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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Labour totally out of touch with the common people. Common people want these people locked up away from society, That said, I am quite up for 'The Stocks' to be reintroduced to embarass these thugs into oblivion
  2. There will be no security in the US with this flip flopping woman. Funny how she is not running this small clip . Totally showing her true self to the detriment and safety of the uSA !
  3. I know a lot of old men here that let there younger woman go abroad to 'earn better money'. They either must be idiots or swingers !
  4. So, she going to hide from Putin, Xi and the little fat boy when life gets hard ?
  5. His song lists about cows and buffalos must be quite short !
  6. Maybe is a sad life if you cannot sell it in the hope of finding a husband or give it away in the hope of finding a husband anymore !!!
  7. Think any monk found to have misbehaved like this should be forced to have some shameful tattoo on his forehead, so he can not leave one monestry and go to another
  8. Heaven's she's been doing the border for 4 years, if she cannot do her job, why promote the dappy mare
  9. As this person just decided to kill more pensioners , why on earth is he going to keep any word on Iran and upset a portion of his voting base
  10. An internal poll conducted by phone showed 58% of members supported Trump, compared to 31% backing Harris. Hmm, think you'll find that they the people at the top fear endorsing trump (probably as they are democrat pals), but the people paying their wages support Trump. If it was the other way round and Harris had 58% they would endorse her - so pretty obvious democrat leaders trying to find a middle ground for their own protection - not their workers !!
  11. I think there is a direct link to high baht and no tourism. baht rises 5% - 5% less tourists baht rises 10% - 10% less tourists baht rises 30% - 30% less tourists................you get the picture
  12. Worked for Starmer with old people, now look at the idiots freezing and complaining
  13. Probably depends on the return charge
  14. Who needs the russians ? The woman is a complete idiot !
  15. Pretty sure if men with guns turned up at my door I'd cooperate too !
  16. Well, the issue of where the money went was easily solved
  17. If tis involves chucking in all the migrating followers of the relgion of death into the colleseum and having them fight for one visa, I'm all for it.
  18. You'd be popular on a democrat biden/harris left wing university campus
  19. Rape, death, murder, seems to be the only exports of this sick religion
  20. Another reason why you should rent and not buy
  21. I agree, CHina would crucify them
  22. Sooner BA starts flying direct from UK to Thailand again and hopefully bursts TA bubble the better
  23. Believe this rubbish at your peril - This is a left wing organization. from link : Overall, we rate the Morning Consult as Left-Center biased based on polling that moderately favors Democratic candidates and reasonably low-biased news reporting. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/morning-consult/
  24. 41 ? Hard life being a muslim I guess
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