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Posts posted by telstrareg

  1. I'm on 60 day tourist visa, but only 2 weeks into my trip. I want to go to the casino at the very least with some friends but possibly do other things for the day. Is there a practical way I can cross without voiding my tourist visa? I don't want to do it if it means waiting around some government office for 3 hours. Happy to pay a bribe if the price is reasonable (1000 baht or less) Please post link to a previous thread if this has been discussed.

  2. I want to buy my partner and a friend of hers a half day at the spa as a present. Can someone recommend a place where they had a good experience (not TOO good - haha) or a place that is good value. Obviously there is no point in paying 6000B when a place down road is only 3000B - just as good but doesn't fold the hand towels into origami... That being said, the ambience for some people is almost as important as the service.

  3. Pick up your passport, fart and walk out the door to your new life with a smile on your face.

    Life is too short to let the idiots win.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    That's the dilemma. Do you just walk away and try and start a fresh and happy new life, or fight? Problem is if people with a sense of justice don't stop and fight at least once in a while then those who purely follow their self interest end up taking us for everything.

    I don't really want people like that and their offspring to inherit the earth, so to speak.

  4. Speaking Thai but absolute no ideas how things is getting done in Thailand with Sinsot and marriages

    That's just it. I have a reasonable understanding of Sin sot as well as many other Thai customs. The practice of Sin sot varies greatly from family to family and place to place. However, I had never heard of anyone being asked to pay Sin sot if the marriage never takes place. But it's good to check so I wanted get some feedback as to whether anyone ever heard of parents demanding Sin sot for 'loss of face'. Of course I don't think they would be making these demands if they didn't have my assets as hostage.

    She and her parents claim that once the terms of Sin sot are negotiated and finalised, if you sleep with the woman you are obliged to pay up even if the marriage doesn't happen. After consulting others as well as users of this forum, nobody else I know (apart from her friends and family of course) has ever heard of this custom.

  5. Trying to keep the background as brief as possible


    I lived with the girl in a house which I paid for (under her name) for about 1.5 years. I supported her the whole time with all expenses plus paid 15,000 B per month extra spending money. I broke up with her in February this year after she gave me a public ultimatum to either marry her within the next few months or she should would break off the engagement. I delayed a decision to marry her because I had doubts about her character due to previous infidelities and a tendency to lie. I never cheated on her or anything like that so she has no cause to be angry with me other than I dumped her. If I am at fault in any way it's in that I gave her too many chances causing a lot of time to be wasted, thinking she would improve (she did improve in some ways but not enough risk spending the rest of my life with her)

    I'm sure the only reason she and her family are not taking all the assets I purchased are that other people know about our relationship and that I treated my ex well and I'm respected by a lot of people in the community since I speak Thai. Taking everything would cast the family in a bad light. So they are trying to come up with plausible reasons why I should part with my money. The family is basically demanding I pay Sin Sot and 9 Baht gold for 'defiling' their daughter (total, about 600,000 baht), an interest free loan of 1 million for 2 years (happy to do), pay my ex girlfriends remaining debt (260,000 - happy to pay) and my ex gets the right to spend as many years as she likes in the house, on her own until she finds another place to live for free (needs to be a time limit). In total about 1,000,000 out of my pocket

    So my questions are:

    1. Is it reasonable to demand sin sot and gold from me even though we did not marry? The parents argument was I slept with their daughter so I have to pay (even though she was not a virgin when we met and had (as I later discovered) a bit of a reputation.

    2. I demanded the return of the engagement ring which has been in my mother's family for a long time. She claims that in Thailand if you don't get married, the woman gets to keep the engagement ring. Is this true?

  6. Similar situation to me but after building the first house the family got greedy and started a wish list that comprised of buying the land next to ours, the land across from us the farm the auntie wanted to sell and i not only saw the dollar signs but acknowledge that i would gift everything away, said to my lovely, darling i have no money, showed her an ATM slip with a very small balance on it (i moved my money elsewhere) got kicked out of the house the next day, today i am wealthier and happier and have a new beautiful lady, this story gets repeated over and over and over again,, caution and knowledge about the Thai laws are needed to safely navigate in that country, again good luck to everyone.

    Sorry about your misfortune. Glad to hear things have improved. It's a shame human garbage doesn't come pre-labeled.

  7. I know this is a complicated issue for which I will need paid legal advice. But we post on forums to get opinions; hopefully from people who have previous experience. By doing this we may avoid heading blindly down a road on which we have no experience and no previous advice.

    I said absolutely nothing about taking ownership of the asset myself. I only spoke of creating an agreement where someone gives a legally binding undertaking (a promise) to transfer an asset, on my request, at some time in the future, to someone who has the right to take ownership of it (ie a Thai citizen).

    Presumably at some point, someone else might have been in the same situation and is willing to share their experience.

  8. I have a long background in music but I've only played around with guitars over the last few years and now I want to take it seriously. I don't think it's appropriate that I buy a Rolls Royce instrument at this stage, just something decent quality. To be honest, I don't know how to tell a good guitar from a bad one by looking at the construction, I can only judge by the sound I prefer.

    Can anyone recommend a shop that sells decent quality guitars and that hopefully isn't going to sell me a piece of junk at a high price. Also can anyone can give an approximate price range for a good quality (not top of the class) guitar and what to look out for in the construction. Thanks.

  9. I'm coming out of a failed relationship where I purchased farming land and 2 homes for my former Thai partner. 3 properties are in my former partner's name and one in my partner's mother's name. Both individuals have agreed to transfer assets to a trustee in return for my paying off my former partner's debts which total about B 200,000. However one piece of land can only be signed over after another 9 years because it only gained Chanote status about a year ago. So all that can be done for that property is to sign an agreement to transfer in the future.

    My question is, is it possible to create a fairly watertight agreement under Thai law where an individual gives a legally binding undertaking to transfer assets to a third party at any time in the future when I request it? For example, I may marry a Thai some time in the future and wish to transfer the assets to that person or I may decide to sell the land in the future to a third party.

    My thinking is; 1) one property is only transferable after 9 years, so there will need to be an agreement created anyway; 2) by doing agreements for all properties I won't waste money on the transfer fees to a trustee which are about 5% of the property values.

    Any comments appreciated.

  10. Hi, is this any good or a tourist trap? Any feedback appreciated.

    As far as I understand you get on board and start dinner and then after 45mins the boat starts going back and forth along the river. From the look of the pictures you share tables with the other guests.

    Specific questions:

    -Is the food good?

    -Is the atmosphere on the boat fun or romantic?

    -is the volume of music OK for conversation?

  11. It there any reason to wait after spraying to put down fertiliser? The guy managing my plantation says we should wait two weeks so that we are not fertilising the weeds but this makes no sense to me. Any plant that received a lethal dose isn't going to recover with the help of fertiliser and if it didn't receive a lethal dose, fertilising now or later won't make any difference.

    'd like to get moving without delay because the trees haven't been fertilised by the previous owner in over a year.

  12. Are there some shops that sell grasses in Kamtien or is there another place?

    If anyone has any feedback about grasses they have planted in the past and either had good or bad experience with I would appreciate. Ideally I would like something that doesn't need cutting every few weeks and also resistant to being walked on a bit.

  13. 1. Our trees are much younger than yours, only 2 years old and we are giving them 1kg/tree this year. We just started the first .5 kg round this week and will do another near the end of rainy season. (We did 20-10-10 but you might looking at other ratios since your trees are older). We also throw the chicken manure in the holes with any new trees we plant. In future I plan on learning more about this and trying to blend our own fertilizer from what I can source locally. Seems chicken is the only manure available near our area, smells terrible.

    2. In 3 shallow holes/tree about 45 to 60 cm from the trunk (if trees were bigger would go farther out). Holes are filed in after we put in the fertilizer. We are much less careful with manure as it is not as expensive and doing the 3 hole routine is labour intensive and less fun than it might sound.

    3. Not sure on the actual herbicide used, the Mrs managed that one, but it doesn't seem to harm the trees provided you don't get it on the leaves or any green new growth. At 8yrs old I would have thought your canopy sufficient that you wouldn't need to bother with this though.

    4. You assumed correctly for effectiveness though I would say avoiding high winds is even more important unless you really want to have your neighbors pissed of at you.

    I am no expert though just stating what we do/did. I think you might want to do allot of thinking about your fertilizer though as with the quantities recommended for mature producing trees, you will be looking at lots of $$$.

    Thanks for the reply. Is the reason for covering the hole so that if there is a torrent of rain, all your fertiliser doesn't get swept away.? I assume the hole is prevent rain from washing away the fertiliser. Would have to virtually be a river to wash it out of a hole even if it wasn't covered.

  14. We recently purchased a plantation with 8 year old trees. Had a couple of questions:

    1. How much and what type of fertiliser are people using per rai or per tree (per year or half year)

    2. Scattering the fertiliser all around or putting it in holes along the canopy line.

    3. What herbicides are people using to control grass. I assume one would need to be fairly careful with the concentration so as not to harm the trees.

    4. I assume one would want to avoid spraying when conditions are wet or rain is imminent.

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