about $900 because it can do a lot of things (cutting, embossing, punching, engraving etc). It's only for hobby use for me and my partner. We are not using it for business.

    I've heard all kinds of stories of people being charged 80% tax or more or being forced to hand out large amounts of 'tea money' (depending on who is in the office that day) before they can get their goods. I don't know if these stories are true.

    Given this, I was wondering what might be the best way to minimise or avoid any taxes and duties. The store I'm buying from is quite helpful and they are willing, for example, to enclose an invoice showing a lower purchase price, or to say that the unit is damaged and needs repairs, or even to say that it is a gift (enclose a birthday card or something like that). Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing?

  11. I'm looking to buy an A3 colour printer that can take bulk inks. Does anyone know a store that specialises in these types of products? It's probably going to be a shop that supplies to small business rather than a Powerbuy/Siam TV etc.

  12. From the OP:

    My Thai wife tells me " Don't worry about it. That is how people are here!

    This may be your wife's way of brushing aside a deeper issue.

    Being married to a Farang and all the trappings that come with it gives her a certain status. If she had to tell people to stop borrowing/helping themselves/stealing, then this would undermine her status as the wife of a Farang. Farang are supposed to be rich and if she needs to put a stop to these activities then it implies that you are not rich.

    Obviously I don't know your wife and this is only one possible explanation (maybe your wife is just a generous person).

    * * *

    What's clear though is you are not pleased with the situation. Perhaps you would like to put some rules in place but you feel your wife is blocking you? Then consider this:

    If your relationship is in good balance and by and large the two of can compromise so that each of you gets what they want about half the time; then maybe just let this one be.

    However, if the relationship is lop-sided (she is getting her way most of the time) then you will continue to be frustrated. I see too many men give in to their wives on a majority of issues for the sake of "marital bliss". Women are skilled at tilting the balance of power to their favor in a relationship. If this is the case, then you need to act now - you will both be happier in the long run. The longer you leave it, the harder it will be to fix.

    Then again maybe you are the one getting your way most of the time.. In that case, please tell me your secret!

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