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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. What do you expect when his religious book promotes marrying children ?
  2. Guess all gigs of the reggae band are on hold until after 9th then
  3. I have been married to my Thai wife for about 10 years. she has passport in my surname, her Thai id is in my name, the rental agreements are in our name, there is a financial link between my account and hers every month. I earn enough each month to live , I have money in the bank and my own house in the UK. I would be very surprised if my wife - that does not work as she does not need to - would be refused a visa if travelling back to the UK for a holiday if I needed to supply anything
  4. Bet they also pointed out anti-flood devices freely available to buy on Shoppee and Alibaba, etc
  5. You would imagine the amount of Poo Thailand releases into the sea it really will make no difference.
  6. Thailand seems a very daft country really, when you can gamble on shares going up or down and can buy game loot crate
  7. I'm sorry but unless the tourists numbers are a load of old shoe repairers the impact of millions of new tourists seems either a lie, all chinese zero dollars or having zero impact on the economy, which is rather strange as they started at zero !
  8. I'm all for rapists and murderers and abusers unclogging the sewers
  9. Idiots, now the Chinese have some understanding of how easy Thailand would fall if the the tourist invasion and imported goods blanket fails to work
  10. Unless they finger print these people add add them to the immigration computer, then Mr. Singh will be back as Mr. Sinhg by the end of September
  11. Thailand is very little different from most of Africa in most things - 3rd world. That is why CHina is investing
  12. Think you are wrong on that one. Probably well known as a good scrabble score.
  13. can anyone explain please why they can mention Grab but not a hotel if it had been near a hotel ?
  14. Wouldn't worry too much, if the bus was made in china and shipped here, it will fall apart within a week
  15. Lesson 1 : See the tourist, Lesson 2 : Leave them alone to enjoy there holiday
  16. Just the UK muslims making it look like THEY are the victims. I mean the UK has a real history of mad Israelis running around stabbing muslims and bombing mosques and muslim singers in the UK.
  17. And there goes any hope he had of making something up flew out the window. Should have just made up a receipt and link to someone selling them for $5 on fb and showed the receipt and FB link. He could then claim he was conned into buying something he thought was fake that turned out to be real ! It's horse manure but you could not be prosecuted for it.
  18. With respects , I am pretty sure my fellow UK compatriots fly to Benidorm on UK planes, stay in UK owned hotels, eat all day at UK restaurants and drink in UK owned bars. I doubt many UK benidorm travellers give a hoot about local Spanish owned establishments
  19. If weed gets you sexually attracted to cows then I'll stick to alcohol
  20. Simple fix - new rule nobody can have ANY link to politics after 10 years service on punishment of 10 years prison
  21. remind me again, how many good luck amulets did Evil Knievel wear each jump ?
  22. Guess my tickets to her concert in Yala are fake then ?
  23. Your sure about your political stance ? The democrats latest plan of theft is that you will start paying them for unrealised as yet net asset gains - basically you will have to pay a percentage of your house going up each year, your shares going up each year , your assets going up each year. Admittedly it will be in high earners at first , however it will slowly be reduced to ALL ! imagine working all your life only to see the value of everything you own in retirement going up each year and having no money to pay the government for the increase other than starve or having to sell your house ! Laughable party. Vote for them at our own risk !
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