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Posts posted by Sarpedon

  1. He looked pretty good considering that was his first game with very little time training witht he rest of the first team squad. I think he needs to keep in mind his defensive duties but i was impressed with the forward runs he was making.

    Was hard for him in this game as Davids was coming infield quite often thus leaving him exposed on the left. With more training with the rest of the team i think he will become a very good first team regular..

    From videos i have seen of him...only seconf to Christiano Ronaldo in terms of numbers of stepovers!

  2. Diets are changing for sure...yeah you see the fat kids but also now you see the really tall, chunkier (but not fat) Thai kids. It seems abit outdated to me but isnt being fat a sign of wealth and status...meaning you can afford to eat well and be driven around anywhere you want. It seems like an odd thing in this day and age btu i have heard this a few times when having conversations about obesity in Thailand.

    Again it is down to exercise...regular exercise does wonders. These days its all computer internet or online chatting and playstation...

  3. Shocking performance! Rooney giving the captain a volley of abuse before half time... what formation was being played at the end...did the players even know? and Ferdinand....need i go on?!

    England are playing some terrible football at the moment!! Will be lucky to make the World Cup!

  4. In LOS, and around the world, I have seen all types of couples..model looking guys with model looking girls, ugly guys with model looking girls, ugly girls with model looking guys, thin with fat, young with old,waxed with hairy,rich with poor, smart with stupid etc.. etc...

    But appearances can be decieving, until you know the real story behind the facade, who cares.

    Best post on this subject so far...

  5. I have tried Isaan cha cha cha. I think its quiet close to the HSBC building on sathorn road. Food is good there and the last time i was there they have a band playing inside...I only realised after my friend told me that they are all blind. A nice restaurant...

  6. Maybe Davids will only be around for this season...next sesaon at most. Jenas maybe have to wait a bit but he will get his chance for sure. Davids and Carrick is the partnership for now though. I stil have high hopes for Tainio and Mendes too. Brown and Davis i think will leave in Jan.

    With Kanoute gone and Mido gonna be suspended cuz of that ridiculous red card. Spurs needed another striker with Jol not preferring to play Defoe and Keane together and this guy seems in the same mould as Kanoute or Mido. Tall target man. Lets see how he does in the Premiership.

    I am looking forward to seeing Lee in action though. he looks good on the attack from video clips i have seen...only second to Christiano Ronaldo for the amount of step overs in one game!

  7. I do get mistaken for a Thai...i do sometimes turn a few heads when i start speaking in perfect BBC English though...I am sure though that after hearing my accent they realise that i am English and not just a Thai refusing to act like a Thai!

  8. Actually Poom is just on a season long loan with Justin Hoyte going the other way. Spurs sign Jenas and also a polish striker from Derby called Grzegorz Rasiak. Never heard of him!

    Also have signed Lee Young Pyo from PSV and sold Edman to Rennes and Ziegler is on a season long loan with Hamburg.

    Newcastle also resign Solano. Villa sign Erike Bakke and Ronaldinho signs new contract with Barca.

  9. It will be interesting to see how the barcodes get on now they have bought a few players. Emre was looking good till he got injured. I do wonder if Souness can get them all working as a team though...they are notoriously slow starters but usually come good once the season is fully underway.

    Jenas to Spurs for around 7 mil. Not sure why they have bought him to be honest with the wealth of midfielders they already have. Carrick and Davids to be starters in the centre and then you have Tainio, Mendes Brown and Davis to try and accommodate.

    Jenas has shown promis but not for a long long time...sometimes it is a change of scenery to get things back on track...look how Carrick has come on since he has been at Spurs...on the verge of the England squad!

    Lee Young Pyo (not sure about spelling) has been signed as left back. Looks good and quite attacking. Crosses with his left but does have a habit of stepping back onto his right. Should work well with Reid down the left. Not sure who the left back back up will be though with Edman off to Rennes and Ziegler at hamburg on a seasons long loan.

  10. My nationality is British but my ethnic origin is Taiwanese. Working and living in Thailand i have been mistaken for Thai (until i speak) and mostly Japanese too.

    The first company i worked at was Japanese owned (although i worked on the English language puiblications)...the Thai staff thought i was Japanese, the Japanese staff thought i was Thai and when i told them i was English no one believed me as i look 100% Asian. It was just easier to say i was from Taiwan...

    I have rarely been called a farang...

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