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Everything posted by Cereal

  1. We have 3 of these pots around our house and they are there for a purpose. Yes, they do attract mosquitos, which is why they are there. The thing is, you must put fish in them. The tiny guppy looking things are perfect. The mosquitos naturally lay their eggs in the standing water and the fish eat the eggs. They help keep the mosquito problem down. people who visit us regularly marvel at how sitting around in our yard mosquitos are simply not an issue.
  2. I completely agree with your wife. They have all the worst qualities of common street beggars.
  3. I gotta agree with this wholeheartedly. Also, when did quoting a bunch of anonymous people and their silly Twitter (now called X) tropes become reporting?
  4. You sound Canadian. Who else would actually write the word eh? I know, I do and I'm a Canuck. Go to a lawyer. Then let him/her go to the media and call the Canadian Embassy. Get the Canadian media involved. Call the Canadian Embassy. The new Canadian Ambassador is unique. She is the first and only Ambassador to a country in which she was born! She is Lao, born here and emigrated to Canada at a very young age. She is the Canadian Ambassador to Thailand, Lao and Cambodia. File a complaint with her. Then go to the Canadian media. They'd run with this and then talk about the school losing face!
  5. This is true. I am a school director and the worst teachers I ever had were university professors with all that alphabet soup after their names. Plus, home schooling lacks the social aspect of going to school. Children grow up without the learned ability of working within a group, which is a vital aspect of working life. Especially in Asia. No, go to a lawyer. Then let him/her go to the media. Plus, the OP sounds like a Canadian. Who else would actually write the word eh? I know, I do and I'm a Canuck. Get the Canadian media involved. Call the Canadian Embassy. The new Canadian Ambassador is unique. She is the first and only Ambassador to a country in which she was born! She is Lao, born here and emigrated to Canada at a very young age. She is the Canadian Ambassador to Thailand, Lao and Cambodia. File a complaint with her. Then go to the Canadian media. They'd run with this and then talk about the school losing face!
  6. There are different levels of murder, only one of which involves premeditation. That would be first degree murder.
  7. What he did was assault and battery leading directly to a person's death. That is murder. How you can support his actions is beyond me. But then again, I am educated and civilized.
  8. Let me put it this way for all of you who seem to defend this murderous thug. Someone was flirting with his girlfriend. So what. If you are secure in your relationship then it doesn't matter who is trying to chat / flirt / pick up / take to bed....your girlfriend. She's either going to go with him or not and you being a jealous Neanderthal is either going to push her away or keep her beside you out of fear. Do you really want a partner to stay with you out of fear? If you do you are evil and likely ticking a few boxes on the psychopathy test. On the other hand, would you like to be with a partner who no one ever found attractive enough to flirt with? If you are, that person is either seriously unattractive or everyone knows you are a jealous Neanderthal who fights because they aren't intelligent enough to deal with normal life situations without resorting to violence. Some people have never evolved much past the cave. They tend to do violent things. Sometimes people get hurt, or dead as in this case. Throw that murderous thug away for a very very long time.
  9. Because he murdered someone for chatting up his girlfriend.
  10. As a Canadian living in Laos with two land crossings per calendar year as of the moment, does this affect me? Can I now cross back and forth? I don't see anything that changes my situation, and all the other falangs I know.
  11. I hope they throw the Brit away for a very long time.
  12. Thailand could have rolled out the decriminalisation of weed with less thought and planning I suppose. I don't see how, but in theory they could have screwed it up more.
  13. Sarcastic facetiousness. I thought that was obvious.
  14. They only have to locate one of them. Finding the identity of one is as easy as asking locals around the scene. Catch one, a little bit of "persuasion", and the cops easily find the others involved. You'd have to be crazy to do anything illegal with someone else!
  15. I don't care about who started it, the cowardice of Thai men is staggering.
  16. Is it just me or is there a statistical relevance to ladyboys and thievery significantly higher that the rest of the population. Or, are they stupid and get caught easier.
  17. That was my immediate guess and I am not surprised in the least. I e seen many such actions whilst living in China. The world is their toilet. That's primarily because China is a toilet. My opinion.
  18. Is the Thai government capable of implementing anything smoothly and appropriately? Use Canada as the shining example of the legalization of marijuana. The government did studies for about 3 years covering every situation from every possible angle and talking to every level of authority. They came up with a plan and went through with legalization. It has been smooth and the government is reaping the benefits in tax dollars. The Thai government wanted tourists to come back. hahahahaha WTF did they think would happen? Rhetorical question. They didn't think at all. Thailand!
  19. I did the same thing with my Lao wife here in Vientiane. The doctor was a filthy slob. His lab coat looked like it could have been boiled for soup stock. His fingernails looked like he'd just come from gardening. When he suggested something ridiculous I pointed to his lab coat and fingernails and then asked him what medical school he went to. He was shocked and told me he was the doctor and if I didn't agree with his advice I could leave. All he saw was the back of my head getting smaller as I calmly walked out the door with my humiliated wife trailing behind. I told her that in Canada, doctors don't look like pigs and are at least semi-intelligent.
  20. Monks good Farangs bad Okay, we get it.
  21. Maybe if those Thai guys got off their lazy arses,got a good education, learned English and got a solid job, Thai women would fancy them. Women want to be taken care of, spoiled and living the good life. I don't think the nationality of the guy is as important as his bank account.
  22. The legalisation of weed in Thailand was done much the same way all of their important decisions seem to be made. Which is of course, with no proper due diligence, no thought process about the implementation, no care given to timelines and how thigs will roll out. Legal weed isn't the problem. The problem is the way everything is done there. There's no freaking plan! Everything is done in an off the cuff half-arsed way. The only wonder is that some things actually work. Canada legalized weed. Where's the problems there? Crickets....it's called planning.
  23. Stricter safety regulations? You mean there actually are safety regulations?
  24. It wasn't my fault. I was bleedin'. Well, alrighty then. 😂
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