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Posts posted by telstrareg

  1. I've asked a few people about this but get conflicting answers about once specific point. To get the VAT refund at the airport, does the store I buy from have to be participating in the program (ie provide some documentation in addition to the receipt) or is it sufficient to just have proof of purchase. I'm talking about purchasing from a major online retailer like Lazada not some small shop.


    Would I have to ask Lazada to send me additional paperwork? I rang Lazada to ask about this but customer service just said: 'Fill out a form at the airport'

  2. Looking for some fish roe to make taramasalata. I don't mind if it's fresh or preserved. It's normally supposed to be made with cod or carp roe but I'm not too concerned about that.

  3. Around the main Rangsit market and other smaller markets in the area there are plenty of shops that do this and most of the time there aren't even any vehicles parked in the spots they are reserving. The result is an already congested area with a large chunk of parking off limits to the general public. There are some public off street parking areas which are inexpensive but they're often full so you waste time driving round in circles to find a parking spot, passing all these empty bays. I understand they need to get stock in but it would be a lot easier for everyone if they designated a few permanent bays for this rather than prevent everyone else parking for the sake of a few deliveries. It's annoying but it's not a fight you're ever going to win. The walk from your car will do you good... provided you don't get hit by a speeding moto or trip over a hole in the pavement...

    Thanks for sharing your story.

  4. I can see plenty of reasonable circumstances where someone would want to reserve a space in front of their shop for a period of time, but reserving it all day just in case they might need it is not one of them. You can imagine the parking nightmare if every shop in Thailand did this.

    Since it doesn't seem to be lawful to reserve the road, then I guess it's just a risk reward equation. e.g. the plate of somtum I just downed was more than my insides could handle and I'm 60 seconds away from taking a dump in the front seat vs. the possible retaliation by the shop owner wink.png

    Anyone have a story to tell?

  5. Everyone has seen this. It's when shop owners put traffic cones (witches hats) or other objects on the strip of road outside their shops to prevent just anyone from parking there.

    Does anyone know the law here? I would have assumed that since in urban areas the road outside your property is not your property you have no right to control access to it (other than parking your own vehicle there, which nobody can argue with).

    I didn't post this in the legal forum (yet) Thought I might have more chance of hearing some personal experiences here.

  6. I live in Chiang Mai and as usual for this time of year the fires are in full swing. There is smoke haze in the air every day and the rooms are getting dustier much faster than other times of the year.

    Does anyone use an air filtration unit in their home which they think gives a real benefit? I used to use one years ago overseas, but the HEPA filters were quite expensive so I stopped using it and it didn't seem to collect that much dust anyway.

    I'm wondering if today there are units available with washable HEPA filters (like you can get in vacuum cleaners).

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  7. At Home Pro I saw people filling out tax forms for goods purchased in store.

    I need to purchase a new notebook and mobile phone and would like to know how much I could save on tax (%) if I was travelling out the country with the items. Does paperwork have to be filled out in store at the time of purchase? Do most retail shops you would find in a mall like Central Plaza offer this kind of service?

  8. Can someone recommend a shop they have had a good experience with? I want to build a workstation for graphic design and I figure that here like most places it's cheaper to have a PC custom built rather than buying an off the shelf brand name like HP.

    I live close to Phantip Plaza so if someone knows a good shop there, it would be convenient.

  9. I was wondering, with these Axiom controllers, do they have any internal sounds at all, or is there any way to get a sound from them by for example plugging in a USB that has sound some sound banks?

    Reason I ask is because it would be nice to be able to use the controller independently of a computer device (as a matter of convenience) when I'm travelling around, or sitting on the sofa and just want to improvise or write something.

  10. I'm renting at the moment and the AC units are the non-inverter type, i.e. the compressor is either going full power or off. When we run them the room gets really cold when the compressor is on and then the compressor stops for a few minutes and it gets unpleasantly warm and sticky again. Can these non-inverter units be adjusted internally so they keep the temperature in a narrower range? i.e. compressor switches on and off more frequently.

    Brand is Seijo Denki, Superior

  11. I'm looking for a place that sells laptop stands that are suitable for use in bed or a sofa. There are two kinds really. Ones designed for bed that are like a breakfast tray with legs. The other kind is designed for use with a chair or sofa. It is basically like a hospital tray, ie it stands on the floor and has wheels and up top there is a tray which you can then slide over above where you are sitting.

  12. I bought a Samsung combi (microwave, grill, fan convection) oven recently. It was on offer at one of the supermarkets and I paid about 4000B instead of the 6000B or so it would normally cost. I dont think anyone makes a combi convection/microwave for under 5000B list price here and they go up to 13000B or more.

    It works well and makes good bread and baked potatoes (which is pretty much what I wanted the convection part for) and of course it is a perfectly good microwave oven and grill also.

    About the only thing I would say against it is that the maximum temperature is only about 220 degrees, which is not as high as I would like for things like pizza or Yorkshire puddings etc. In fact I suspect that it doesnt actually get up to the full 220 degrees anyway.

    I also thought about one of those hot air turbo oven things, but as I know nothing at all about them I decided not to get one. Also they dont replace a microwave and so would take up extra space rather than being a direct replacement. I could see it just being forgotten about in the back of a cupboard.

    Hi, which model was that? Did you buy it at Big C?

  13. I'm thinking of buying a convection microwave because we have a fairly small kitchen and not sure where I could fit a toaster oven. Thing is you can't tell by looking at it in the shop whether the grilling feature works well or not. I've heard complaints about convection ovens such as - They don't grill evenly - or - just do a lousy job at grilling - compared to an ordinary toaster oven.

    Any experiences, good or bad, with models available in Thailand would be appreciated.

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