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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Coming from a nation that had a vendor that was weeing into his noodle water, I find this ironic
  2. If they made the 300 baht cover ALL health care for accidents of tourists then I am all for it - if it is just a thieving plot then I am not as we all know where the money will go
  3. I dare say if every other nation refused to pay out a reasonable pension and unemployment rates then they too would have a boom in the current account surplus ! If Thailand paid reasonable pensions and unemployment they would be broke
  4. Huh, if this is a new story, ? She either gave birth after 4 months or was pregnant for 13 months
  5. How about we export Islam from the west back to the middle east and just wall the religion up
  6. I imagine if Daddy's position warrants it, they will never know
  7. Wonder if the mad and insane baht conversion is anything to do with it. Seems to me the baht explodes when tourism is low to make up the numbers
  8. Sure bet the company are happy that the pay out will be lower for a pesky foreigner
  9. Has it really come to having dole out money to people to get your economy going ? I'd rather grow slower and keep the money.
  10. I'm all for crushing all drunk drivers cars
  11. The amount of Thais I see in cars indicating they are going left or right for miles on end ...................
  12. The fact BIden was wearing a Maga hat recently in pennsylvania speaks volumes
  13. It has always been my intent to stay in Thailand until I am 67 and get the full UK pension (i've paid my 35 year dues). Then I'll sell my 2 bed Bucks old council house, move up north, and finance a 4 bed large house and garden and take the family home to the UK with the left overs. I say this as I really feel like I want a nice house to stay in for the rest of my life, just go shopping for food etc and stay in. The wife wants the same and is happy to stay in and just do the garden. I am totally sick of the world and what's going on, I'm sick of politicians, immigration, terrorism, islam migration, knife crime with no consequences. I do not like the world anymore, its not what I grew up with. Does it sound boring , yes to some, but I hate the world outside of my 4 walls !
  14. I imagine that the company will want more from the police than 'he fell out of the pickup' !
  15. Please further explain how anything in Pattaya - or anywhere in Thailand - can possibly be sustainable if they decide to double tourists say from 24 to 48 million ? Things are only sustainable at certain levels. Like the sewage system, another 20 million chinese bottoms on ceramics will destroy a sustainable sewage system !
  16. I do not mind admitting that Harris came across better than I had thought she would - however, she openly lied to the public on many occasion - said some police died on Jan 6 - total lie, only policeman who died near the date was the next day and of natural causes. Said she was there when it happened - she had left by 11.20am, etc etc If this woman had any decency she would appear on a Fox news debate. ABC (Disney) was a total set up - Trump fact checked but KH not checked on her open lies. She never answered questions and meandered on about other issues, KH openly used the 'bloodbath' comment again , saying Trump said there would be a bloodbath if he was elected - even though she knew the full bloodbath comment was automobile production related. I feel very sad for americans - if this lady is around for the next 8 years then america is a doomed nation, there will be more wars around the world as idiots are running the white house. Americans living here I seriously doubt would swap life here for a democrat city and a move home
  17. Must find out where all these gamers are and open a 711 near there selling energy drinks and unhealthy foods
  18. Like it would be hard to get 2 hotdogs into 3 doughnuts ?
  19. Hmm, must be just a coincidence that immediately the Labour party got into the UK it dropped from 47 to 44 ?
  20. I vote this craziest sentence of the day. :)
  21. He makes the 70 year olds near me look like a collection of Mr. Universes !
  22. 4. a foreign income tax diner charge on all foreign diners of 15-25%
  23. Should remind people that this idiot said she was previously running on a platform of free sex change surgery for all illegal migrants if they wanted it. That alone should show you her polices are insane. Personally I think Trump should be saying the only way to save the democrat party is to vote him in , and then have the democrat party rebuild itself by voting out all tis far leftism for the next election.
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