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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. You seriously trying to tell me your boss would not get angry with you deliberately coming into work with the flu and risking infecting his staff ?
  2. Fears for the baht as it hits a 15-year low Really ? The £/baht was higher than currently last week ! Talk about a nonsense headline
  3. Not to worry, when people start growing enough weed, they will forget about food
  4. yes, but usually for only a week or so in most cases...
  5. I 100% agree with the decision. It is nothing to do with the right and wrongs of abortion - it is to do with did the founding fathers of the US believe abortion was in the constitution. In my opinion it is not. I do NOT agree with abortion and the killing of a child just to suit a woman's lifestyle. However, I can agree with it in cases of rape, incest, severe abnormality or harm to mother, etc. I was adopted , I grew up with 2 loving adopted parents. I have adopted a Thai child that the mother did not want from the day it was born. I do not believe in easy abortion and the killing of life - I and my daughter may not have existed if our biological parents had ! The people making arguments for abortion are the offspring of pro-life parents !
  6. If that building is 100 floors tall, chuck her out the window
  7. Guess the 300 got turfed off as they outnumbered the real tourists 2-1.
  8. Where can I buy shares in the wire company, must be the most utilised company on the face of the planet
  9. Up in tomorrow's headlines : Dozens of village houses destroyed by termites travelling on worshippers clothes !
  10. Muslims would never agree to marriage equality -Its a mans religion, run by men for men at the detriment of women. Seriously, could you imagine a man joining a religion where his wife could have 3 or 4 husbands at the same time living with him and baby from all of them, having to cover his body entirely when stepping out to meet his buds, agreeing not to be educated, having to walk with the other husband 10 ft behind his wife.. No sensible man would ever agree to it.
  11. I do not disagree with you, but Thailand loves paper. You and me and every other sensible person and country would not want paper, but these silly people collect it like mad. Seriously, when was the last time immigration ever too a look at your phone app and said, yeah , ok !
  12. I do not smoke - I do not do ganga - neither does the wife. However, the amount of seeds she has growing I think she will give Scarface a run for his money when she starts selling them off
  13. still no word of the bribes for the constant - and probably ridiculously expensive - vinyl boards then ?
  14. I guess the crime of going out armed and prepared was too much paperwork
  15. ............................because we aint lowering the baht to help you out
  16. 12 delegates from each country ? Sheesh, talk about taking advantage of the public purse
  17. I guess having a proficiency in begging will help with China and their control of the water
  18. Thailand : Temporary. UK : Home As I own a house in a lovely riverside town in the UK, my town will always be my home and where I hope to die. I think if I lived say in a right 'hole' in the UK, my answer would be very different !
  19. Ah. Thailand and their ever expanding paper mountain
  20. I guess it has to be 'ongoing' as paying back the spent kick-backs would be too much
  21. Careful now Mr. PM, go too far and the plebs may start wondering why you want state of emergencies continually renewed !
  22. Seriously ? Only 25k more of the Indians next door than the Brits 6000 odd miles away ? Guess we Brits must be cursed with the 'need' more
  23. We're gonna impress you and make you feel all fuzzy inside What they gonna do ? Taser them ?
  24. Best movie that I missed at the time was Tucker and Dale vs Evil.
  25. In my mind it's just another reason to get on with life. It will always be here now, long as it is weakening every time it mutates then it not worth worrying about - especially for the economy
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