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Posts posted by telstrareg

  1. prices are shocking for whats basically scrap metal moulded into a comfortable shape

    kettle bells are ridicuously expensive too (2k for the cheapest little one and then 4k 6k 8k+ etc

    i joined a gym instead and now i pay 40 thb per year to use that and im normally the only farang there

    most of the equipment is old and rusty and theres no music or aircon or mirrors or modern art ,just pain ........

    and i wouldnt have it any other way smile.png

    Believe me, if there was a gym within 50 Km of Wiang Pa Pao I would use it!

  2. 1. Can I apply for the 30 day extension any time during the initial 60 days?

    2. Is there a multi-entry option and if so where can I find out details/price for this?

    3. Assuming I have a clean record (ie no history of overstays) is getting the 30 day extension more or less a certainty, or can I be refused or given only a 7 day extension instead if, for example, the immigration officer is having a bad day and feels like taking it out on me?

    4. Can I re-apply if I'm refused the extension first time?

    5. Can I apply for the extension in person from Chiang Mai or Chiang Rai cities?


  3. (I decided to re-post this because I wrongly assumed my girlfriend did not have a Tabien Baan)


    My objectives:

    I would like to be able to live in Thailand with my wife most of the year but will also be travelling back and forth from Hungary to visit my mother a few times each year.

    About me:

    I'm a 43-year-old male. A holder of both Australian and Hungarian (EU) passports. I am currently resident in Australia. I intend to marry my girlfriend in Thailand sometime in May or June this year.

    As far as I can tell I meet all the requirements for extending the 'O' visa (eg Marriage cert, tabien baan, 400K in the bank)

    I have some questions:

    1. Does applying for an extension to the non-immigrant O on the basis having a spouse sound like the best option for me?

    2. In theory if I obtain the extension, will I be able to live in Thailand continuously throughout the year without being forced to leave the country after a certain number of months? (Think this has been answered as YES)

    3. Once I have the extension will I be able to travel freely in and out of Thailand without terminating my visa in some way (ie is mult-entry option available)?

    4. It is my understanding that if I wish to live continuously in Thailand on a non-immagrant O visa, then I will need to apply for a new visa and extension each year as well as do some reporting every three months. Is this correct?

    5. Once I'm in Thailand, can I take care of all the bureaucratic requirements of the visa from Chiang Mai (where we intend to live) or is there some part of the process which will require me to go to Bangkok or elsewhere? (Think this has been answered as YES)

  4. 1. Are you sure your gf is a REAL Thai citizen, not Burmese or Hilltribe without ID.

    If she doesn't have Thai ID, you can forget about a marriage extension (or marriage).

    I'm afraid without Tabian Ban book the chances are, no ID (or fake ID), married to someone else already, not Thai.

    Every Thai must be registered in a Tabian Baan book by law, if by some error she was removed from 1 book without being put on another. Easy to fix, I paid a neighbor 1,000bht to put my wife and kids in her book, so they could get free 'local' healthcare and schooling. Her family property is in Nakon Nowhere.

    Once the Tabian Baan is sorted out (if it can be) everything else is easy. But can I just stress, her not being on a Tabian Baan book could be a real warning of her deceiving you in some way.

    LOL, Yeah she is definitely a Thai citizen. I just assumed she didn't have a Tabien Baan because she didn't have property. I just asked her and she DOES have a Tabien Baan. I've made a good mess of this topic now so I think I better start again.

  5. My objectives:

    I would like to be able to live in Thailand with my wife most of the year but will also be travelling back and forth from Hungary to visit my mother a few times each year.

    About me:

    I'm a 43-year-old male. A holder of both Australian and Hungarian (EU) passports. I am currently resident in Australia. I intend to marry my girlfriend in Thailand sometime in May or June this year.

    As far as I can tell I meet all the requirements for extending the 'O' visa to a spouse visa except for one. My girlfriend does not have a 'Tabien Baan'. I am currently renting a house in Thailand as my girlfriend and I would like the freedom to live anywhere in Thailand.

    I have some questions:

    1. Does my current situation (lack of a Tabien Baan) preclude me from obtaining the spouse visa?

    2. If (1) is a problem, can I resolve it by buying my girlfriend a small plot of land somewhere (i.e. will this enable her to get a Tabien Baan)?

    3. Provided I can get the Tabien Baan issue resolved, does the spouse visa sound like the best option for me?

    4. In theory if I obtain the spouse visa, will I be able to live in Thailand continuously throughout the year without being forced to leave the country after a certain number of months?

    5. Once I have a spouse visa will I be able to travel freely in and out of Thailand without terminating my visa in some way?

    6. It is my understanding that if I wish to live continuously in Thailand on a spouse visa, then I will need to apply for a new visa each year as well as do some reporting every three months. Is this correct?

    7. Once I'm in Thailand, can I take care of all the bureaucratic requirements of the visa from Chiang Mai (where we intend to leave) or is there some part of the process which will require me to go to Bangkok or elsewhere?

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