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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. Corruption everywhere you look. Even with safety-relevant systems, officials sometimes turn a blind eye for extra money. What is the reason why the bus inspections can only be carried out from January to June. That's incomprehensible to me.
  2. 100kg poorly packaged. The sniffer dogs must have been wagging their tails in excitement miles before the plane landed.
  3. Corruption and scammers everywhere you look. Unfortunately, it is common practice in Thailand that you can use “money under the table payments” to buy some shortcuts or relief in the official legal system.
  4. Yes. 5 million baht of corruption money confiscated. That makes big headlines. This is as ridiculous as a chicken letting out a fart in a chicken farm.
  5. That's right. But if you add consumer loans from the private sector, things look bleak in Thailand. The majority of the Thai population is up to their ears in personal debt already. And now the goverment try to max out there loans for public spending.
  6. If Thailand managed to properly combat corruption and properly tax the top 5 percent of the richest Thais, the country would not need to take out loans.
  7. Such regulations only open the door to extortion of street vendors, where officials can then generously "turn a blind eye" in exchange for pocket money.
  8. Looks more like a PR Show for the public. "Look we are doing something." It's ridiculous.
  9. There are many civil servants who make you wonder: How can they afford and own all the magnificent villas, luxury cars, hotels, estates, holiday resorts, gold jewelry, stock packages, expensive private hospitals, first class fight tickets, etc. with their official salaries. You don't need Sherlock Homes to realize that there is unusual wealth there. This is as obvious and easy to see as there is no prostitution in Soi 6 or the Adams apple from a ladyboy.
  10. Exactly. That is more work for them. Thailand needs a central police data center where all reported scam activities are recorded nationwide. If a lot of reports are received for a specific scam account, the bank should at least freeze the account and the information about the account holder should be released so that at least civil lawsuits can be brought.
  11. I don't see it that way. Example: Someone buys a watch on a Facebook page. The buyer verifies the seller's identity and receives a photo of the buyer's ID. The name on the ID corresponds to the name of the account holder. The buyer transfers his money. After a while the buyer realizes that he has been cheated. He files a police report about fraud. The buyer informs the sellers bank about the fraud and also sends the police report requesting that the transfer be reversed. And what does the bank do then? Nothing. Because the banks are simply not obliged to take action in such cases. And the seller continues his scams using the same account. Banks in particular have the opportunity to check accounts for scam activity. Especially if there are multiple reports against a scammer account.
  12. That is an easy way to force visitors to pay. 40 million visitors x 300 = 12000000000 Baht. Or 12000 Million Baht. Once again a huge trough is filled with money. How much of the money will actually be used to improve tourism infrastructure? It is reasonable to assume that a large part of the money will again seep away into dark channels and private pockets with corruption-infected projects.
  13. True. The gem scam has probably been running for over 30 years.
  14. It's a shame that you can't see in the photo which brand of wristwatch he's currently wearing. I love luxury watches and always look what watchmodels prominent people are wearing.
  15. There are still so many problems to solve before Thailand's wet tax revenue dreams come true. In all DTAs, the basic principle is, that the country where the income arose is first entitled to the tax. In Thailand you have to submit your tax return for 2024 no later than at 31 March 2025. In my home country I have to submit my tax return for 2024 by 31 December 2025 at the latest. For example, anyone who has income from renting and leasing abroad usually cannot technically declare their tax income to Thailand early as in March 31st.
  16. That's not what I meant. I see a problem in the synchronization of taxes and immigration dates. Example: Someone has their annual extention appointment at Immigration on January 15th. His permit to stay in Thailand expires on February 14th. He submits all documents to Immigrarion on January 15th, except his tax OK certificate. However, according to tax law, he is only obliged to submit his tax return by March 31st at the latest. What happens now to this foreigner? Will his application be rejected just because he doesn't have his tax certificate? or can't do it in time. Must he leave then Thailand on Februar 14th because he can not get his tax Ok paper so quick? For example, if someone applies for their annual extension to immigration in October, it will be easier for them. The regional tax office will probably have processed his tax case by October (April 1 to October would be enough time). There will be in practice a timing problem within two Thai institutions.
  17. The immigration and tax authorities working together in a coordinated manner will not happen any time soon. There is no central data network at all. And there are still many hurdles. What about those who want to extend their annual stay between January and March but have not yet submitted their tax return for the old year? As a taxpayer, if you know that you must pay something, submit your tax return on the last possible day (in Thailand March 31st). How long does it take the regional tax offices to prepare the tax invoice, including the specific DTA of my home country? That the regional Tax Somchai should be able to calculate this correctly with his Excel 95 program so that I receive my tax OK document so that I can apply for my annual extension? Lol Or what generally happens if you were in Thailand for fewer than 180 days a year in the previous year. Will you then be denied the extension for another year (which in 99% of all cases overlapping 2years, i.e. does not correspond to the calendar year)? Or what happens if I swap for 2 weeks between March 25th. and April 10th. my place of residence with TM30 notification? That would mean that on March 31st. another regional tax office would be responsible for me. Currently it will probably take at least many months for this information to travel from regional tax office Ban Nok in Nongkai to the tax office in Ban Durian in Surattani.
  18. It always depends on the individual case. In the years before 2024 I always brought/sent and spent at least 2-3 million TBH per year to/in. Thailand. Now in 2024 I was able to officially reduce my banktransfers to 400K. There are other ways to bring money into Thailand. I have now completely stopped my investment plans in 2024: no 5 million condo purchase and no Thai stock purchases to set up an investment fund for my daughter (6 million TBH were planned). This will only happen once it is 100% clear that I do not have to pay taxes for the capital import from my savings (which were already taxed in my home country in the years 2000-2020). And in addition, now comes the second toad that i have to swallow: I should also pay differential taxes on my dividends, rental income and interest income (which are taxed every year in my home country)? I just look at my fist and put a finger up there. The paper war with the annual extension of my marriage visa is enough for me. And now also a highly complicated tax paper war, with provincial tax officials who certainly don't have the fundamental know-how, so that I then have to spend another 50K on a tax professional from Bangkok? No way. For 2025 I will 100% not stay in Thailand for 180 days+. I have too much to lose financially. I'd rather spend my hard-earned money in other countries. Southern Europe in summer and some months in wintertime like Philippines, Vietnam, etc until the fog of tax uncertainty clears.
  19. That is not theoretical. I paid my tax advisor, who teach in two Thai universities tax law, for input how I can do in my case avoid double tax paying. So my options in my case are clear. Good luck for everybody with this anyoing Thai tax stress.
  20. That is not right. If the TRD has any suspicions, they can check your Thai bank accounts.
  21. Yes. Can happen. Or you must pay a professional tax advisor from Bangkok, who declare all this to somchai.
  22. Yes. But I never heard that a bargirl file a tax report. But if she get an order to come to her regional tax office, she can declare the money as loans aka credits from her boyfriend.
  23. Yes. Currently it is right. But you have to proof that the money you send was earned before. 1.1.2024. Problem is, that nobody know which documents somchai in his tax office in narkon nowhere accept. More save is to stay out from Thailand for 6 months plus x days. In this year you are then a non tax resident. In this year - as a non tax resident - you can transfer tax-free your 500K US.
  24. No. I am talking about the foreigners who send money via banktransfer from abroad to bargirls. To avoid that the girls had to pay taxes, it is helpfull to write on the bank transfers slip: Credit for .... A credit is something you have to pay back, but it is not taxable income.
  25. Right. So if you declare your money transfers as a credit, then it isn't taxable.
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