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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police dont get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....


    I wonder then just why he does not try this trick in a Lotus, Big C or Makro supermarket.

    The cart full of groceries pack.

    Proceed to the cash register.

    Payment denied.

    The cashier then beats with his fist in the face.

    And then yells: "You know who i am?"

    That is brainless, right?

  2. recall Ambassador in protest what a circus! where art thou General?

    How many days ago was it that Thailand announced new stricter IP laws and warned about plagiarism?

    This case does look a circus. Thai national caught well and truly for plagiarism. "Top" Thai university ignores it and still allows him to graduate with PhD. Only acts and strips him of it when the Times Education Supplement does an expose. Meanwhile, the guy who cheated, had complained to immigration to get the good Doctor blacklisted in 2009. The NIA wrote a letter asking immigration to cancel that request.

    Had Dr. Ellis not been out and back since 2009? Also, why have immigration ignored the NIA letter asking for the blacklisting to be withdrawn? Why did the NIA still employ the cheat and convicted forger for a long time after all this came out? Is he related to or very friendly with someone senior at immigration? Or is this just another administration cock up there?

    Another great example of how the elite rich and connected few are not only above the law (it seems to have caught up with him, but took long enough) but more worryingly can get the law manipulated and made up to favor them.

    You'd hope the British Ambassador would be on the case like lightening. Not to mention the UN.

    The PM needs to realize, and realize quickly, just how much of a joke Thailand is. This will reflect on all Thai universities and degrees. You can't stop cheats - but you can act quickly when they're caught.

    All universities can use software to detect plagiarism. Many now insist thesis are submitting with the report from the plagiarizing software to show what % has been "quoted" from others. Maybe Chula didn't get it until after the Times expose whistling.gif

    Its crazy.

    From his Twitter

    Day 5. No progress at Immigration. NIA Director Pun-Arj Chairatana failed to show up as requested. Shame on him!

    He is still sitting in detention.

    For what?

    He has won all of his trials.

    Hope he is suing the responsible persons.

    The excuse will be: a procedural error.

    Now 5 days behind bars for no reason!

  3. He subsequently won a series of legal battles against Supachai, and Chulalongkorn University eventually stripped the official of his doctorate after an investigation found that 80% of his thesis had been taken from various sources.

    Ellis, an agricultural consultant who has worked with the UN’s environmental programme, was the subject of nine legal complaints by Supachai, the former director of the Thai national innovation agency (NIA), but won or settled all of them.

    Supachai, for his part, was convicted of criminal forgery of Ellis’s employment contract in 2012. He was fined and given a suspended prison sentence, and was sacked by the NIA in February.

    Has Supachai still his doctorate?
    That would cast a very bad light on the whole Chulalongkorn University,
    and would reduce the value of this title worldwide for all true researchers and doctoral students from that University.
    I am dismayed that the Scientific Council of the University not clearly responding here.

  4. What is really true, no one knows.

    "Izaan left Thailand via Suvarnabhumi International Airport on August 16 to China and then headed to Bangladesh."
    Would indeed lead to a picture, a name and a passport number.

    "Mieraili said Izaan told him to buy bomb-making chemicals via Internet to make bombs."

    That would indeed lead to order documents and addresses.

    "Mieraili said Izaan commanded the operation by using WhatsApp chatting application."
    Thailand should made a nice inquire at NSA for connecting documentation and IP´s.

    I hope that they catch these scum of cowardly bombers.

  5. What a mess.
    Who is really pursued and must fear for their lives, should be granted asylum.
    There is an asylum procedure that this actual threat has been detected.
    There are detention centers. Most, however, are economic immigrants.
    Many destroy their identity documents in order to cheat the asylum procedure.
    Furthermore, there is a quota key that regulates the distribution of refugees to the EU countries. But here it seems to be, that the refugees themselves here choose their desired country / city. The EU - States should ensure as quickly as for the correct application of the right to asylum. Furthermore, the right of asylum is only a temporary residence permit.
    If the life-threatening conditions no longer exists in the country of origin, then the refugees should be sent back home.

    And here then start the games.
    They then want not go back. If the return is pending, many disappear and the managing authorities can not longer reach them.
    And for each permanent residence permit then follow 10 other family members (children, parents, uncles, etc.).

    I support the German constitution for asylum seekers with a temporary residence permit,
    but the economic immigrants should be send back respectively not get grant entry.

  6. Where is the value of a life in Thailand? Such a stupid thing to kill someone for and these are the people who are paid to protect others. When will the Gov realize they need to find people who want to be in the police who really care and want to help others and value truth and justice and life and order.

    Last year there was a wedding party in the village that we used to live in in thre countryside of Ubon. A 14 year old kid from another village came to the party with a couple of friends. He didn't like the face of a local 12 year old kid so he shot him in the head in front of everyone there.

    (In this context "face" as in the Thai version of face.)

    I still cannot believe it and I only saw the kid a couple of times previously. Everyone else in the village soon moved on and it was never mentioned again.

    Life doesn't have the same value or meaning in Thailand as we give it, or certainly not as much as I value it.

    That is hardcore Isaan.

    It run here some mentally disabled persons around freely.

    It is not excluded that some end up in the police service.


  7. As long as it is not clearly established that:

    No criminals and/or corrupt people on electoral lists!

    No criminals and/or corrupt people in government, parliament or as a civil servant!

    Exclude are all persons from the Parliament and from electoral lists which

    a have criminal records.

    b running free on bail.

    c were already banned from parliament in the past.

    d against are corruption or crime cases opened.

    I would reject any constitution.

    And this polarizing, generalizing drivel, - red / yellow - shirt brings nothing.
    Each camp has its black sheeps.

    ….because of controversial clauses relating to the National Strategic Reform and Reconciliation Committee, the "outsider" prime minister and the appointed senators.

    That's always a problem. The question is who appoints who?
    And the last, which I wants to see in such a veto – committee, are the ex-police chiefs, the retired generals and old former politicians.

    Would be much better coupling the seats with the state lottery.
    Every two years, they should give away the seats with the lottery.
    Anyone can win 2.4 million baht salary for two years.
    The obligation for each winner is then to devote his service to the country for two years, to control the parliamentarians.
    And if some politician again try to rape the country, this random members can block the government with a 2/3 majority.

    Perhaps this solution would be transitionally more democratically alive, than to equip the old dinosaurs with a big veto right.

  8. "He predicted that those who disagree with the draft charter will later try to have it amended..."

    This is a faulty conclusion.

    Should by any remote possibility a fair election be held in the future. A representative govt. ought not to think of amendments. That would be like trying to make a "silk purse out of a sow's ear"

    The only thing that would extend representative input to a constitution, would be to turf the one resulting from the current situation, and proceed with Democratic principles being the guiding force for construction of such a thing.

    I wont hold my breath for any such electoral eventuality however.

    Now whose Democratic principles should be chosen? TRT, Democrats, the USA model, the UK model, Australian, EU, German, Syrian, Egyptian, North or South Korean, South African, Zimbabwean, Sudanese, Malaysian, Singaporean or any other of the 160 countries in the world?

    What your version of Democracy is will perhaps be different from mine, Thais or most other people in the world.

    There is NO one size "Democracy" that fits all.

    Do you believe that it is right for you to wish for and impose your version of Democracy on the Thai people whether they want it or not?

    It is a Thai problem for them to sort out for themselves not for outsiders to impose.

    If you put your low grade rant on hold, it might dawn on you that in fact the whole issue is about Thais deciding what form of democratic government they want.A minority of Thais however want to bludgeon and silence the majority.That is the problem.

    Why are you so rude?

    "If you put your low grade rant on hold...."

    A minority of Thais however want to bludgeon and silence the majority.

    This state of affairs exists here for more then 100 years.

    So relax.

  9. The problem is that nearly 95% of the people have no understanding of the charter draft.
    A poll revealed that 61.0% of them have no understanding of the charter draft, while 34.4% have little understanding on only some issues.

    here is indeed still a considerable need for explanations, clarifications and for discussions.
    A Pros and Cons TV broadcast / discussion would be good, but only with honest people who have no criminal records.

    Excluded should be all persons which

    a have criminal records.

    b running free on bail.

    c were already banned from parliament in the past.

    d against are corruption or crime cases opened.

    There is absolutely no need to give those old ugly faces a platform again.

  10. They should immediately imprison any former Education minister. All of them have made the department the most corrupt in Thailand and gorged themselves on the public trough, while the teachers and students suffered. Why hasn't this guy faced the firing squad yet? I thought that was the purpose of the new anti-corruption penalties.

    Why is there not a simple asset / income verification carried out.

    Just looking the declared assets in the tax declaration and the real assets.

    So all securities, stock- market papers, land, houses, cars, gold chains, cash holdings, etc. should be checked.

    Of course that should be including the entire household.

    It's quick and does not hurt.

    And not that anyone thinks I'm biased.

    The asset / income verification should be carried out for all high-ranking civil servants (police, army, government, administration, etc.)

    Unfortunately, Thailand has not as an independent tax police.

    Maybe the Assets Examination Committee can do this?

  11. Good read from September 25, 2013

    The Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives has urged the government to set up a central unit to control the costs of the rice pledging scheme, and to ensure that farmers are actually getting the money meant for them under the programme.

    As a responsible prime chairperson of the rice Committee, there should be all alarm bells ringing.

    Then December 18, 2013

    The Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) today came out for the first time to dismiss deputy commerce minister’s claim that the bank still have enough money to pay farmers selling rice to government under the 2013/2014 crop year.

    It is obvious that some posters here do not know, how the rice scheme was organized.

    Attached a small graphic.
    Funny detail with the CCTV's.


  12. No theft in the Rice scam?

    read this:


    Previously, the Thailand Development Research Institute estimated that the pledging programme had cost the country Bt660 billion.

    It further alleged that about one-sixth of that cost, or Bt123 billion, went to politicians involved in the rice-subsidy project.

    This was not a subsidy, but was a systematically planned theft of taxpayers money.

    Unfortunately the prosecutors and courts are here too slow and flabby to get back the embezzled money.

    With Baht all schools in the country could be modernized.

    Those responsible have cheated the children of this country to get better education opportunities.

    And those who try to justify this deception in a hairsplitting manner, should be ashamed.

    This figure is not based on investigation, it's an estimate from their so-called model and is obviously politically biased. The figures displayed after investigation (i.e. in judicial investigation) don't fit with it.

    As far as I know (please add more if you have other proven cases involving politicians), we only have the so-called fake g-to-g deals worth around THB 600 million (the deal, not the fraud amount). It's not been judged and I don't think they have shown proof of payment to politicians yet.

    If these numbers would be based on current investigations/court actions, I would applaud the prosecutors and the courts.

    Corruption unfortunately is not confined to one political direction.

    No this figures are not "obviously politically biased".

    One-sixth as a percentage of corruption, I think it is even too low.

    If the investigating authorities were not so lazy and would not be so linked with the thieves , the people of this country could not be so easily stolen.

    It does not matter who is in power, whether the red, yellow, green or whatever color.

    As long as the money-hungry corrupt people with impunity allowed to keep their booty here, the honest people are the idiots.

    I hope there is in the future a joint movement in Thailand of honest people, regardless of t-shirt colors, which have the muzzle full of thieves in the civil service.

    Are u seriously telling me that the junta isn't able to pin 4bn USD worth of theft on any politician? Oh please.

    Accept that that figure is a complete thumbsuck and move on. There isn't proof of politicians stealing 125bn, just surmises and estimates. How did they steal it if it's so obvious.

    Not think of a single individual.

    Think of a water money pipe all over Thailand.

    With 10,000 holes in the pipe.

    There are 500 politicians in the country of various parties. When someone says politicians stole money, in my mind they mean Mps.

    So you are saying loads and loads of people stole money. Not Mps? Not Yingluk, not the reds, not thaksin?

    Who? The other side? Coz 4bn is a pretty big number.


    Are you really so naive and think that this gigantic rice program has expired without corruption and scam?

    In any case, many politicians have personally filled up there pockets.

    And not only the MPs, also the regional politicians, the whole chain down to the village Pu jai Ban,

    and in between also a lot of officials in the administrative organizations.

    Who is to have benefited from the funds?

    Mostly big scale farmers, rice millers, storage owners, rice wholesalers and transporters as Natthawut.

    With a so uncontrolled and open money distribution system there are win win partnerships have formed quickly.

    There were almost no control mechanism. They didn`t knew how much rice were actually in the warehouses and how much liquidity the BACC really had.

    With the right friends in the crucial interfaces along the distribution chain, all of them could well siphon off their share.

    The talk as though you are quoting facts. Many politicians have filled up their pockets?


    Yes millers and warehouses got paid. Are they supposed to provide services for free? That isn't corruption and not in the surmised 125bn

    So puyai ban are corrupt. On everything including the rice scheme. They caused 4bn usd of corruption?

    The 19mn of stock number was checked by the junta and found to be accurate.

    Could well siphon off. Once again another personal guess. If u think this massive so called corruption happened from a state organisation and the junta can't prosecute it, what does that say, really.

    They are sitting on the evidence for a rainy day?

    There was corruption, but I doubt 125bn. They have prosecuted the cases they had of a 50k tonne out of 60or 70 million already.

    The loss can be easily reconciled with the volume purchased, prices paid, costs incurred and sale prices in the market. Screaming there was endemic corruption with zero proof doesn't make it real.

    Well, then we want hope, that the 60,000 pages of evidence in the YL process, plus the outstanding 25.000 corruption cases from the NACC, brings then a little light into the darkness.


    Highlights of the report included the legal implications of graft cases. The bill, if enacted, would derail 24 cases initiated by the Assets Examination Committee and 25,331 cases launched by the NACC. Of the total graft cases being investigated, some 400 cases involved high-level politicians and another 666 cases were already at the indictment stage.

  13. No theft in the Rice scam?

    read this:


    Previously, the Thailand Development Research Institute estimated that the pledging programme had cost the country Bt660 billion.

    It further alleged that about one-sixth of that cost, or Bt123 billion, went to politicians involved in the rice-subsidy project.

    This was not a subsidy, but was a systematically planned theft of taxpayers money.

    Unfortunately the prosecutors and courts are here too slow and flabby to get back the embezzled money.

    With Baht all schools in the country could be modernized.

    Those responsible have cheated the children of this country to get better education opportunities.

    And those who try to justify this deception in a hairsplitting manner, should be ashamed.

    This figure is not based on investigation, it's an estimate from their so-called model and is obviously politically biased. The figures displayed after investigation (i.e. in judicial investigation) don't fit with it.

    As far as I know (please add more if you have other proven cases involving politicians), we only have the so-called fake g-to-g deals worth around THB 600 million (the deal, not the fraud amount). It's not been judged and I don't think they have shown proof of payment to politicians yet.

    If these numbers would be based on current investigations/court actions, I would applaud the prosecutors and the courts.

    Corruption unfortunately is not confined to one political direction.

    No this figures are not "obviously politically biased".

    One-sixth as a percentage of corruption, I think it is even too low.

    If the investigating authorities were not so lazy and would not be so linked with the thieves , the people of this country could not be so easily stolen.

    It does not matter who is in power, whether the red, yellow, green or whatever color.

    As long as the money-hungry corrupt people with impunity allowed to keep their booty here, the honest people are the idiots.

    I hope there is in the future a joint movement in Thailand of honest people, regardless of t-shirt colors, which have the muzzle full of thieves in the civil service.

    Are u seriously telling me that the junta isn't able to pin 4bn USD worth of theft on any politician? Oh please.

    Accept that that figure is a complete thumbsuck and move on. There isn't proof of politicians stealing 125bn, just surmises and estimates. How did they steal it if it's so obvious.

    Not think of a single individual.

    Think of a water money pipe all over Thailand.

    With 10,000 holes in the pipe.

    There are 500 politicians in the country of various parties. When someone says politicians stole money, in my mind they mean Mps.

    So you are saying loads and loads of people stole money. Not Mps? Not Yingluk, not the reds, not thaksin?

    Who? The other side? Coz 4bn is a pretty big number.


    Are you really so naive and think that this gigantic rice program has expired without corruption and scam?

    In any case, many politicians have personally filled up there pockets.

    And not only the MPs, also the regional politicians, the whole chain down to the village Pu jai Ban,

    and in between also a lot of officials in the administrative organizations.

    Who is to have benefited from the funds?

    Mostly big scale farmers, rice millers, storage owners, rice wholesalers and transporters as Natthawut.

    With a so uncontrolled and open money distribution system there are win win partnerships have formed quickly.

    There were almost no control mechanism. They didn`t knew how much rice were actually in the warehouses and how much liquidity the BACC really had.

    With the right friends in the crucial interfaces along the distribution chain, all of them could well siphon off their share.

  14. No theft in the Rice scam?

    read this:


    Previously, the Thailand Development Research Institute estimated that the pledging programme had cost the country Bt660 billion.

    It further alleged that about one-sixth of that cost, or Bt123 billion, went to politicians involved in the rice-subsidy project.

    This was not a subsidy, but was a systematically planned theft of taxpayers money.

    Unfortunately the prosecutors and courts are here too slow and flabby to get back the embezzled money.

    With Baht all schools in the country could be modernized.

    Those responsible have cheated the children of this country to get better education opportunities.

    And those who try to justify this deception in a hairsplitting manner, should be ashamed.

    This figure is not based on investigation, it's an estimate from their so-called model and is obviously politically biased. The figures displayed after investigation (i.e. in judicial investigation) don't fit with it.

    As far as I know (please add more if you have other proven cases involving politicians), we only have the so-called fake g-to-g deals worth around THB 600 million (the deal, not the fraud amount). It's not been judged and I don't think they have shown proof of payment to politicians yet.

    If these numbers would be based on current investigations/court actions, I would applaud the prosecutors and the courts.

    Corruption unfortunately is not confined to one political direction.

    No this figures are not "obviously politically biased".

    One-sixth as a percentage of corruption, I think it is even too low.

    If the investigating authorities were not so lazy and would not be so linked with the thieves , the people of this country could not be so easily stolen.

    It does not matter who is in power, whether the red, yellow, green or whatever color.

    As long as the money-hungry corrupt people with impunity allowed to keep their booty here, the honest people are the idiots.

    I hope there is in the future a joint movement in Thailand of honest people, regardless of t-shirt colors, which have the muzzle full of thieves in the civil service.

    Are u seriously telling me that the junta isn't able to pin 4bn USD worth of theft on any politician? Oh please.

    Accept that that figure is a complete thumbsuck and move on. There isn't proof of politicians stealing 125bn, just surmises and estimates. How did they steal it if it's so obvious.

    Not think of a single individual.

    Think of a water money pipe all over Thailand.

    With 10,000 holes in the pipe.

  15. On a foundation of feudal patronage you simply cannot build a democratic structure

    absolute consent.

    Democracy also means more equal distribution of wealth and equal rights.

    In the past, in the transition from feudal to democratic forms, there were historically two ways.

    - Revolution, the oppressed against the oppressors. (And after the revolution are not always democracies emerged.)

    - Or transformation in the process over time, where the oppressed increasingly get more rights, more justice and increased wealth.

    Which way Thailand wants to go, is unclear.

    You are confusing democracy with socialism or communism. Democracy says nothing about equal distribution of wealth.

    more equal of wealth.

    Please do not misquote!

    Opposite feudal dominions and more democratic forms, a different (flatter curve) is observed regarding the distribution of wealth.

    Look the list of coutries measured with gini koeffizient of wealth inequality.

    You'll be amazed what countries you'll find there.

    And after you can rate the extent to which countries are democratic.

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