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  1. ha!!! bad case of trump derangement syndrome here...you need help!
  2. except Trump wont and didnt fail.... same same but different!
  3. parenting skills! Briben biden taught hunter all he knows about extracting corrupt money laundering it and philandering.hunter is a chip off the old block!
  4. you trump haters get any bit of news that has nothing to do with Trump.... and your reaction is .."well Trump is worse, or trump does it too".. Biden is a corrupt selfish little worm, Trump is almost god...get used to it!!!
  5. keir and the marxists (good name for a band) only want their version of truth aired.... not open and free dialogue... without musk buying x the world would be a darker more controlled place. 2 tier and co are frustrated they cant lock him away for wrongspeak... good on Elon!!!
  6. reboot coming for the much maligned democraticly elected Donald Trump! about time too...your emotive lies calling him a traitor worked last year... wake up and smell the coffee! the landslide election despite the bile, lawfare etc proves the majoriy want this reboot... wallow in a severe case of <removed>, or open mindedly assess the real truth, and rejoice and join us !
  7. sure, but the sane hate it! its marxist rubbish and will die in other western countries too!!!
  8. hahaha more lefties losing it! they just cant understand that their poilicies and leaders suck!
  9. circling the drain mate... taking away meritocracy with woke ideals will never work... the dems bud lighted themselves the vast majority of people dont want or like critical race theory or trans overstep into sports and bathrooms etc..you are hopefully a dying breed of wokists... sorry
  10. severe case of Trump derangement syndrome.. Trump best president ever, most dems just dont get his hilarious sense of humour!!
  11. hussein obama is one of the puppet maters.. brandon is a corrupt empty shell whos only interest was feasthering his own nest!!
  12. trump will win and stop or slow this nonsense... why do you hate Trump when you agree with many of his sensible policies/? he is not hitler he actually cares about commom=n people unlike the rest of them!
  13. yes true... trump will demolish her if they do have a debate....
  14. a sane voice amid the madness !
  15. more emotive fear mongering with no real evidence to back it up.... yawn

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