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  1. trump is banning tranz shows not purging gays,,, dont see a conflict myself
  2. fantastic! stop indoctrintaing the young that tranz is somehow normal!
  3. you are a master at twisting facts to suit your narrative!!
  4. he looked like the alpha male he is... those control freaks who want us to live in 15 minute cities and eat bugs sure sat up and took notice! Trump is the key to stopping their dystopian vision of a world where we own nothing and are miserable.. gotta love The Don!!!
  5. what have you been smoking? conspirisies like this could harm The Dons reputation!
  6. what rubbish, he is a moderate who is popular because he is for the working class..open mind would help you
  7. wrong... DEI is divisive destructive rubbish which lowers standards.. meritocracy is what counts! if a person is best for the role then they should have it even if it is a white man...
  8. media have been so biased and hateful towards Trump that they have lost their audience... legal threats are the least of their problems, if they cant get rid of the bias they will shrivel and die a natural death... and they will deserve it
  9. wow Blinkin and Trump agreeing on something!
  10. if he identifies as a pakastani muslim he should get let off like the thousands of guilty pakastani rapists free to abuse children in the uk!!!
  11. wait and see the magic Donny weaves, remember unless cheated, Donny always wins....
  12. thank god the people are waking up.... DEI is dead!!!!
  13. proof of the pudding is in the eating.... you may live to eat your words... Trump will do his best to make america great again, and my bet against all odds he will succeed!
  14. bidens only redeeming feature is that he is not Trump..... that hasnt aged well!

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