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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. well, let's hope all our european friends reject it and decide on a new 300% tariff of dual pricing
  2. The fraud was related to the holding of a party at a restaurant in Nakhon Si Thammarat, Seems a bit extreme !
  3. Probably as the money set aside for the building of it was not equal to the money set aside given to the builder
  4. Can but hope that AZ have higher dual pricing for Thailand !
  5. It has never been my intention to stay in Thailand until very old age. The more they go along this crazy road, the more I'll just decide to move back to the UK earlier. Dual pricing currently does not effect me, I travel rarely with the wife and our rent is set by a lady my wife is friends with, but if this craziness rolls out to other things then its time to leave.
  6. I'm guessing they still think Sepp Blatter is in charge and they can bribe someone. They have about as much chance of getting it as me of winning miss Nigerian under 18 prom queen.
  7. I would not be surprised if the whole thing is a boris/tory spin for the next election in presenting a new leader for the next election, but it needs to be shown to the public the 'good' tories you will be voting for in the next election did the right thing now. Tories, labour or whoever, very rarely do things that have no future for themselves.
  8. You're talking about a lady that was on about 3% in presidential primaries - hardly VP material
  9. Sorry, but if i had a bed ridden father and was ill myself I would definitely sleep in another room for his safety in not catching an illness
  10. Greta would have a heart attack seeing that lot
  11. When asked, both tourists confirmed the place looked better
  12. Said it before, find them an automatically enroll them in the army for 5 years. Youth would think more of it if they knew they would be sent down south for years
  13. Only have to watch the boys playing on the field where we exercise every day to see its a normal part of Thai society
  14. Since most are Buddhists I would tend to disagree with that statement. The educated appear to pray to a God they cannot see or prove exists, hardly any different in my books than those believing in spirits they cannot see or prove exist either !
  15. Going to have to assume they were dirt poor if the 39 year old daughter is sleeping in the same room with her father. And Dad not getting out of bed until after noon ?
  16. So, if bIden loses the house and senate as predicted later this year and becomes a lame duck president, would it be better for our american friends to send it now rather than risk the $ crashing later. Just a shame as Brit to see my currency low against the dollar AND the baht !
  17. The funny thing about it is that the people eating could well have walked out and gone and bought some fried bugs from the nearest 'insect' vendor.
  18. 128 items ? What's in his underwear a black hole (of the space variety !!!)
  19. I guess we now know the answer to : Hey, Joe where you going with that gun in your hand ?
  20. I walked past this last week, AND about 8 weeks previously. The whole thing appeared to have progressed about 10 feet in that time. Remember though lads this is a premium resort for premium customers
  21. That referring to your view of the statement, the product, the smell or all 3 ?
  22. Thailand appears to be becoming a Hub Of Drugs more than anything else
  23. 500 Million baht ? Seems incredibly low to me. I'd put it at least 10-100 times that going by the rest of the world, but that would scare the share holders
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