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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. True. But also many parents send there kid for buying, while the play bokdeng or hilow. 555 That is Thailand Coutry life.
  2. Thx for the details. It is positive that a law that affects all people in Thailand is being discussed in public. Negative is the childish reaction from Mr. Kaholban, who sees questioning the law as a personal attack. That is the dilemma in Thailand and shows the level at which laws are passed by egomaniacs.
  3. On the one hand you mix up existing legislation and on the other hand what the Thais make of it. Most M&P shops live from hand to mouth. There is not much to be gained by the police. Most M&P shops know their customers, especially in the villages. No problem buying alcohol during the prohibited times. But, it's still illegal. And if an unknown Thai comes into an M&P shop and has polished black shoes on, he definitely won't get any alcohol during the prohibited times.
  4. Maybe 500000 come or not this year. Who knows. What speaks for his assumption is that we traditionally have a Peak Season from December 15th to January 15th, around Christmas and New Year's Eve. The increasing lockdowns in Europe could also lead to additional short-term bookings. "Better on the beach in sunny Thailand than locked up at home." In the end, nobody knows.
  5. It's awkward. But the small salespeople in the supermarket chains can't help it. Their cash register systems are timed with the alcohol barcodes.
  6. Thailand even has a research institute. CAS Center for Alcohol Studies www.cas.or.th But not that anyone thinks that Booze will be tested all day there. ???? Rather the opposite. It is about the general alcohol restriction strategy for Thailand. Small pdf attached, with the timeline of the measures. Interesting e.g. from their own survey, 96,7% of the respondents said that they are able to get alcohol within 7 minutes. They actually provide evidence that their purchase restrictions are ineffective. TiT Alcohol-Control-Policies-in-Thailand.pdf
  7. On 6 February 2008 they made the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act to countrywide law. See section 27 On July 22, 2015, the Office of the Prime Minister of Thailand issued an amendment to the country’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Act Under the amended Act, alcohol may not be sold “within 300 meters of the ‘fence’ of universities and colleges, both public and private. That is law history. Do not ask me if that make sense.
  8. Interesting. This article is from 17 May 2013 But in the Text they talk about 2015. "Why? Because the government made these five Buddhist holidays as ‘Alcohol-free days’ back in 2015, and that has not changed since then."
  9. Do not worry. I am here since 27 years. And quoted the laws and the ratification dates. What people made of it before and after is different. But let's stop the hair splissing. Brings nothing.
  10. https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Translation:Alcoholic_Beverage_Control_Act,_BE_2551_(2008)
  11. You're right. As an old Thailand veteran you can get along well. But fresh tourists are surprised when they stand at the cash register and hear: "Can not". Then maybe they read the stickers on the refrigerators and try to understand the meaning of the permitted sales times. Unfortunately, every ban or restriction is also a popular source of income for the BiB and promotes corruption.
  12. In 2008 the law came with the 300 meter zone around schools. In 2015, the sales times were also restricted from 2pm to 5pm, nationwide, even on weekends, regardless of whether there is a school nearby or not. Even Pipat cannot think of any reasons for this.
  13. The law is also stupid and only make up propaganda. I don't know any students who are unable to get their alcohol when they want to party.
  14. 2pm - 5pm rule is from 2015 No alk in schools was from 2008
  15. https://www.loc.gov/item/global-legal-monitor/2015-08-14/thailand-alcohol-banned-near-educational-institutions/
  16. The 2pm to 5pm rule. In school zones is 24 hours no Alk.
  17. This Rule is still in order and means no alcohol for 24 hours in school zones, same for shops on gas stations. The 2pm - 5pm nonsense is a extra horse.
  18. You can either buy alcohol or not. The three hours of sales break are only inconvenient.
  19. Doesn't do much. Just delay the next waves. Instead of controlling the lockdowns via the number of infections, the control variable should better be the available bed capacity in the hospitals and generally home quarantine for cases without symptoms. That mankind believes he can defeat the virus with all his prohibitions and isolation measures is an illusion, as the last 2 years have shown. Just like with the flu, which comes back more or less every year.
  20. Porn Pros: - reduces rape - helpful with lookdowns - teaching material - stimulates the joy of experimentation - is multicultural Porn Cons: - can lead to physically inferiority complexes (SDS) - can lead to brutality in the case of inadequate sex education (love vs sex)
  21. Test and Go, Sandbox, AQ, QQ, AHQ and SQ. TP, COE, TM8, TM6 SHA, SHA+, SHA++, ATK, RT-PCR Mor Prom, Mor Chana, QR Plus all Visa Variants. That sounds complicated and is not tourist-/costumerfriendly.
  22. If you are not invited to a worldwide democracy summit, you simply do not meet the requirements to attend. As simple as it is.
  23. Personal experience is always decisive for evaluating any situation. As far as the IT sector is concerned, one can criticize the discrepancy between full mouth announcement and functional execution. Be it Thaipass, 90 days online reporting, TM 30 reporting app, Mor Chana app, eVisa system, etc. there are unfortunately many cases with errors, up to system "not working." And when these systems, some of which are important, are inadequate, and people have to try for hours, then give up in frustration, they get angry. It's a normal reaction.
  24. Agree with you. To put it nicely, a lot here has no concept and many provisional isolated solutions. The best thing to do is to try to get the yellow international vaccination book. I think the central health server is in Nontaburi. Your data will then be guaranteed to be entered in the system. Much luck.
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