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Posts posted by BonnieandClyde

  1. Some of the seedlings we are going to plant in our herb garden are becoming dry and dead at the tips of their leaves.

    What might cause that?

    The potting soil is kept moist but not too wet.

    Could it be too much sun?  Or perhaps not enough?

    Any information would be appreciated.

  2. 2 minutes ago, cmsally said:

    Actually I would have thought of it as rather strange for anyone other than the home owner to be allowed to set one up. Whatever one believes or non believes , I don't know of anyone that would allow a non resident of their household to mess with this sort of thing within their property boundary.

    We're not "believers" in the same sense that most of the locals are.

    In our case it's just decorative and will be a welcome addition to our garden.


  3. Our part-time housekeeper and friend is a local girl in her early 30s who recently won 10,000 baht in the lottery. 

    She used all or part of our car license plate number and made a vow to set up a spirit house on our property if she won.

    We stepped forward and offered to buy it because we don't like the ornate and garishly colored cement ones.

    What we want is Lanna style teak, and not too big.

    Has anyone seen a good selection for sale in or near Chiang Mai?

    Any information would be appreciated. 


  4. 1 minute ago, geriatrickid said:

    Unfortunately, sometimes this is the only way to defend against a rabid attacking dog. If these people were not attacking and trying to cross the border into Israel, they would not get shot.

    You're trying to defend the indefensible. The horrific photographs and the casualty statistics tell the story.

    The whole world is against the illegal settlements in the West Bank and the blockade of Gaza. The Zionist regime in Israel is on the wrong side of history. 

    It will end the same way that Apartheid South Africa ended.


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. Many thanks for all the helpful replies.

    The Health Forum thread was a good source of information both pro and con. It seems that the worst reported side effects were occasional "vivid" and "weird" dreams.



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  6. 12 minutes ago, orang37 said:

    The Chiang Mai price for this was too high for my budget: I ordered some time-release caps from iHerb on-line; two weeks later they arrived, no customs/duties as usual.


    Effects: doesn't seem to do anything for me, but, the fact I am conjoined human and orangutan mind-souls cohabiting a rapidly declining homo saps meat-package bloated by excess vocabulary may mean something to Morpheus.


    cheers, ~o:37;

    Thanks for that information.

    The iHerb prices look good.


  7. 28 minutes ago, amexpat said:

    Where it can be purchased is an appropriate question for this forum.


    Why ask this motley crew about effectiveness as a sleeping aid; possible negative side effects; etc?


    NHS, MayoClinic.org, WebMd etc etc.  are much better sources. 

    Fair point... although local input might be more relevant to what is available here in Chiang Mai.

  8. We want to make hard cider at home in limited quantities for our own consumption.

    Presumably the laws that apply to homebrewing beer and wine making would apply to hard cider as well.

    Does anyone know what the laws are in Chiang Mai relating to homebrewing?

    Any information would be appreciated.

  9. Chiang Mai has never been a good place to buy games. Cheap Thai versions of Bingo are available and Makrok sets can be had if you're into that.

    Otherwise, as Konini said, ask friends to bring them. Farangland is where they are easy to get and much cheaper.

    One exception might be chessboards.

    For some time now I've been thinking about having a wood inlay chessboard made here. My idea is for 1"X4" teak enclosing inlaid squares of ebony and white maple.

    Ban Tawai and Ban Yuwa are where I'll start looking for a craftsman to do this. I can source the materials myself.

    If you're interested, I'll send a PM letting you know how I've made out and how much it cost.

    Good luck finding what you want.

    Game on...

    Thanks for the information.

    Definitely interested in custom-made chess boards.

    Please do send an update.

  10. This coming year we are expecting a few visits from friends and relatives. There are several age groups among them and we thought board games might be a good way to pass the time when not out and about.

    We have Monopoly already, but are looking for the following:






    Any suggestions on where to get them would be appreciated.

  11. We have some friends and relatives coming to visit in November and would like to take them to this market.

    Does anyone on the forum know if it is open as early as November, and if so, what days?

    Any information would be appreciated.

    It's in full swing already. I've been up twice this fall and I'd say that it's at 90% capacity as far as vendors go. It's only open on Tuesday mornings,and the vendors start shutting down around 1:00pm so get there early. It's on both sides of the Mae Rim (107) road, so you can't miss It!

    Thanks for that useful information.

    We'll make the trip up there for sure.

  12. Our neighbours are having a big birthday party for one of their small children and we would like to contribute to the festivities in some way.

    The idea of helium balloons came up, but we have no idea where to get helium.

    Any information would be appreciated.

  13. Are Persian cats exotic enough?

    We have two who are real party animals - they'd love to attend if it was a children's party, and not too far from Chiang Mai.

    No money required. Please PM details.

  14. I usually bought rough jade (uncut, lump of jade), and had it cut for my needs. On one hand it was easier to buy real, good color jade in rough form. On the other, buying rough is risky. You can never tell exactly what is inside large pieces of rough.

    The markets around the border have everything from glass copy to real jade, although you won't find the really high quality stuff there...but I don't think you are looking for that. You can find some nice pieces at reasonable prices and make sure you bargain really hard and have some fun with it. The Burmese Jade can be very good, but a lot of what is at the markets will be lower quality (color wise) Chinese. Nothing wrong with that. Just do a little research online for what constitutes good color and go hunting.

    But for sure, it will be much, much cheaper than buying in Australia. The Burmese side will be similar goods, probably a bit cheaper, but that side can be a bit of a mess of people.

    Bangkok's Jewelry Trade Center is another place to have a look, but it can be a bit intimidating and less fun, so I would stick to the border markets, try a few of the shops in CM (some of the bead shops have interesting stones) and have fun with it.

    Good luck.

    No doubt there is a potential for good profit in trading jadite rough, for those who know the business.

    Our interest is in cut jade in the form of jewelery and small carvings. The quality of the workmanship is important as well as colour and clarity. However, it doesn't have to be of the highest grade.

    The jade items of the type sold by vendors and small shops is what we and our young relative are looking for. The purpose of opening this topic was to get some basic information about being able to identify real jade, and where to buy it around here.

    Thanks to you and the other posters for sharing your knowledge; it has been a great help.

  15. You are in the right place to buy Burma Jadeite.

    Chiang Mai and the Burmese border markets have an excellent selection. It comes from the mines in the Hpakan region of Upper Burma.

    If you know something about what you are buying and have some bargaining skills you can get good quality jade at reasonable prices.

    With a 10X loupe you will be able to see right away if what you are looking at is real stone. The presence of minute bubbles would indicate glass, plastic, or some sort of synthetic. Real jade of the kind used for ordinary jewellery usually has variations in colour, veins, and inclusions that are readily apparent under magnification.

    Burma Jadeite is harder than steel, so a knife won't scratch it. Weight is another indication - it is noticeably heavier than glass or plastic.

    Detailed information about ways that its colour and translucency can be enhanced can be found online. Although I don't know if there is a quick and easy way that can be detected by the buyer. Jade is usually dipped in wax as a final finishing step. This is considered a normal trade practice.

    Caveat emptor and choke dee.

    Thanks for that useful information.

    We feel more confident already!

    Much appreciated.

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