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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. The constitution prohibits the caretaker government from reshuffling permanent officials and officials of state enterprises. Classic. If it suits them, the call comes to bow to their constitution. If not, they give a poo on it and they simply disregard the existing law in an autocratic manner.
  2. NACC secretary-general Niwatchai Kasemmongkol said that they cannot reveal publish all the investigative reports about the case to protect the safety of the witnesses..... LOL. What kind of witnesses should there have been? The sellers in luxury watch shops? It's unbelievable how stupid they think the population is.
  3. What a sick man. Would murder his own child if it refused to wear a school uniform? Advocates breaking campaign promises and cheating the electorate? It is only disgusting to even think and say something like that publicly. The right place for him is certainly not on a seat in Parliament, but in an enclosed room with rubber walls. This man has zero morals, honor and human ethics.
  4. ... In all honesty, PT could’ve avoided this charade. Eleven months — a pittance in the grand scale of politics — would’ve allowed the dust to settle, the senate’s power diluted, and democracy’s reign secured... I agree. The chance to stand for a more clean policy, totally wasted. As always, the will of the voters is completely irrelevant to the actors. Election promises are broken without any scruples. I hope PT voters will remember that.
  5. ... Among other offences, he is understood to be facing a charge under Section 157 of Thailand’s Criminal Code relating to neglect of duty, failure to perform his duties in a proper manner and dishonesty... At least the following should be added to the indictment: - Extortion - Deprivation of liberty - Body harm - Intentionally misstatement - Abuse of office - and he is a repeat offender. There should be jail time, not just a transfer to an inactive post.
  6. The PT leadership is short-sighted. The coup 9 years ago was mainly instigated to break the power of the Thaksin clan. And now the army senators should vote for the return of Thaksin? I have my doubts about that. On the other hand, the PT leadership betrays the 8-party coalition and destroys trust among them and their voters. If the pro-democracy parties abstain or oppose Srettha as PM, PT could left out and standing alone in the rain.
  7. Unlucky for him. If he were a member of another party, that probably wouldn't be a problem, considering the other figures hanging around in Parliament with a dark past.
  8. The best thing for Thailand would be if they had politicians which are honest, incorruptible, which always keep their word, pay their taxes and have no criminal history. Unfortunately, those to whom this applies are mercilessly sawed off and disqualified, from the group of dirty politicians, who have skeletons in the closet.
  9. What a mess. Postponed, postponed, postponed. At the end, as a climax, they will possibly cancel the result of the May election.
  10. PT leadership has no backbone. Betrayal of their constituents. Greedy opportunists.
  11. Campaign promises broken. Just to get there snouts into the taxpayer trough as quickly as possible. Disgusting.
  12. Agree. 9 years of standstill and/or regression in all areas: - Modernization of the school and education system? - Excellence in research? - Better health care for all Thais? - Set up a pension system? - Land reform? - Modernization of the authorities? - Police reform? - Reducing the national debt? - Strengthening democracy? - Investments in future technologies? - Water and sewage security? - Road safety? - Waste management? - Flood prevention? - Reduction of corruption? - Reform of the penal laws? - Economic growth? - Better distribution of income? - Transparency in government spending? - and much more.
  13. ....Move Forward, which has a zero-based budgeting policy, which requires all expenses to be justified and approved in each new budget period... To me, as a taxpayer in Thailand, that sounds right. How are the others doing it? Simply reach into the tax fund and make expenses that are neither checked nor necessary? That this is even possible; I could puke.
  14. The big trading companies like 7-11, Lotus, Big C, Makro should be obliged by law to take back their plastic packaging waste on the islands and bring it back to the mainland for recycling. For this purpose, collection containers should be set up. The delivery vehicles could then take the garbage back with them on the way back to the mainland.
  15. 10 months is not a big deal. The last 9 years have not exactly been characterized by high dynamism, reforms and a sack of good ideas. Standing still for 10 more months doesn't hurt that much either.
  16. As long as all pro-democracy parties stand together with their 2/3 majority, they can only win. If they sit this out until the end of May 2024, then the time from this army-ordained blockade senators will end. Then a new group of Senators comes in, which will appointed by a more grassroots process. There is then hope that the new Senate will recognize democratically elected majorities.
  17. 2100 million Baht for finger scanner and PC cameras. At a rough estimate, if Thailand has 525 control boxes nationwide; that would be 4 million Baht per checkpoint or 120000 US dollars. An exceptionally expensive affair. It should be verifiable what the individual components cost in a bulk purchase.
  18. A convicted heroin dealer as MP in Parliament? How sick is that. Unbelievable. And then he also has assets over 1000 million baht. Must be a very hard worker. Too bad Thailand doesn't have a proper tax investigation police. https://aseannow.com/topic/1300938-thai-anti-corruption-commission-reveals-asset-details-of-former-mps-thammanat-and-chad/
  19. That would be the key for success for the 8 party coalition, if the Senate will not respect the voters will. Wait until Mai 2024.
  20. When you read his statement i get the feeling that the old general doesn't even know what democracy is. Why should the majority sacrifice themselves for a small elite minority? That's rubbish.
  21. I think so too. 112 is just artificially inflated. The great fear of the old guard is, that suddenly clean people will come and check their wealth, finances, income, tax returns, real estate, accounts, foreign assets, share packages, etc. for unusual or inexplicable wealth and plausibility. Furthermore the abolition of compulsory military service would also mean very large financial losses for this clientele.
  22. That's what needs to be modernized. Mitigation of the extremely harsh penalties and that this law can not be abused to eliminate political opponents. A reform proposal is by no means automatically an insult.
  23. The old junta parties have been voted out by the Thais with a clear majority. Now they are only bad losers and block any change although the election winners have a 2/3 majority in Parliament. It is precisely this blocking strategy that the pro-democracy coalition should pursue until end of May 2024 when a new Senate will be appointed with a new selection process.
  24. A popularly elected 2/3 majority in Parliament cannot determine who becomes PM. Maybe the word "democracy" should be deleted from the Thai constitution for a better understanding.
  25. PT is losing its political soul and is now opposing the populace, which clearly voted for change and against the old junta guard. PT shows no backbone to fight for democracy in Thailand. The pro-democracy parties only had to stand together until the end of May 2024. Simply participate in a 10-month blockade. Ultimately, it is the Senate that blocks the will of the people. Just keep bringing in new PM candidates one after another, all of which are rejected by the Senate, to keep tearing the mask off the Senate so everyone can see the folly of these superfluous institution without any mandat from the people.
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